Only one badge left! Only one! Chavella was in Olivine gym, in front of the leader, Jasmine. “We will use 3 pokemon each.” “OK.” “I choose Magnemite!” “I choose Cindy!” “Quilaaavaaa!” “Use flamethrower!” Magnemite fainted! “That’s great, Cindy!”, Chavella exclaimed. “Quiiiil!” “Magnemite, return! I choose Steelix!” “Steeee!” “Cindy, return! I switch for Elenore!” “Vapoooo!” Steelix used earthquake, but Eleonore didn’t faint. “Now, use surf!” Because Steelix has a weak special defence stat, he fainted. “Return, Steelix! Go, Magneton!” “Eleonore, surf!” “Thunderbolt it!” Surf did a good amount of damage, but Thunderbolt was far more damageable for Eleonore… She fainted. “Return, buddy! Thank you! This match must be the one with the most one-hit-KO I ever saw! Cindy, it’s your turn!” “Quilaaa!” “Use flamethrower!” Another take down with one hit! Cindy had won! And then… The white light you all know about surrounded Cindy! She evolved into Typhlosion. “Wow! You look great, Cindy!” It is not the first time Chavella said that, you all know about that too. “Typhlooooosioooooon!” “Congratulations, Jasmine!” “You did good, here is your Mineral badge!” “Team, we won our last badge! We’ll see Charles soon! But, first, I’ll heal you at a pokemon center…”