Anything Can Happen Ch.2 Hoildays Misty lied in bed. She glanced at her alarm clock, it said 6:30. She decided to go back to bed so she did.She slept for about 10 minutes when suddenly she felt a soft tapping on her sholder. "Like Misty, its time to get up" a soft voice said "Huh. Daisy its 6:40 why so early?" Misty said through yans. "Um someone down-stairs wants us"Daisy said brushing her hair with Mistys' brush. "Oh alright just let me get dressed" Misty said When Misty arrived down-stairs she met a man who said that since it was Labor day people should pay there respect by doing "good hard labor" which was really not fair to the girls but they said yes.When they got outside the man told them to just walk around and help anyone you can until dinnner.They all seperated. As Misty was walking she heard a voice. "Hey Misty, over here!"the voice said "Hi Clohe" Misty said "heres all the girls"clohe introduced Misty was glad she'd met Clohe she had so many friends! Alex was the tipical tomboy.She had short hair.wore long shorts,plays football (pretty good if i might add) and has never,ever,ever wore a dress.Well at least wilingly Michelle had blonde/red hair that was always in a ponytail. She wore light green pants and a matching over coat. Roxy wore pink pants and a matching over coat too.She looked like Michelle except that Roxy had brown hair.Oh yeah with Roxy's hair she dosen't care how here hair is. Megan was very tall. She had short brown hair and braces. She had on shorts with the word cheer on them. she was wearing a grey t-shirt to "work" in. May was also tall.She had strawberry blond hair, she wore blue jeans and a blue t-shirt to match.And her hair was always up somehow. last but not least Clohe. She looked just like the girl off of Smallville.Short blonde hair,brown eyes,and she was wearing blue jeans and a grey t-shirt. so the seven girls decided to walk around and "act"like they were working so the wouldn't get in trouble.All things were going good until they heard a voice. "working hard girls or hardly working" a man/boy asked "Oh hi Tracey how are you.....all"Roxy asked "what about you are you all working?"Michelle asked covering for Roxy "Nah were just gonna get something to eat. You girls wanna join?"Ash asked trying to hold Brock back (AN: 7 pretty girls Brock goes crazy get it) "sure" So Ash and Co went to the nearest and cheepest Cafe to eat. There Misty forun out that Roxy likes Tracey.She also got to meet brock even tohught she kinda didn't want to at first. Everything was fine until they heard this over the loudspeaker: "Attention all Adolensence plese report to the recrational center at htis time. I will remind you that Addolense are over 13" "Huh why do we have to go there?"Misty questioned "the same reason as always,to set up for dinner tonight"May answered "knowing them they'll pick a seclet few people toi do it too."Roxy said So the kids arrived in the large center to hear the Mayor talk about what they had to do. Then he chose these seclet few poeple: Alex Michelle Roxy Clohe Misty Ash Brock Tracey Gary Max Carol "Ha ha you guys have to work"Megan said "Oh shut up"Clohe said "Worst of all you guys have to work with them" May said "Oh I know"Ash growled "hey ashey-boy, I'll make you a deal" GARY SAID "Gary just set up your side and We'll set up ours"Clohe said "But cuz your tean=m has more people on it them ours" Gary said "Why don't you give us Misty and someone elsa and we'll cal it even" "why do you want our girl" Roxy ubjected "why can't I have her"He answered calmly "Its ok Roxy I'll go" Misty said "ohhhhh then take Ash too" "why me "Ash asked "Because You can Watch gary Incase he You know"Roxy whispered to him "Oh ok" So Ash and Misty Went to work with Gary. NOT THE REAL END Sorry people but my hands hurt and I have to go Th practice. I'll finis ch 2 next Tuesday its the only day i'm around a computer that can do this. send me reviews^-^ Miki