Commencement Part 2 On The Road(or trying) *Micre- "Wow! It's hard to believe I'm leaving finally. We have to stop at the Square." *Sarsheil- "Why?.. oh ok. I suppose it's only fitting that you visit your idol's shrine before you go to follow in his footsteps." *Roctin- "I'm glad I spent all that time at the Oak Museum. I learned a lot from there. Later I'll need time to fiddle with this Pokedex." (TOWN SQUARE) Here lies Ash In memory of the greatest pokemon trainer in history, his faithful Pikachu with him always. Born- 1985 Dead- 2087 Pokemon Master 2001-2087 *Micre- Ash, please quide me on my journey. Please send me the wisdom to, just like you, put one foot in front of the other. May you always watch over me. *???- Hahahahaha! A prayer from a fake to a fake. You will never amount to anything Micre. Just give it up! *Micre(angrily)- Is that a challenge Maclin? *Maclin- Yes it is. Just you, .... me, .... (quickly) and my three pokemon! Go Cyndaquil, Tododile, Chikorita! *Micre- GO LANCE! *Sarsheil- Hey! That isn't fair! Go Pika! *Roctin- Weezer, time to fight! *Maclin- Hmmm...... an even fight.(calmly) Special attacks now. *Micre- Lance dodge! *Sarsheil- Shock that reptile Pika! *Roctin- Burn that plant to ashes Weezer! Cyndaquil, Totodile, and Chikorita shoot out fire, water, and leaves respectively. All three shots are aimed at the Growlithe. Weezer manages to dodge the leaves and Lance jumps in front of the flames, but the water's aim is true. Weezer falls inconcious. At the same time there is a battle cry from Pika ("Piiiii..kaaaaa...chuuuuu") and sharp jolts of energy strike at Totodile similarly knocking it out. Lance squares off against Cyndaquil leaving Pika to handle Chikorita. *Sarsheil- "Pika thundershock!" Pikachu's thundershock hits the Chikorita directly, but has almost no visible effect. "WHAT?!" *Maclin- "Hahahaha! What an amateur. Chikorita, Vine Whip, now!" Two vines shoot out of Chikorita's back and grapple Pika, slamming Pika around. *Sarsheil- "No! Stop! Pika return!" Meanwhile a few scratchs have been traded however Cyndaquil and Lance seem pretty evenly matched. Micre sees the Chikorita still retracting it's vines. *Micre- "Lance ember at Chikorita!" Lance surprises Cyndaquil by leaping over it shooting out small balls of flame in mid-leap. Chikorita, being unable to dodge the flames, faints. Lance is then tackled from behind, as he lands, by Cyndaquil. After many furious scratchs and bites they seperate. Lance is favoring his left hind-foot while Cyndaquil cannot see out of one eye. *Micre- "Let us stop before our pokemon are harmed further." *Maclin- "We shall finish this later. *Micre- "I will be ready!" Sorry it has been so long since I last posted something. Many factors apply to this: writer's block, computer access, school, memory, and a whole multitude of other problems. Maclin is much like Micre however he is resentful because he stands in Micre's shadow as a pokemon trainer. Well for those that don't know my e-mail has been changed to I look forward to any questions, comments, and/or ideas. Laterz, Micre Reilanc