Chapter 10- A Battle between Chosen Ones


~Throughout the ages, Chosen Ones have always existed… one emerging every few generations, and rising in the world as a saviour… however, things seem to have changed. Though there’s supposed to be only one, in this generation has given now rise to three… myself, Sky Render, and now Aquamarine. When I first discovered this ability, I thought I was invincible, that I held a power no one else could ever attain… and it was a huge shock for me to learn that there is another with the same… no… powers that far surpass my own. The Power of One, that power had always served as a force to protect me… but now, it is being used by my opponent whose sole purpose is to destroy me. Right now, I’m in a dangerous situation, Aquamarine is already a stronger man than I am… and with the power of one on his side, who knows what he’s truly capable of? Right now, this is my last chance… the final match between me and Aquamarine, it all ends here. The last thing that can pull me through is a miracle, and I’ve been having too little of those… oh and by the way, note from Mikazuchi, this chapter’s violent, so don’t read if you’re scared easily.

-Ash Ketchum


(Location- Offshore Island)




Ash raised his QuickSilver in defence just in time, as Aquamarine’s fist struck so hard, it sent the black-haired trainer sliding back by the force. “Agh…!” Ash scowled, feeling his arm trembling, and looking at the QuickSilver, he could see a dent. For Aquamarine to be able to dent the metal of the indestructible board was unbelievable… and a direct blow to Ash’s body could be lethal. Ash growled as he got up. All thoughts of calling out his pokémon were dismissed, because this Chosen One was something far beyond their level… Aquamarine could tear them apart…


“I hated you enough before I knew you support the Deceiver” said Aquamarine, “Now that I know your true colours, you can DIE and ROT like the garbage you are… after I KILL YOU!” Aquamarine lashed out again. Ash continuously tried to block his hits, trying to block out the pain in his arms from blocking such powerful strikes, and the already existing pain in his injured leg. Aquamarine swung at him again and again, and Ash kept moving… trying to escape the attacks…


“AH!” Ash exclaimed as he fell and hit the ground, panting heavily. Ash coughed, he was out of breath. He wouldn’t be able to go on much longer. In front of him, he could see Aquamarine beginning to charge. Ash aimed his arm to the side and shouted “SILVER BULLET!” he shot to the side and avoided Aquamarine. Ash groaned and got up, holding Pikachu protectively, he struggled to stay upright. He was in an unbelievable amount of pain, not only from the severe beating he had taken, but his right shin had been stabbed by the trident, and he was only able to move through sheer force of will. His mouth bled and the bleeding running down his forehead to his face made it hard to keep his right eye open, he had to keep wiping it off. The bones on his right arm were cracked from blocking those hits, and a number of his ribs were broken. Ash growled as Aquamarine charged at him and attacked.




Aquamarine slammed him and sent him flying. Ash spun through the air and hit the ground hard. “It’s over. He’s dead” said Aquamarine. Ash groaned and Aquamarine sighed “Hmm… Still alive?”


Ash was getting up again, but fell to the ground. He was dizzy and in a lot of pain “Heh… not dead, not dead…!” he forced a smile, “You knock me down, I’ll get right back up! You can break my arms, legs and body, but not my spirit!” said Ash. Though Ash did seem confident, the truth was that he was suffering a great deal. Ash felt sick in his stomach, and turned to the side, gagging a bit as he coughed up blood. He had as many internal injuries as he did external. “Urgh… stay strong…” he said to himself, wobbling… trying not to let himself fall… it felt like if he fell again he wouldn’t be able to get up… “Take this…!” Ash charged towards Aquamarine…


“Why don’t you just die?” asked Aquamarine as he slammed the staggering Ash, making him stumble back, struggling to stand. “If you refuse to die, then I’ll keep hitting you until you drown in your blood!!” Aquamarine shouted as he punched Ash again and again


“GRRRR!” Ash growled, “NO!”




“AGH!” Aquamarine exclaimed as Ash hit him hard. Aquamarine stepped back, his jaw in pain… Ash’s fist had almost broken it. Aquamarine growled, “Big mistake! HA!”




Ash screamed in agony as he flew and hit the ground again, after Aquamarine’s fist had connected with his body… Ash was close to throwing up. The strength of Aquamarine’s fist seemed to have shattered many of his bones. Tears were coming from Ash’s eyes. He has reached his limit. He was defeated.


“Ketchum, you are no ordinary adversary” Aquamarine said, “I have dealt blows that would kill any normal man… but you are by no means normal. But it’s over for you now… you can no longer resist with that broken body…” Aquamarine pulled out the trident, “It’s over!” he said as he charged towards Ash


Ash gasped… writing in pain. He knew Aquamarine was coming towards him, but he couldn’t do anything about it. Aquamarine was using the Power of One, and no matter what Ash couldn’t beat him like this. Ash cursed at himself, he had broken his promises! He had failed Misty! He was too weak to win and because of that, he’ll never see her again! Ash was angry. “If only I was stronger…” he said to himself as he struggled to get up… if only he knew how to draw out the Power of One… “But strength alone isn’t enough… why do I fight? It’s not simply because I have strength…” He gritted his teeth as he painfully got up. “No… why I fight… it’s because I have a purpose… my friends… Misty… it is my duty… I have to protect them. That’s why… that’s why I can’t lose…” Ash closed his eyes and took a deep breath… clearing his mind of all thoughts and calming his soul. Aquamarine was getting closer, but Ash remained calm… At the last moment, when Aquamarine raised the trident and thrust it down on him, Ash’s eyes shot open…!




“AAAAGGHH!!!!” Aquamarine screamed. He groaned and shook his head, but gasped in as he saw Ash. “It’s not possible! I had you! No! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!” he screamed… seeing the light around Ash, “YOU’RE… YOU’RE A CHOSEN ONE!?!?”


“Yeah, that’s right Aquamarine” said Ash, standing up. All the blood on his face and clothing were gone, and all the injuries he had taken were fully healed. His QuickSilver arm was glowing with the golden light of the Power of One. Ash smirked “LET’S GO PIKACHU!” he shouted “YAAAAA!”


“PIKAAAA!” Both the trainer and pokémon attacked Aquamarine at the same time. Aquamarine raised his arms and defended himself from the powerful punch Ash threw, but he couldn’t block the powerful Skull Bash from Pikachu.


Aquamarine growled, not letting himself fall. “TIDAL SPEAR” he attacked with his powerful technique. It sliced right through several trees, but Ash and Pikachu simply ducked the attack, and both of them attacked Aquamarine again. “AGH!”


“What’s the matter Aquamarine?” asked Ash, “You can only dish out pain, but when it comes to taking it yourself, you’re too much of a wimp?”


“That’s not it!” said Aquamarine, “Since when were you a chosen one?! How did you use the power of one like that!?”


“You know, I was just about to ask you the same thing!” said Ash, “I’ve been a Chosen one for quite a while now, but I never thought you’d be one too! I mean, I’ve never seen you use a shining sphere or anything, not like me!”


At this, Aquamarine smiled an evil smile, “Well thank you Ketchum for telling me that.” He said as he stood up, “You use a shining sphere? That means this battle is already won for me” He took a deep breath “Let me explain, but only because you’re new. You see, there are different levels to the power of one. The first level is when you acquire the shining sphere. That ball of light will power up yourself and a specific weapon when you use the power of one.” He smirked, “However, when you grow in strength and skill, a Chosen One evolves… reaching the next level… Level II to be exact, and the sphere had fused with my heart! And strength of a Level II is five times stronger than Level I can ever be!” He smiled evilly, “And beyond that… is Level III, something that has only been achieved by Sky Render himself… having five times the strength of Level II!” said Aquamarine, “The difference in strength between each level is far too vast… you stand no chance against me!”


“Oh yeah?” said Ash, “We’ll see about that!”


“Enough talk!” said Aquamarine, “From here on we fight!”


“For once, I agree!” said Ash as they charged at each other once more…


The ground seemed to shake as Ash and Aquamarine fought each other with all their might. They were going all out, neither of them was holding back one bit.


“HAAAA!” Ash and Aquamarine roared as their fists, charged with the golden light struck one another’s at full strength. The two shouted out as they both felt the full force surge through one another, but Ash screamed out has he was were thrown back… Aquamarine’s fist had overpowered his… “Ngh…! Argh…!” Ash gasped, his eyes closed as he was writing on his back… “Huh?” his eyes opened when he felt a drop of water on his nose… he blinked as he looked up. “Rain?”


“Do you see that Ketchum? The earth itself is responding to our battle…” Aquamarine smiled as the air grew colder… dark clouds were gathering, the wind was blowing stronger, and the waves were growing increasingly violent, as if a storm was approaching… “We are Chosen Ones… blessed by the gods and granted this power from the earth itself. As we fight, its like the very forces of nature are clashing…”


“Heh.. somehow I believe you…” Ash smirked as he rose to his feet. “I can feel it… this is no ordinary storm…” The sky became darker, and the rain began to fall heavily… the waves cracked hard against the shore, the water reached higher than their shins before receding back into the ocean. This storm was growing stronger… “HAAAA!!!” the two of them charged towards one another, as thunder crashed violently in the distance…


(Meanwhile in Seaside Town Whitesand)


“What’s going on here?!” Brock shouted over the heavy wind as rain was falling heavily from the sky


“The weather was so peaceful just now… and then suddenly this storm just blew out of nowhere!” Tracey had one eye closed as the wind blew harder, hanging onto his bandana before the wind took it off.


“AAAH!!” Amaebi who was carrying an umbrella screamed as a huge gust of wind pulled it right out of her hands. “No!” she made a run to grab it, but the winds blew violently, lifting her skirt up… “AH!” she exclaimed, stopping and holding it down…


“QUIT EYEING HER YOU DAMN PERVERT!” Ebi shouted and punched Brock, who had an enormous grin on his face. He quickly ran over to her, putting his hands on her shoulders “We got to get inside quick! This isn’t just a storm, it’s a hurricane!”


As the others started to run, only Misty was left standing there. Undaunted by the fierce wind and rain, she looked in the distance at the island offshore… in which the storm seemed to be centred around. “Ash…” she said quietly to herself. She knew this was no ordinary storm… she knew this had to do with Ash. Right now, Ash was fighting on that island… he was in danger. Misty closed her eyes and looked down, “I must have faith in him…” she said to herself, clasping her hands, “Please Ash… be careful.” And with that, she took off with the others, to safety.


(Location- Offshore Island)


“ARGH!” Ash gasped, reeling back in pain from a powerful blow to the face.


“DEEP SKEWER!” Aquamarine aimed his trident at Ash’s heart and trust the weapon…


“HMM!” Ash quickly let himself fall back, the weapon didn’t even touch him. “HAA!” he sprung back to his feet and shouter, “SILVER BULLET!” Ash shouted, swinging his arm, strengthened by the boosters at Aquamarine, but the fiend had blocked with his trident. He was thrown back by the impact, but avoided any real damage. “C’mon Pikachu! Let’s attack him together!” Ash shouted


“Pika Pikachu!” Pikachu said as both him and Ash dashed to attack Aquamarine










Both Ash and Pikachu were hit by energy attack and were thrown back. Both of them rubbed their heads and simply shook it off before attacking again. “What!” Aquamarine exclaimed as he dodged the punches and kicks, “(That’s strange, I know that a hit like that wouldn’t kill Ketchum, but it should’ve crushed that mouse! What’s going on?)” he wondered






“UGH!” Aquamarine exclaimed as Pikachu tackled him in the stomach. As Pikachu used the Skull Bash, he also released a powerful surge of electricity. Aquamarine gasped, as he jumped back “(Something’s definitely not normal about that Pikachu! That hurt a lot more than it should have… it’s just a pokémon! Even level 100 pokémon shouldn’t be able to hurt me that much! What’s going on?!)” Aquamarine was distracted by his thoughts “WAGH!” He yelped as Ash hit him


“THUNDER!” Ash roared


“PIKACHUU!” Pikachu jumped up and attacked with lightning before Aquamarine can catch it in the trident


“AAAGH!!!!!” Aquamarine screamed. Completely soaked with rain water, he felt the electricity moved through his body with even more strength than normal. His muscles tensed up and he could barely move. The attack had paralysed him…!


“HAAA!” Ash charged forwards towards Aquamarine, striking him across the face with all his strength! Again and again, he kept punching him, Aquamarine was stunned by the lightning and unable to do anything…!


“RHAAA!!!” Aquamarine suddenly roared, swinging his clenched fist…




“AAAAAHH!” Ash screamed as he felt Aquamrine’s mighty fist and was sent flying through the air, hitting the ground hard.


Aquamarine growled, “You may be able to shock me, but I’m too strong to be fully paralysed” his feet shifted as he took a fighting stance


Ash and Pikachu smirked and stood ready for an attack, but nothing came


“That Pikachu… he may be at Level 100… but for him to be able to hurt me… it can only mean one thing” Aquamarine stared at Pikachu, “The Power of One is supposed to affect the Chosen One only… but the bond between the Pikachu and the trainer is so great that the pokémon has become a part of him, and the Shining Sphere is taking it literally… he has also been strengthened by the Power of One!”


“Huh?” Ash and Pikachu looked at each other. It’s true… Pikachu hadn’t even noticed it… he felt far stronger than before!


“You’re a Level I Chosen One, and Pikachu is a Level 100 pokémon. With your power strengthening him… it’s as if your Pikachu is at level 200!” Aquamarine growled…


“Level 200…?” Ash gasped… he never thought such a level was possible… “Heh… then in that case… with a Chosen One and a Level 200 pokémon fighting you, along with you being paralysed… the odds are stacked against you! So why not just give up?”


“Hmph! A Level I Chosen One and Level 200 Pikachu…” Aquamarine spat to the side, “Such puny opponents… Being handicapped like this only makes this a fairer fight!” Aquamarine took a fighting stance, “Don’t believe me? Come get me!”


“All right! You asked for it! LET’S GO PIKACHU! QUICK ATTACK!” Ash shouted


“PIKA!” Pikachu dashed forwards and jumped to hit Aquamarine






Aquamarine swung the heavy cudgel like a baseball bat and sent Pikachu flying


“No! Pikachu!” Ash screamed as he aimed his arm upwards, “SILVER BULLET!” he shot upwards and caught Pikachu, and landed smoothly


“HA!” Aquamarine thrust his fist at Ash’s face


“WA!” Ash moved his head to the side… his eyes opened wide, though Aquamarine’s fist hadn’t hit him, he could feel the wind from the swing…! So powerful…! “AGH!!!” he screamed when he felt Aquamarine’s other hand slam his stomach! Ash gasped, bending forward in pain… the air knocked right out of his lungs… “Ngh… agh…!” Ash gasped… that punch was so strong…! “AAAGH!!” Ash screamed as Aquamarine uppercutted him! Ash growled and got up, and began wildly attacking Aquamarine, but the Level II Chosen One didn’t even seem to feel his hits! “AAAAAH!!” Ash screamed as Aquamarine’s own fist sent him flying back!


“It’s over” Aquamarine said as he approached Ash, gripping the trident. Even paralyzed… he was just so strong. This fight was a complete replay of their first battle at the Green Forest… he was so much stronger than Ash…!


“GRR…” Ash did some movements with his hands before Aquamarine reached him, “(Here goes nothing…)” he thought


“DEEP SKEWER!” Aquamarine thrust the trident


“TERROR OF THE DEEP!” Ash shouted


“WHAT?!?!” Aquamarine exclaimed at the last second…




“AAAAGH!!!!!” Aquamarine screamed as the crystal-blue beam hit him


“YES!” Ash jumped, “It worked!”


Aquamarine groaned as he struggled to get up. He was badly bruised and very shaken up from the attack, “What was that?! How did you…” he stuttered, still trying to figure out what just happened


“I figured out how to do it! Concentrating your body’s energy, the necessary movements and how to release it… after seeing you do it so many times, It wasn’t so hard to figure it out myself! The only real challenge was changing to moves to do it without a trident. Frankly, it’s not that complicated!” Ash smirked


“…” Aquamarine was in total shock


“It may be a lot weaker than yours, but for me to be able to use the technique simply by watching is quite an achievement wouldn’t you say?”


“YOU…” Aquamarine snarled, his voice full of bitter hatred “First you take Misty away from me… NOW you’re stealing my techniques? YOU WILL DIE FOR THAT!”


“HA!” Ash immediately reacted, punching out with all his strength, but Aquamarine ducked


“HYAAAAA!” Aquamarine screamed as he elbowed Ash at the back of the head


“AGH!” Ash fell face down into the sand


“RRRRR…” Aquamarine snarled, he was a wild animal now. As Ash got up, Aquamarine attacked, “RAAAAAAARRRR!!!!!!!”


“AGH!” Ash exclaimed as Aquamarine dove on him and started punching him, “GET OFF!” Ash shouted as he aimed his arm up, “SILVER BULLET!” he was pulled out of Aquamarine’s grip


“PIKA!” Pikachu attacked with thunder, but Aquamarine rolled to the side, dodging it


“OCEAN LANCE!” Aquamarine pulled out the trident and fired the bolt of blue energy at Pikachu from the end of it. Pikachu felt the force of the blow and was sent flying, but struggled to get up. He wasn’t about to give up just yet!  “HA!” he slammed Pikachu to the ground, but he got back up. Aquamarine continued to beat Pikachu, but every time he slammed the pokémon down, Pikachu kept getting back up and attacking him. “Did Ketchum’s stubbornness rub off on you or what? STAY DOWN!”


“STOP THAT!” Ash screamed as he got up and charged at Aquamarine




“AGH!” Aquamarine stumbled back. He shook his head and spat out a tooth. He growled, “BIG MISTAKE! CORAL CUDGEL!”




“NGH!” Ash exclaimed as Aquamarine hit him on the waist. Aquamarine didn’t give him a second’s rest and hit him again. Aquamarine continued to bludgeon him with the heavy coral weapon, but Ash kept taking them!


Aquamarine was panting, “huff… (Ketchum…! Why won’t he quit!? No matter how much I hit him, he completely shrugs it off  and refuses to stay down! And his pokémon’s no better!)” Aquamarine growled as he looked at Pikachu who got up and was gonna continue fighting “GRRR! I don’t care if they don’t want to lose! If you won’t stay down, I’ll break your bones so you can never move again!” He roared as he attacked again, “there’s no way you can beat me! Puny weaklings!”


“Heh-heh-heh…” Ash laughed weakly as he got up “It’s true you’re stronger than me… way stronger… but you won’t win!”


“WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!” Aquamarine swung the weapon again, but Ash easily stepped to the side and missed


“The way you fight… you’re too predictable. Your attacks are nothing more than mere a show of strength, nothing special. If all the other Super Fiends had power like yours, you’d be the weakest one. And frankly I think you already are!” said Ash


“WHAT?! TAKE THAT BACK!” He screamed as he pulled out his trident and jabbed.


Ash stepped to the side and caught the trident, “Out of all the Fiends, you’re mentally the weakest one. All you ever do is whine about your revenge. You leave a trail of destruction behind you everywhere you go, and injure countless people just because you feel like it!” Ash said as he stepped away from all of Aquamarine’s swings, “You say you want Misty and wants her to like you back, yet you go about it by trying to kill me. That is so-WHOOP!” he tilted his head to the side, so the trident grazed his cheek. Ash felt it with his finger and saw a bit of blood, “See? You’re doing it again! This is why I say you’re the weakest one. So you’ve got the Power of One, doesn’t matter! You’re nothing special, because Sky Render’s already got that. Each one of the Fiends have something to offer that you don’t! You’re the weakest link that’s dragging them down! No wonder they never respected you!”


“GRRRRR! Shut up… SHUT UP!” Aquamarine howled as he swung madly.


Ash smirked, he had Aquamarine just where he wanted… fighting like this he was such a predictable opponent. Ash dodged Aquamarine and kicked the back of his leg, making him trip over and fall face flat in the sand “Too slow”


Aquamarine growled. He was steaming now. Ash had insulted him one too many times, and Aquamarine wasn’t gonna stand for it, “RAAARGH!!!!!!!” he screamed


“Huh?” Ash looked down, “WA!” Aquamarine had uppercutted him into the air. As Ash landed, Aquamarine grabbed him and slammed him again and again, each punch was stronger than the last. Ash growled, he wasn’t about to lose to Aquamarine of all people! “HA!”




Aquamarine fell. He growled as he got up. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. If he went completely out of control, he wouldn’t win. As he calmed down, suddenly a thought came into his head “Hey Ketchum! Can I make a proposal?”


“What is it?” Ash shouted back


“Right now… we are too even. Neither of us will back down or give up…” he panted. He possessed a lot more strength than Ash, but Ash was durable enough to take those attacks and continue fighting. “At this rate, the fight will go on forever. Let’s end this immediately!”


“Fine with me!” Ash called back


“HAAAAAAA…” Aquamarine began to concentrate all his energy into a single attack…


“You may have pokémon, but not once have you truly fought alongside them. You have always trusted in only your own strength and fought alone!” Ash spoke as he threw the pokéballs, releasing his pokémon. There was something different about all of them. They all seemed stronger than usual. Maybe Pikachu wasn’t the only one being affected by Ash’s power of one. “Now you face an even greater power… the power that binds us together, created by the ties of friendship and the bond between trainer and pokémon! You who depend only on yourself cannot win!” Ash pointed forward, “UNISTRIKE!!!!!!”


“TERROR OF THE DEEP!!!!” Aquamarine shouted. Because he was strengthened with the power of one and emptying all his strength into the attack, the strength of the beam was bigger and more powerful than before.




The two beams crashed into one another, both of them seemed equal in strength. Aquamarine was sweating, “HEH-HEH-HEH!! this’ll be just like last time. You got this far right before my attack beat yours in the Green Forest clash, and a beam this powerful will vaporize your pokémon and reduce your body to dust! What a fitting end for you ASH KETCHUM!” he shouted as he emptied more energy into his attack


“GRRR…” Ash growled. He was sweating. It felt like he himself was emptying his energy into his pokémon for this attack.


“Your pitiful energy is nothing compared to mine!” said Aquamarine as mighty Terror of the Deep was pushing against the powerful UniStrike, “Face it! It’s over Ketchum! You lose!”


“Heh…” Ash smirked, “Normally I’d say you’re right. Your strength and shining power exceeds my own, but you can’t win!”


“What?!” Aquamarine growled


“I told you… this mighty beam UniStrike, it represents the unity of my pokémon and me! We fight together as one! We stand together through the worst, and no one, not even you will break the bond!” said Ash as he raised his arm… closing his eyes and felt his strength leaving him. Similar to Aquamarine emptying his strength into the Terror of the Deep, Ash did the same for the UniStrike, but his was without rage, without anger and without hate. “Now show him the power of all of us working together, as a TEAM!” He shouted “You who act only out of pure hatred… I will show you our true power… GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!”


The UniStrike grew in strength and power, more than it ever did when any simple element was added into it. The strength of the beam was awesome, and though the Terror of the Deep was a powerful move, as strong as any UniStrike, it was no match for this super-enhanced version of the technique! The UniStrike tore easily through the Terror of the Deep, “AH!” Aquamarine gasped in disbelief… “NO!”




“AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!” Aquamarine screamed… “N-NO…! IT’S NOT POSSIBLE…! I… I… CAN’T LOSE…! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” Aquamarine hit the ground, and he wasn’t moving… the battle was over. The Level II Chosen One, water specialist and ranked 2nd among the Super Fiends, Aquamarine has been defeated!


Ash and the pokémon panted as they dropped to their knees. Ash smiled, “You all did a very good job. I’m proud of you” he said as he called them back into their pokéballs. At that very moment, the rain seemed to have stopped, and the winds began to calm. Through the dark clouds, rays of sunlight began to shine… one beam shone down on Ash, bringing warmth and comfort to the young Chosen One. In the distance he could see Aquamarine lying in the sand, totally unconscious, and the golden glow in his weapon had disappeared. Ash looked at his arm and was surprised to see that his didn’t. All of the sudden Ash felt something strange. The golden glow flashed as the QuickSilver opened up and the Shining Sphere floated in the air. “HUH?!” The Shining Sphere was emitting a powerful glow. Ash stood there, staring at it… wondering what was going to happen…




The sphere shot through the air at him, “WAA?!” There was a bright flash of light as the shining sphere made contact with his chest. Ash dropped to the ground, but got up, “What happened?!” he exclaimed as he frantically felt his arms and chest, seeing if anything bad had happened to him


“Don’t worry Ash, it’s nothing wrong” said a familiar voice.


Ash turned around and gasped at who he saw. “AH! Sky Render!”


“Nice to see you too again” said Sky Render, “I just came by to congratulate you on your victory over Aquamarine, and your ascent to the next level!”


“Huh?” Ash wondered what he was talking about…


“You are now a Level II Chosen One!” said Sky Render clapping


“What?” Ash looked at himself. He did notice a tiny bit of difference. For one thing, he seemed to have grown an inch taller. Not to mention all over his body, his muscles have tightened and developed more than before…!


“Your body has changed… evolved into one with more potential for strength than you could ever realise. The shining sphere is now gone… it has bonded with your heart. You are now Aquamarine’s equal… no… even stronger than him.” Said Sky Render, “Wielding the power of one is the same as before, but its effects is much greater than ever before… and you now can focus the power of one through any weapon you desire, be it your QuickSilver, or even your allies and pokémon should you desire.” said Sky Render, “You have taken the next step in your journey… but you have a long road ahead. Your business here is done, and Misty is waiting for you”


“Okay!” said Ash as he jumped onto the QuickSilver, Pikachu as well, and both of them sped off into the distance.


As Ash left, Sky Render’s expression changed to an angry one as he turned to Aquamarine. He stepped over to him and kicked him, “Get up!” he said


Aquamarine groaned, but Sky Render kicked him harder. Aquamarine finally woke up, “Stop that!” he said to Sky Render


“Who are you to tell me what to do?” asked Sky Render, “Weakling!”


“What?!” Aquamarine growled and got up


“Finally, bravo, you managed to stand up” Sky Render clapped sarcastically


“What are you doing?!” said Aquamarine


“You’ve disgraced yourself and the Super Fiends once again” said Sky Render, “I have no choice but to expel you from the group. You are no longer a Super Fiend”


“WHAT?!” Aquamarine screamed, “No! You can’t do this to me!”


“I’ll do what I see fit, especially to one as unworthy as yourself” said Sky Render


“I’m worthy!” said Aquamarine


“Oh yeah? Prove it!” said Sky Render as Aquamarine charged forwards…




In one hit, it was over. Aquamarine was defeated, “You can’t beat Ketchum, you can’t even touch me.” He said


“That’s not true! I’m stronger than Ketchum! I…”


“Lost to him” said Sky Render, “Do you know why?” Aquamarine didn’t answer, “You may be strong, and a Chosen One, but that means nothing! You fight with a heart full of rage and hatred! You cast aside everything that makes a Chosen One to satisfy your own need to fight! That’s why you can never win against Ash Ketchum!”


“Grrrrr…” Aquamarine growled


“That’s why I’m suspending you from the Super Fiends. Leave. Go on a journey, but not for seeking revenge and filling yourself with more hatred. Train yourself and become strong, but learn not to lose control to your rage. Calm your soul, and awaken the dormant talents and your potential that you have hidden yourself behind the hatred. This is your mission, and I don’t want to see you again until you carry it out.” Said Sky Render


Aquamarine nodded. He turned around and stepped into the water, diving in and out of sight.


Sky Render sighed. “In many ways, Aquamarine is like Ketchum. He is just as determined, but driven by anger. He is no fool, and I know the next time I see him he’ll change completely.” Said Sky Render, “I’d better get going myself…” with that, he turned around and started walking, but stopped… “Hmm…” he turned, facing the direction Ash had left in, “Now that Ash has grown to the next level… things will only get more difficult. With the power that comes with Level II, it comes with a price… there’s a reason it has been known as a ‘cursed’ level. Along with facing trials more difficult than anything you have ever faced… you will also have your own inner-demons to defeat. I can only hope you will succeed Ash…” a smile crossed his face, “Climb all the way to the top… become a true Chosen One!” and with that, he left


And so once again, everyone leaves to go in their own quests. Ash will be returning to his beloved Misty, Aquamarine will learn to let go of his anger and hatred, and Sky Render… we don’t know yet! Now that Ash is a Level II Chosen One, more powerful than before, as well as a few minor changes to his physique, how will everyone react? Will Aquamarine succeed in his mission? When will Ash reach Level III? Find out next time on Pokémon: Shadow of the Deceiver!