The sky... It is so wide that there's always a spot where I cannot be seen... That's good since I'm tired of seeing Pokemon make a face full of disgust when they see me. Why was I born a MissingNo? Why can't I be like the other Pokemon? I am sure that there's a answer to I those questions, I'll find it someday... Anyway, I was flying until I decided to land in Cinnabar Island, what used to be my home before I flew away. It was somehow good to be home. I closed my eyes a moment and I lied on the ground. For the first time of my life, I felt that I was really relaxing... Suddenly, I heard what seemed to be the voice of a child Pokemon. I was right. Even better, it was a MissingNo! "Hi! You're like me, but bigger! Wow! It's the first time I see someone like me!" "Me too! It's fun to see someone of my kind! What's your name, little one?" "I'm Max!" "I'm Paco, but tell me, kid, where are your parents?" "I have only one parent." "How sad, poor kid…" "You could be my dad!" He was so cute, I didn't know how to tell him I wasn't meant to be a father, especially to a baby that's not mine and that I barely know. "I'm sorry, little one, I can't be your dad, because..." "Look, it's my mom, lying over there, I'll introduce you to her, Paco!" He ran towards his mother and flew behind him. We were both horrified to see her lying, still smiling, but with blood floding from her mouth. She was not moving. Max shaked her. "Mom! Mom! Who did that?" "I'll go get some help!", I said before flying as fast as I could. If there was two MissingNo in Cinnabar, there could be more. I looked everywhere. While I was seeking for a MissingNo, I thought about the little Max who will always wonder who killed her mother... "But she may not be dead yet! There is still hope!", I thought. I flew higher and then I saw a weird bird Pokemon. It was enourmous and all white. It had no eyes and I remember observing it, until, it tackled me... I collapsed... Goodbye, cruel world... She was taking me away, I could feel it. She told papa that she was going for a walk with me, but I'm sure she's lying. She always hated me. She put me in her pouch and I couldn't get out. I wanted to! I was broking in tears at the idea of leaving my dresseur (trainer) and my papa. I cried and moved to try to free me, but she ignored me. I never counted for her. After minutes of travelling, my mother threw me in the water, near a huge island with volcanos. I knew she wanted to get rid of me. I was happy that papa showed me how to swin and breathe underwater, though. I knew he would come back. I dove in the cold water. I looked for a place to hide and waited for him to get me back. I finally found a cave and I stayed there, away from all the pokemon who could be very mean to what they call "glitches". The other pokemon of my dresseur called me 'M. I guess that's how my breed is called... But I didn't care. I waited patiently for my father... and he came after weeks of waiting! I knew he would look everywhere for me! My dad was a very kind pokemon who looked like me, but with brown pixels instead of pink. I loved my dad more than anybody else in the whole world! "Papa!", I shouted, hugging him. "My little Karine. I missed you so much. Come with me, I'll show you the way back home." "I'm so happy that you found me!" I noticed that my dad wasn't healthy. When we got to the shore. He was always coughing. "Why are you coughing, papa?", I asked him. "It's pokerus. Your mom caught it and, first, she was gaining lots of experience when she fought, but, after, she... Well, Karine, your mother will never move and speak anymore..." "She is dead?" "Yes, unfortunately." My papa had a huge heart. He was able to love anybody, even my mother. It was weird though, when he told me that she was dead, I cried. Even if my mother hated me, I was never able to really hate her myself. "And... I caught her virus.", he continued. "But I'll do my best to bring you home, before I go, like your mother, so let's go now!" I followed my papa, but I was crying. Not only because I lost my mother, but because I knew I would loose my father too. I continued to follow him, until he lied down and his corpse sank in the Cinnabar Island lake. I cried even louder, but the pokemon passing by didn't care about me. I was alone! Alone! That day, there was nothing but pain. Alone! But not totally alone... I felt that I was never alone, still there was someone caring for me. It was not my father, not my trainer: it was God. Oh, my... How stupid. Who could be stupid enough to catch me? Someone who doesn't know how much damage I can do to him! "Yeah!", that dumb trainer yelled. "I caught an ‘M!" "You are very brave.", an human next to him replied. The bozzo that I had for trainer threw my pokeball in the air and I came out. "So, do something!" I did the strongest water gun I could do. "How pathetic.", the bozzo said. I wouldn't have say that if I were him. "Hey, my pokemon, my trainer card! YOU messed everything up, you GLITCH!" I could have told him that we ‘M do a lot of damage to dummies like him, but human talk is as dumb as humans themselves. "Hey!", the pathetic trainer shouted to another dummy. "Do you want to trade ANY of your pokemon for a very rare pokemon?" The other dummy had blond hair and a Pikachu following him. "All right, let's trade your pokemon for my Magikarp!", the blond dummy said. "It's ok!", my stupid trainer replied. "Here we go." My pokeball and the Magikarp's were put on a trading machine. While I was being exchanged, I thought that my trainer just could have released me, but he was too dumb to make decisions. The trade got completed very fast and I was changing. It was extraordinary. I became a triangular-shaped pokemon! I was even more glitchy that I was before! When my new dumb trainer saw me, he released me. I was free and strong! I was unique! The triangular ‘M! I tried a sky attack and it was so powerful. I instantly knocked out the Articuno who received my attack. What a feeling! No pokemon could dare to make fun of me, or else that would perish! And that's what happened to some dumb Spearow... I finally could get revenge! "Hey! Another MissingNo!", said an human voice, poiting me. I landed in front of him and his friends. They didn't seem friendly, but they would be my victims soon. I was launching a sky attack towards them, but one of the humans took a fire arm. I tried to dodge the shot, but it was too late... I didn't want to go... I was still thirsty with revenge... Life is unfair. I know justice lies in this world. I would find it someday. I never knew who killed my mom, but I didn't care. All I was wishing for was justice for all pokemon. I would devote my life to it. Even though I was a little kid, I have found my purpose. I will prove to all the pokemon and humans that inner beauty is the only thing that counts. Showing the pokemon how to be tolerant: that was my purpose.