Sunlight bathed over Misty and her sisters who were huddled up together taking shelter in a cave, sleeping. Misty was the first to wave up and she yawned. “Where am-” She stopped her train of thought. Memories of bombs and guns clouded her vision. She remembered calling Ash and the others to warn them… No…the memories were too much to handle… And it happened just yesterday… Someone swiped away Misty’s tears. She saw Daisy sitting next to her, an arm slung around her shoulder. “Don’t worry little sis, we’re here for you,” She said quietly, the first sentence she used without ever saying ‘like’. Misty nodded and leaned in towards her sister. “How are we going to live?” “I don’t know.” “When do you think it’ll end?” “I don’t know.” Sighing, Misty’s eyes watered again as she looked out at the world. Houses were burnt down and the leaves of trees fell and joined the ash on the ground. Ash… Everything reminded her of him now. She couldn’t take it. It was slowly driving her insane. She loved that boy…but she didn’t have enough time to warn him…didn’t even get to admit her feelings towards him… He died yesterday. She regretted everything. She regretted not telling him about her feelings for him. She regretted being so mean to him. And she regretted to- “What time is it?” Violet asked, stretching, sitting upright. “And where’s our ho-” She stopped suddenly, her face dropping once she remembered the events of yesterday. Lily sat up also and the four sisters looked at the smoke and fire in the distance. “I’ll go try to find breakfast,” Daisy said, getting up suddenly, Lily and Violet soon joining her for they needed to eat. One more single tear slipped from Misty’s eye, bounced on her nose, and dropped on her knee. “It’s World War II,” She whispered, and fell asleep once again, dreaming of dreams of her and Ash together.