Hi, please tell me what you think and another thing pokemon doesn't belong to me but I mentioned  that already. Well anyway enjoy!  

Part 5 The Truth is Told

Early in the morning Brock awakes to something that worried him it was a sleeping Misty who was saying Ash, Ash, Ash look out!  Till he woke her up and  asked her Are you okay?  And she answered yes then he said your lying and She says Huh?  surprised that Brock knew the truth. As Brock continued he said  Well, its because your nightmares are telling me your still worried about Ash, also That you cant stand that you havent told him that you love him.  After that silence  falls till Misty says in a soft voice your right thats exactly.  

Then Jessie and James appears in front of them.
Hey Jess did you hear that?  asked James
I sure did she respond.
Meowth I taught I heard her say dat she likes the twerp added Meowth.
Then maybe she wants to hear about the twerp says Jessie.
You know where Ash is out of all the Rockets lairs?  Questioned Misty.
We sure do said James.  
All you have to do is come with us added Jessie.
Ill go says Misty with determination.
Great!  Says Jessie and with that Misty gets out of her sleeping bag and walks forward but before she can go any farther she is stopped by Brock.

Misty you cant trust them! adds Brock.

Brock get out of the way!  warns Misty with anger in her tone,

Sorry, Misty I wont!  Its for your own good said Brock, just to get slapped in  the

face by Misty.  Next Brock runs after the trio.  Hey maybe she doesnt want to  

be told what ta do!  Said Meowth. But he kept running not listening to a word Meowth

said till the ground collapsed under him causing Brock to fall in a pit  

And so when he tried to get out he fell into a deeper one.

Ha, ha, ha how do you like our pit?  asks Jessie with laughter, We made it because  

we knew you would try to get in the way!  And the more you try to get out  

Youll go deeper into the ground added James with a smile. Then  Jessie, James and   

Meowth turn to Misty and mention that they need to blind fold her before they can go to headquarters so Misty agrees.

Dont worry well  escort you all the way said James as Meowth jumped on to her shoulders and blinded  her.

Next when they reach headquarters Misty comes to a stop and hears two men with deep voices say Great well take it from here an Jessie, James and  Meowth say okay a bit confused as they hand Misty to a guard whom cuffs her and takes her inside as they walk through a long hall and it seems like it takes forever till one of them stops in front of a large door but before he knocks  They hear Ash and Giovanni complaining.

YOU WILL!  says Giovanni.  I WONT! answers  Ash  in anger. Then when Misty's about to call  Ash but the guard that has a hold of her cups his large hand over her mouth. IF THAT IS SO THEN YOU WILL SUFFER!  shouts Giovanni then the front guard knocks, as Giovanni is about to push a blue  button  on  a  remote  that  has  four  buttons  on  it.

Next he opens the door with frustration as he says Ah WHAT!  Sorry sir but we got the girl says the front guard.  
Great!  Says Giovanni as he takes a hold of Misty and guides her to his desk and sits her down and loosens the blind fold.  

Then he goes to Ash and questions Havent you ever heard anyone say what happens when you dont take an offer from me?  Ash doesnt say a word. I find their weakness and make them suffer then they surrender to me!  What ever you do I wont be a part of Team Rocket! responded Ash.  

Ash?  questioned Misty after she heard Ash.  Huh?  said Ash  In surprise. Next Giovanni turns Ash around to face Misty and she runs to Ash  Ready to wrap her arms around him suddenly Ash thinks about what Giovanni just  said about peoples weaknesses then he sees Misty and Giovanni ready to push that same button from before, so when Misty arrived Ash kicked her to the floor just to get a painful shock from inside himself.  

I knew it shes your weakness! Giovanni added with great confidence of victory.  Ash stays silent.  Misty looks up from the floor to Ash and asks Ash are you okay?  Ash doesnt say a thing or looks at her.  

So Giovanni thinks Ill help speed things up Next he shocks Ash but for a while longer than before. Ash calls Misty with a worried written all over her voice. Then Giovanni stops leaving Ash breathing hard with sweat dripping down his face.  Next she gets up  and runs to Ash with tears in her eyes while saying Ash speak to me but Ash  
doesnt answer cause hes unconscious so Misty keeps shaking him not realizing  
Giovannis behind her, so he grabs her with an arm and pricks an arm of hers with a needle while she struggles to free herself but in seconds she stops and falls in an unconscious state.  

When Ash awakes he sees Mistys body laying in front of him on the floor next  
he looks at Giovanni with anger and asks why did you do that?
Because you didnt care about her said Giovanni.
But Id did said Ash with sadness in his tone.  
If you did you should have said something, Why didnt you?  asked Giovanni.

Then  Ash  answers  Giovanni  with  because  I didnt want anything to happen  to  her  as his  head  hanged  low  with  tears  in  his eyes. Then  silence  falls  Ash  looks  at  the  girl he'd  loved  so  much but secretly, But seeing that  she's  gone  he  looks  at  Giovanni  sadly  forgetting  his  dream  to  become  a  Pokemon  master  and  says Ill  join  Team  Rocket.

Excellent  says Giovanni  then  he  goes  behind  Ash  and  unlocks  the  handcuffs  and  he  hands  Ash's Poke balls  and  goes  to  his  desk  and  takes  a  poke ball  out  and  releases  a  angry looking  Pokemon. Ash  looks  down  at  the  Pokemon  and  says  Pikachu!  an  Pikachu runs  to  Ash  with  happiness  and  Ash  wraps  his  arms  around  Pikachu  and  adds  Oh Pikachu  I've  thought  I  never  see  you  again.

Alright  enough  of  that  boy  says Giovanni  tired  of  waiting  throws  Ash  a  black TR  uniform  with  something  else. As  Ash looks  at  it  he  asks  Why  does  it  come  with  a  black  cloak?  

Because  I  have a special  mission  for  you  says  Giovanni  with  a  evil  laugh,  and  I  know  your  not  like  those  blundering  fools  adds  Giovanni.  

You  mean  Jessie  and  James  asked  Ash.  

Yes,  replied  Giovanni.  But  what  if  I  mess  up?  questioned  Ash.

If  you  fail  you'll  lose that  Pikachu  just  like  her  says  Giovanni  as  he  points  to  Misty's  body.

Then Pikachu  looks  at  Misty  and  starts  to  cry. Oh,  don't  cry  Pikachu,  you'll  make me cry said  Ash. Next  Giovanni  goes  to  his  desk  and  tells  someone  to  send  some  guy named  Junior  through  an  intercom. Then  theirs  a   knock  at  the  door  Giovanni  said come in  and  a  seventeen-yearold  boy  steps  in  with  blue  eyes  and  black  hair  in  a  rat  tail  an  asks  What  would  you  like  of  me  sir?  

Help  this  boy  on  his  mission  and  teach  him  all  he  needs  to  know  says  Giovanni. Right!  Junior  responds Then  he  takes him  to  the  cafeteria  after  Ash  gets  on  his  uniform  Junior  asks  So  why someone  as  young  as  yourself  be  joining  Team  Rocket? so  Ash  explains  everything  that  happened  when  Giovanni  tried  to  force  him  to  join. Then  Junior  adds  That's too  bad.  So  how  did  you  join?  asked  Ash.  Well,  I  didn't  join  I  was  kidnapped  and  taken  here  said  Junior.  Why?  asked  Ash  Because  my  father  was  a  part  of  Team  Rocket  and  he  ran away  not  wanting  to  work  for  them  anymore  but  they murdered  him  and  took  me ,because  they  say  once  your  a  part  of  this  team  you  can  never  quit.

Later in Giovanni's  office  Giovanni's talking  to Jessie  and James  Get  rid  of  her! commands Giovanni as he points to Misty's body. Yes sir they say  don't fail me
you blundering  fools  or else!  threatens  Giovanni. James  was  about  to  add  something but  Meowth  cupped  his  paw  over  his  mouth  as  they  walk  out. Then  when  their out  the  door  James  asks  with  anger  Meowth  why  did  you  do  that? Because  if  da boss  knew  we  couldn't  do  this  we  would  get  kicked  off  da  team  for  sure!  adds Meowth. Ah  right  agrees  Jessie  with  a  shiver  What's  wrong  questions  Meowth.

Yeah  but  we  cant  murder  anybody!  said  Jessie. Next  James  whines  adding  like  the other  Rockets!.  Alright  da  two  of   ya  are  right,  but  what  are  we  gonna  do?  asks Meowth  with  a  shiver.  

James  says  I  know  lets  leave  her  in  that  cave  where  the  Growlithe  attacked  us. We  cant!  said  Jessie. Okay  lets  lay  her  down  outside  of  the  cave  said  Meowth.

Why  cant  we  put  her  in?  asked  James. Ahh!  are  you  dumb? because  that  Growlithe  could  attack  her, even  the  pack!  adds  Jessie  a   little  frustrated  of   James. Oh,  okay  finally  agrees  James.        

Well, this is Misty Kasumi Ketchum signing off  but don't forget to tell me what you think. An keep your eyes peal for Part 6!