------------------------------ Jolteon's Cosmic Berries --------------------------------
by Mew13
Part 1
Hello, it's me, Mew13! For once I'm not doing an insane story! (Dun Dun DUUN!) Mwahaha, me and one of my best friends, Charizard,
were playing a really cool game today... (Charizard moved to a different part of the country, she used to live in the same
street as me...) and it was so much fun! (Yeah, so I'm 12! So what? I love playing pretend games! Encourages imagination!)
On with the story... oh yeah, it has some violence... just stuff like Pokemon getting slashed until they faint but nothing
worse than that. Ps. In the game Charizard was Blaziken (she loves it almost as much as Charizard...) and I was Jolteon! Jolt Jolt!
It's gonna be different though. For example the Blaziken is not there and NONE of my characters are there, including me! And
the Jolteon is male, cos most girls aren't evil... except my friend Spoink who claims to be evil, but she's not really! Ha!
It may have some weird stuff in it... cos I'm eatin' pizza and chips! Mmm yum... cheeeeeeeesey! Well here we go! Oh, and notes
will be in ~ okay??? ~Yes I am a girl, in case you were wondering...~
Chapter 1: The berries
It was a normal day for this particular Jolteon. Just hanging around his faveourite tree, which he supposed was a berry tree,
a very big tree. It was flowering very beautifully. There must have been at least 1000 flowers there! Jolteon waited for a month
before the berries appeared. However, they were too high up, so he waited for them to drop off. He noticed that some of the
berried were brown and some were green. They were'nt round, they were almost flat and long.
Two days later, a bunch of brown berries and some green ones fell from the tree.
"Finally!" Shouted Jolteon happily. "Hmm... those brown ones don't look very healthy... I'll leave those alone, for now."
However, he was beaten to the green berries! An Umbreon, who was bigger than him, took them.
"Hahaa! Too slow!" The Umbreon threw a berry at Jolteon. As it hit him, he screeched in pain. The berry was burning him! But
it wasn't burning the Umbreon's paws! Jolteon ate a berry, hoping it wasn't just a Pokeblock ingredient. He chewed it, it tasted
qutie sweet and spicy, and he felt like he had been fully restored!
"Hey stupid! Take this!" Jolteon yelled as he threw a whole bunch at the Umbreon. It screeched as Jolteon had. The Umbreon ran
away shouting, "I'll get you next time!" Jolteon laughed and gathered up some berries.
He took them to his friend, Pikachu, to see if he knew what they were.
"Oh! Those are Cosmic berries! They are rumoured to have originated on Earth and taken to outer space to grow too! You can get them
mostly on our planet Earth mostly! Wow! Actual Cosmic berries! Bla bla bla..." Before Pikachu had blabbed out any more info
about the berries Jolteon had run off, planting them in certain locations. If he had stuck arround, he might have heard Pikachu
saying "Don't eat the Brown ones if it's the last thing you do!"
By now, Jolteon was hungry. He wanted to try the brown ones. If they were poisonous he could heal himself with the green berries.
He thought as he jumped up to swipe at a low branch, 'Why didn't I do this before?!' He got a few brown ones and ate one.
Jolteon paused for a second. His whole body felt like someone had pressed the stop button. He swallowed the last of the berry
and he still wasn't moving. He tried to concentrate, but his mind was slipping away... changing... he didn't feel like the
same Pokemon... he was a whole new Jolteon.
Chapter 3: We told you not to eat them...
The Jolteon looked arround him. So many Pokemon... he had a sudden urge to attack. But if he attacked while he was just standing
there, they could strike back. While no-one was looking, he sneaked into a small patch of grass. A Roselia! 'Just a couple
more seconds... come closer, you stupid flower!' Thought Jolteon. Then he realised the Roselia was using Ingrain. 'Well, at
least it can't run...' He thought. His urge was growing. Momentum built in his muscles. Something inside of him said 'Don't
do it!' But he ignored the voice. He had to do this! He didn't know why, perhaps it was his destiny. Who knows, or cares even?
The Roselia looked arround for predators. Not seeing anything, it went back to it's stupid flowery duties ~I hate Roselia!
And that's funny, Grass types are my faves *hugs Chikorita* but Roselia's just STUPID! Graaah!~ and kept absorbing things.
Three seconds later, Roselia was fighting off a Jolteon. The Jolteon was trying to get past the stupid flowers to attack.
He snapped at the roses and they fell to pieces. Jolteon slashed at the Roselia. It cowered and pleaded it to stop. There
was that little voice again... 'Stop! Can't you see you're hurting it?!' 'Oh shut up!' Jolteon thought back. He kept slashing until
Roselia had fainted. It wasn't in a Pokemon's nature to kill or destroy, only to make the opponent faint. Jolteon ran off...
he still needed to fight... his muscles were getting tense again... he couldn't stand it! He had to attack something! Anything!
to be continued!
MWAHAHAHA! Wow, that was fun! Take that, Roselia! Mwahaha! Of course I would never really do that! To violent! Me insane! Hee!
Please review! Remember... DON'T EAT BROWN COSMIC BERRIES! Oh yeah, I didn't create Pokemon, Satoshi Tajiri did! Thank you Satoshi!!!!
Email: madasanat@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.freewebs.com/mew13

From Mew13