Brendan just woke up this mourning and thought this was going to be a dull day like the others, but he realized that his father came back from his trip from Slateport City to help scientist with their research and promised that he can get his own starter poke'mon. He quickly got dressed and ate breakfast. Then he started to his father's lab, eager to get his starter poke'mon. He burst through the door and went to his dad's part of the lab see him working on his computer. Brendan: Hey dad. I'm ready for my poke'mon! Prof Birch: Oh yes. Right this way. Brendan followed his dad to a shiny table with 2 poke'balls. Prof Birch: One has Torchic and one has Mudkip. Someone else took Treeko earlier. Brendan: That's okay, I didn't want Treeko anyway. I'll chose Mudkip! All of a sudden a girl came through the door and ran to the table were Brendan was. She looked like she wanted to get her a starter poke'mon too. Prof Birch: So you want to a starter poke'mon too huh? What's your name sport? Girl: I'm May. Do you still have Torchic? Prof Birch: Well it's your lucky day, our last poke'mon is Torchic. May: Then I chose Torchic! Brendan:< Wow she's cute! She must be the new neighbor that just moved in>. He though Prof Birch: I have a great idea! Why don't you two explore the world of poke'mon together! It might be fun for you. May: I guess. I need help in the poke'mon world. Brendan: That's cool. Prof Birch: Now then, here are 5 poke'balls, A map of the Hoenn region, and a Pokedex for each of you (Hands them to the 2) Good luck! Brendan: Thanks! See you soon! May: Good-bye Professor Birch! Now, there on there own for now. They head towards the small woods to train there poke'mon and to catch some too. Brendan then saw another trainer battling a Poochyenna with his Treeko. The two approached near the battle. Person: OK Treeko use Pound! Treeko: Treeeeko Treeko jumps into the air and pounds the Poochyenna in the head with his tail. Poochyenna then walks dazzily, ready to be caught. The person then threw a poke'balls at Poochyenna and a red light hit Poochyenna and concealed him within the ball. There was a little struggle, but then Poochyenna was finally caught. Person: Good job Treeko! He picked up the ball from the floor and looked to see Brendan and May watching his battle. He then ran towards them to greet them. Person: Are ya'll two trainers? Brendan: Yeah, but were not ready to battle. Person: Don't worry, im not ready to battle yet. The name's Xcier and you. May: I'm May nice to meet you. Brendan: I'm Brendan (Shakes hands with him) Xcier: Do you even know how to battle? Brendan and May together: No So Xcier tells the two how to battle and told Brendan to have a practice match with May to warm up there poke'mon. Xcier: All right you 2, just remember what I told you and ya'll should be fine. May: Okay then go Torchic! A small red little bird burst out of its poke'balls. It looked confused at first, but realized that it was in a battle. It shot up and got ready for battle. Brendan: Come out Mudkip! A blue mud fish like creature came out of it's poke'balls. It looked friendly and kind, relieved that it is out of his ball. When it saw Torchic, it knew that it wanted to fight. May: Ok, ummmm....Torchic use um... Xcier: May! Use peck! May; um, Torchic use peck. Torchic dashed towards Mudkip and gave him a sharp jab on his head. Mudkip cried in pain, but dodged the second grab and went to a corner. Brendan: Mudkip! Use leer! Mudkip then gave a scary looking glance at Torchic which frightened Torchic a little. Brendan unlike May was a fast learner and knew all of Mudkip moves. May in the other hand, is still trying to remember what to do. Torchic: May: Okay then use ember! Torchic jumped and released an array of little flames that hit Mudkip knocking it down on the ground. Mudkip quickly shot up and recovered from the attack. Mudkip: Brendan: Use Water gun! Mudkip that sprayed a force of water right in the spot. Torchic hit the nearby tree and fainted. It was a critical hit and super effective, also leer helped weaken it. Xcier: Torchic is unable to battle. Mudkip wins the match! Mudkip: Brendan: Sure thing Mudkip, lets go to my house. Xcier: I'll meet up with ya'll two love birds later. I gonna go train. May: (blushing) Stop it Xcier! (Throws rock at his head) Xcier: OWWWWWWWWW! Sorry! Narrator: LOL! Ha! HA! Xcier: Shut up narrator! Well, that's chapter one. No romance yet though, but the next chapter will be more romantic. My storyline is way more different than others, I do my things my way. I also like Brendan and May romance better than Ash and Misty romance. Reviews would be cool plz.