(AN: This story takes place right after part 1. AAMRN) Best Friends and More: Part 2 by: Ash's #1 Fan MistyKetchum123@aol.com This is paradise. He thought as he ran his one hand through her hair, after letting it fall to her shoulders. he would always love her, he vowed to, forever. He then moved his hands to her back and layed his head on top of hers. He massaged her back, to give the romantic feeling, more touch. They didn't feel tired at all. All they wanted was to hold eachother all night and feel their love for one another. Almost since the day they first met, they knew they loved eachother. There was just no way around it. They always wanted to say what they just admitted to themselves and to let the other know, they were loved, and will always be loved. And now they knew, and it felt great. It opened the door, and it will never be closed. Even though Ash always thought Misty was beautiful, tonight there was something different about her. He never got this close to her, until now, and he could see everything she had to offer him. Misty was holding him as tight as she could against her. She could feel all the care, joy, and love he had for her. And she had all that for him as well. She would do anything for him and she knew he would do anything for her. They would no longer need the words "I" or "me". They both had the same thing...love...and they would both always compare eachother as "us" and "we". They will overcome every obsticle...together. They will go through everything...together. They will spend the rest of their lives...together. Ash lifted his head off of hers and kissed her forehead. God, how I love this girl, and to think, she loves me back! Wow... Misty loved Ash kissing her. There was nothing better then that. (except Ash himself) She felt safe and protected in his arms and also felt as if nothing can go wrong from then on. Misty lifted her head off of his chest and looked up into his smiling face. Just a look at him made her smile even more. She wasn't so afraid of kissing him no more, and leaned in for a kiss on the lips. She wanted to kiss him every minute that she could. Ash didn't mind at all. He would kiss her any time of the day for any price. Pokemon training was not his only priority any more. Misty was too, and she was his MAIN priority. He'd do anything to make her happy. Ash didn't want to break the kiss, not again. But he felt Misty start to pull away. When he felt this, he started to just go back with her, as not to seperate. Misty didn't know how long Ash wanted to hold the kiss, so after awhile, she started to break away. But when she felt Ash try to stay in the kiss, she didn't argue. The kiss started to last a lot longer then expected. Misty would've loved to stay in it all night, but she was losing her breath, and breathing hard out of her nose. She pulled away to catch her breath, and she saw Ash doing the same thing. Misty: (smiling) You don't know how happy I am, now that I'm with you, Ash. Ash: (smiling back at her) I'm happy too...I've been wanting to tell you that for a long time, but didn't know if you felt...the same way...but Misty...you are the most wonderful...(starts blushing) and beautiful girl I have ever seen. Misty couldn't believe what she was hearing. Ash not only said he loved her, but also said he loved everything about her. She took both of his hands and held them in hers. Misty: And you are the best boy I ever came across, though you deserve so much better, you'll never find devotion more true. Ash was about to disagree...about that part of her not being good enough for him. If anything, it was the other way around. Look how many guys would've loved to be her boyfriend. And out of all those, Ash Ketchum was the luckiest to have a girl like her. And he had to say that to her. Ash: Misty, I am the luckiest guy in the world. He smiled at her and pulled her into a light embrace. Misty accepted, then turned around and layed her back against him, Ash still having his arms around her, and they both looked up at the night sky. They both didn't speak, they didn't need to. They could hear everything in their hearts, and they listened to the quiet of the night, while being next to the one they love. After awhile, Misty started to drift off. She felt so relaxed and comfortable on Ash, that it felt like he was rocking her to sleep. She closed her eyes and fell asleep in his arms. Ash looked down at her and saw her asleep. He smiled to himself and gently picked her up. He carried her over to her sleeping bag and layed her down. For awhile, he just sat beside her, looking at her beautiful face. He knew he should be getting to sleep too, so he serenely gave her a kiss on the cheek, and crawled over to his sleeping bag, and slowly drifted off into dreamland, too. They both dreamed about eachother and being close all night, with a big smile on their faces. =) The next morning, Ash was the first to wake up. At first, he thought that all of what happened last night was a wonderful dream. But when he looked over at her, his heart knew that it was the pleasurable reality. He got up and walked over to her. She looked so peaceful when she slept, he hated to wake her up. He slowly but surely bent down over her and gave her a quick but loving kiss on the lips. Ash: (passive) Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. Misty fluttered her eyes opened and saw Ash's face right in front of her. She loved that Ash was the last thing she saw before going to sleep. She loved that Ash was the first thing she saw when she woke up. So this is what it feels like to be deeply in love... Misty: (smiling) Hi, Ash. Ash: (smiling back at her) Good morning, how'd you sleep? Misty lets out a satisfied sigh. Misty: Perfect. She reaches out her arms, indicating to Ash that she wants a hug. Ash got closer to her, so she could wrap her arms around him and he wraped his own around her. Right then is when Brock decided to wake up. He sat up and wiped the sleep from his eyes.(?) He looked over and saw Ash and Misty hugging. This was a little bit of a shock to him, even though Ash told him everything last night. He rubbed his eyes(?) to maybe get a better look to see if he was seeing right. When he knew this was real, he stood up and started to applause. Ash and Misty let go of the hug when they heard this. They looked over at him and gave him a weird look. Brock: See...I told ya so, Ash. Misty looked over at Ash and Ash blushed a bit. Ash: Don't worry about it Misty, heh... Brock: Well, I guess there won't be no more fighting then, right? Ash & Misty: Right! Brock: That's great! Now there's only one bad thing about this... Misty: What's that? Brock started to have those weird tear things run down his face. Brock: Ash got a girlfriend before me!! Misty giggled and ran her hand over his hair, messing it up more. Misty: Yep! And I like the sound of that...Ash's girlfriend...now there's something I can get used to. Ash had to laugh too. Even though Misty sounded playful, he knew she was telling the truth. And it felt good to know that Misty didn't mind being called his girlfriend and, of course, to know that Misty loved him. Brock also laughed from the sight of them two being so close. Brock: Well, should we leave again? Try to go to the next city so you can win your next badge, Ash? Ash stood up. Ash: Yeah! I can't wait! Come on Pika...(looks around) Huh? Misty: (standing up also) What's the matter, Ash? Ash: (still looking around) Where'd Pikachu go? Misty and Brock then realized that Pikachu was missing. They started to look around the area, calling for it. Ash: (starting to get worried) Where could he have gone? He never wonders off like this... Brock: (thinking) Unless...no, nevermind...it couldn't be... Ash was getting desperate and wanted to know where his Pikachu was. Pikachu never left before without telling him. He ran over to Brock and grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him. Ash: (almost on the verge of crying) What Brock? WHAT?! Brock tried to settle Ash down and took his hands off him. Brock: Ash, settle down! We'll find Pikachu! He couldn't be that far...(under his breath) Even if Team Rocket did take him... Ash heard this even though Brock said it low. Even though it could've been a posibility, he could hardly imagine Team Rocket stealing Pikachu and getting away with it. But then again, they were asleep. And maybe they wised up a little and just did a regular plan of snatching Pikachu quietly. Ash: No...Team Rocket couldn't have taken it! They never could before, so why now?! Ash didn't mean to, but he was yelling at Brock. Brock was the one who thought that it could be Team Rocket and Ash wanted to know why. He knew he shouldn't blame Brock for all this, but he was starting to get mad and even more worried about Pikachu. He could feel Misty wrap her arms around him for behind and give him a gentle hug, resting her head on his shoulders. Ash loved this, but still couldn't forget about Pikachu. Misty couldn't help but feel bad for Ash. She knew how much he loved and cared for it and wanted to sooth him as much as possible. Misty: (in her most docile voice) Ash, it'll be ok, we'll find Pikachu and it'll be alright, I promise. All of a sudden, Misty wished she didn't promise that. she didn't know if she could keep it, and she would hate to see how Ash felt if the promise didn't come out right. But she hated to see him so worried when everything could really be fine. Ash started to feel a little better after Misty had made her promise. He knew Misty, and she wasn't like him...making promises he couldn't keep. He turned around slowly and wrapped his arms around her too, to hug her back. Ash: Thanks, Misty, that means a lot to me. Misty started to feel even worse after that statement. That promise meant a lot to him...the saying kept repeating in her head, like a nightmare. Now if she didn't keep this, Ash would be really mad at her, she she didn't want to lose him, not just as soon as they got together. Brock: Ok, this is sweet and all, guys, but I think we should start to try to find Pikachu now. Ash: (letting go of the hug) Right! We gotta find Pikachu! I don't know what I'll do if anything bad happens to it! Ash picks up his sleeping bag and puts it in his backpack then swings it over his back. He started to run away from the campsite to look for Pikachu. Brock and Misty followed close behind him, calling out for Pikachu. After about 15 minutes, when Ash wasn't paying attention, since he was looking around and calling Pikachu's name, he tripped and started rolling down a hill, really fast. Misty saw this happen and her heart skipped a beat. She saw Ash trip and fall a million times, but now that they knew eachothers feelings, she wanted to give her love to him whenever he got hurt. Misty: ASH! Misty started to run faster now, running down the hill after him, when she saw Ash come to a stop after bumping into something. She stopped where he stopped and kneeled down beside him and put her hand on his shoulder. Misty: Ash, are you alright? Ash: (holding his head) Uh, yeah, I'll be fine. Ash then looks up at what he ran into and saw Team Rockets balloon. He didn't see Jessie, James, or Meowth anywhere, and usually wherever their balloon was, they were right there, too. He stood up and still felt Misty's hand on his shoulder. He grabbed it and held her hand as he walked toward the balloon. Brock was now beside them, after running down the hill and was out of breath. He bent over to rest his hands on his knees to catch his breath. Brock: Jeez...Misty...you...sure...can...run... Misty didn't even bother to say anything,she was focusing her mind on the balloon too. She was thinking the same thing Ash was...where were Jessie, James, and Meowth? When they got close enough to the balloon, Ash let go of her hand and jumped in. He didn't know exactly what to do, but he thought maybe he could find something in there. Misty stood on the side of the balloon and looked in, but saw that it was empty. the last time she saw, there was a bunch of junk in there. As Ash walked to the other side of the balloon, his foot went under a string on the bottom which caused a bunch of smoke to come around him. It all happened too fast, Ash didn't react as quickly as he should have, and he breathed in some smoke. He started to cough and covered his mouth. Misty couldn't see anything after the smoke came, all she could hear was Ash coughing. She didn't know what to do, until she saw Ash jump out of the balloon and fall to the ground on his knees, trying to breath right again. Again, Misty knelt down beside him and put both of her arms around him to help him stand up. Brock: Guys! Look! Up there! Brock pointed up to the sky and when Ash and Misty looked up, they see another Meowth balloon flying in the air, only this one had Team Rocket inside. Ash, Misty, and Brock: Team Rocket!! Jessie: (laughing evily) Looks like the twerp fell for our plan! His head's as empty as that fake balloon down there! James: (laughs too) Yeah, I'll say! And he was even too dump to notice that we snatched his Pikachu! James lifts up a glass case which contains Pikachu inside, doing his electric attack to try to get out. Ash sees this, and can't believe it. He wasn't worried about the wise cracks that Team Rocket made of him, he just focused on Pikachu. Ash: Give me back my Pikachu! Jessie: (totally ignoring Ash's comment) James...do you know what we're forgetting? James: (smirking) Sure do, Jess. Everything gets dark then they're standing in a pose next to eachother and start to recite their motto. (sorry, I don't feel like typing it) Meowth: Meowth, thats right! Ash: I'm not standing here to hear your stupid motto! Heracross, GO! Ash throws the pokeball and out pops Heracross. Ash: Heracross, fly up to their balloon and get Pikachu! Heracross: Hercross! Heracross flies up to the ballon and tries to grab Pikachu out of James's hands. James: No! You can't have it! James then goes to the center of the balloon and curles up, holding onto the case tightly. Jessie and Meowth have a sweatdrop, at seeing James do this. Heracross lands in the balloon and tries to pull the glass case out from under James. Jessie: (starting to get annoyed) Get out of here, you stupid bug! Jessie brings out a bat (I don't know where from) and hits Heracross with it. Heracross gets thrown out of the balloon from such force and starts to fall to the ground. Ash saw all this and really started to get mad. They not only stole Pikachu, but they were abusing his other pokemon. While thinking all this, Ash dived forward to catch Heracross before it hit the ground. Ash: (worried) Heracross, are you alright? Heracross nodded his head a little, but was really weak. Ash: You tried your best Heracross, now go back in your pokeball to get some rest. Ash calls back Heracross then calls out Charizard. Ash: Now it's your turn Charizard! Go up to that balloon and use flame-thrower! Charizard obeyed and burnt Team Rocket to a crisp. But as he did, he also hit the air balloon making it pop, and they started spinning. Ash was getting ready to catch Pikachu when it fell out of the balloon, but didn't see anything. Up in the balloon, James was holding on to Pikachu like it was his life. He kept thinking about what his boss told them earlier: If I don't get Pikachu by tomorrow, then you will both be fired, and I will leave you out on the streets with nothing! Then finally, the balloon started to spin away off into the distance. Team Rocket: Team Rocket's blasting off again! Ding! You see a star when they disapper. Ash was in total shock. Team Rocket was gone...but so was Pikachu. This never happened before, and he thought it never would, he never imagined what he would do if Team Rocket ever actually captured Pikachu. And now they did, and he didn't know what else to do rather then scream out for Pikachu with tears in his eyes. Misty could hardly believe it either. Team Rocket actually got away with it. She was in shock, until she started to hear Ash scream, and his voice was chocked up. She promised Ash everything would be ok. They weren't. Far from it. She felt worse then terrible, she had practically just lied to the one person she truly loves. She slowly went in front of him and saw the hurt and pain in his eyes that he was going through. After he screamed Pikachu's name a couple more times, he looked down, with his hat covering his eyes and started to cry more. Ash: (qiuetly) No... Misty: (letting out a few sobs) Ash, I am so, *so* sorry. I didn't want this to happen at all either. She knew what she was saying wouldn't help Ash at all. It was probably just making him feel worse. And that was the last thing she wanted for him. She grabbed both of his hands and tried to make herself sound as confident as possible. Misty: But I know we'll find Pikachu, Ash. We always found a way to get Pikachu back no matter what, and this time won't be no different, I promise. Misty again realized what she said. She promised something again! A promise she couldn't keep! Why am I telling Ash things that are possibly not true!? She kept on thinking this to herself, but she already said it, and she knew she should take it back, but she couldn't. Ash, even though we was miserable, loved the sound of Misty's voice trying to console him. He knew what she said was true, they always did get Pikachu back. But then again, she said "I promise" again. He remembered hearing her say that ealrier about getting Pikachu back, and that promise didn't turn out good. He knew he made these mistakes before too, and he shouldn't be mad at Misty. And he really wasn't, just mad at himself for letting Team Rocket get away with Pikachu. Ash pulled his hands away from hers and started to walk away from her. Ash: (coldly) That's what you said last time. Ash felt terrible. He didn't mean it to come out like that, the way he said it, it sounded like he was blaming Misty for all that's happened. He didn't want to say that in the first place, cause no matter how he would've said it, it would've sounded mean. Misty stood there, stunned at his responce. She knew it was wrong to say "I promise" again, and she could understand how he felt. All she wanted to do was help him, but instead, the selfish girl she is, she made it worse. Ash doesn't deserve me. She thought. Ash turned around to face Misty again, even though her back was towards him. He was going to apologize, but instead Brock interupted him. Brock: Hey, look, you guys! When Team Rocket went off, some of James's bottle caps fell out! This may be what we need to follow them and get Pikachu back! Ash got so excited about Brock's plan, he forgot about apologizing to Misty and raised his fist in the air! Ash: YES! That's great, Brock! They'll lead us straight to Team Rocket! (looks up) Charizard! I want you to follow above us and see if you can see anything on the way there! Charizard agreed and started flying in the direction Team Rocket went. Ash started running under Charizard and was determined to get Pikachu back. He couldn't wait to see it again. Brock started to run to, then turned around and still saw Misty standing there. Brock: Misty, come on! Misty slowly turned around and started to walk towards Brock. Misty: I'm coming... Brock didn't wait for her, he just started to run after Ash. Misty started to run after awhile too, so she wouldn't lose sight of them. But she kept on thinking about what Ash said to her. How mean, hurt, disappointed, and angry he sounded. She couldn't blame him though. Ash thought she loved him, and now he must think that she's taking advantage over him. Ash, still running fast at the head of the group and right under Charizard, kept an eye on the ground for bottle caps, but momentarily looked up at Charizard. Ash: Do you see anything?! Charizard shook his head, but kept looking straight ahead. Ash looked back down at the ground, gritting his teeth, and continued to run. Brock, who was in the middle, started to slow down. He wanted to find Pikachu, too, but he didn't know how much more of the running he could take. He kept a steady pace, just as long as he didn't get too far behind Ash. Misty, who was in the back, didn't slow down. Her first promise failed, but she wouldn't let this one sink. She loved Ash and would do anything for him, and compared to everything, she thought, a promise should be the one thing I focus on. After awhile, she passed Brock up and was trying to catch up to Ash now. Soon, Ash saw a clearing out of the woods. He knew it would be much easier to see Charizard this way and also find his way around better. Little did he know, that he would find his way around a LOT better. He came out of woods, then suddenly stopped. He looked around. He realized then, that if he went any further, he would be out of Johto and would be going back into Pallet. He was deciding rather to go, or stay in Johto where he's supposed to earn his badges. It didn't take him long to decide. He had to get Pikachu! No matter what! He started to run again, just as Misty came out of the woods. She did see him take a break, but then start to run again. She was starting to lose her breath and her legs were getting weak. She never saw Ash *this* determined before. She knew Ash would just keep on running until he finds out Pikachu is at least ok. Even though she was tired, she kept on running. She moved as fast as she could, then finally, she caught up to Ash and was running beside him. Ash looked over and saw her. He was happy she was still with him and didn't get lost anywhere. He totally forgot about her promise and his comment that happened earlier, he was putting all his attention to getting Pikachu back. As much as Misty knew how badly Ash wanted to go on, she couldn't go on much longer and needed a break, yet she didn't wanna lose sight of Ash. Misty: (panting) Ash...don't...you think...we...should take...a break? Ash: (surprised) A break?! We can't take a break! I gotta find Pikachu! Misty couldn't speak. She was too tired. She just shook her head then collapsed to the ground, holding her chest, trying to catch her breath. Ash saw this, and even as determined as he was, he knew and wanted to help Misty. He stopped running and went over to her. Ash: You gonna be ok, Misty? Misty looked up at him and nodded a little. Ash smiled, despite her, and wrapped his arms around her. He suddenly remembers that he has to apologize. Ash: Misty, I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I didn't mean it, I was just mad at myself for letting them get away with Pikachu. I didn't mean to blame it on you. I'm sorry. Misty was getting her breath back and heard Ash's apology. She looked up into his eyes. Misty: No, Ash. You don't have to be sorry, I'm the one that's making promises that aren't working out. I shouldn't do that to you...or anybody else for that matter. Ash...*I'm* sorry... Ash thought about all of what she said and smiled again. Ash: It's ok, Mist. Thanks for the apology though. He gives her a quick kiss on the lips, then helps her stand up, and that's when Brock comes up beside them and is more out of breath than Misty was. Misty: (laughing a little at the sight) Are you alright, Brock? Brock looked at them, then fell right to the ground. Ash and Misty couldn't help but laugh, but that soon ended when Ash remembered that he had to get Pikachu. Ash: We gotta keep moving you guys, what of Team Rocket does something horrible to Pikachu? Brock: Isn't...there...an...easier...way? Ash thinks then calls Charizard down. Charizard lands in front of them when he does. Ash: Charizard, I know this may be hard, but do you think you can carry me, Misty, and Brock on your back? Charizard thinks for awhile, then leans over, indicating for them to get on. Ash: (smiling) Thanks, Charizard! Ash first got on and sat the closest to Charizard's neck. He helped Misty up, by extending his hand, and she leaped up behind Ash and put her arms around him. Brock slowly got on, but since he was so tired, he got on Charizard backwards, but Charizard, feeling everybody on, lifted off the ground. Brock automatically grabbed onto Charizard's stomach to hang on, while Ash was holding onto Charizard's neck, and Misty had her arms around Ash, and put her head on his shoulder sweetly as they rode. Ash smiled and enjoyed Misty's warmth...just like last night..when they confessed their feelings for eachother... Misty: Ummmm....Ash? Ash: Yeah? Misty: (holding out her hand) I think it's starting to rain... As soon as she said that, rain started to pour down really hard, and Charizard couldn't take it. It slowly floated to the ground and everybody got off. Ash quickly called back Charizard so it wouldn't get sick and the flame wouldn't go out on its tail. Misty: (covering her head) Where should we go?! Ash looked around the area and the saw a Pokemon Center ahead. Ash: (pointing to it) We can go there until after the rain stops! Brock looked over to where Ash was pointing and saw the center and started running fast. Brock: Nurse Joy, here I come! Misty: (laughing) Well, now he knows how to run fast, ha. Ash: (laughing a little too) Ha, yeah, well, come on, lets get out of this rain! He starts to run towards the center too, with Misty right behind him. When they all three got to the Pokemon Center, they were soaking wet. Ash and Misty stayed at the entry for awhile to shake themselves off a little, but this didn't stop Brock. He ran right up to the counter and grabbed Joy's hands. Joy: (sweatdropping) Can I help you? Brock started to talk all weirdly now and he was blushing. Brock: (nodding) Oh, yes! You can help me! Can you help me find a pair of dry clothes and maybe you can even help change into them. Joy: (getting ticked off and slaps his hands away) Yeah right! If you're going to be like that, you can take care of yourself! She walks into the back with a hmph. Brock, rejected and embarrassed, turned away from the counter and sulked. Ash: (teasingly) What's the matter Brock? Did you get rejected again? Brock: Shut up, Ash! I didn't get rejected! (goes back into la la land) She's just too shy to admit her true feelings for me. Misty: Yeah right... Brock gives her an evil glare, then goes over to a couch and sits down. Ash looks over to where Brock went then saw food right behind Brock. He immediately ran over to it and started to pig out. Misty walked over by him while shaking her head. As Ash ate, he began to remember about Pikachu, and then lost his appetite. He set down the food and went over to a window, sat down on a chair by the window, and looked out at the pouring rain, with his head in his hand. Misty saw that he was depressed again and slowly walked over to him. She told herself that whatever she does, not to make anymore promises. She gets over to him and sits down beside him. She looks at him, he looks so sad, she thought to herself. She really didn't know how to approach the first move or what to say. Instead, Ash did. Ash: (tearing up again) I miss Pikachu... Misty's face softened even more, and she gently and slowly pulled him into a hug, wrapping her arms around him tightly. Ash felt her hold him and wanted to hold her back. He deliberatly wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close, as he put his face into her shoulder, trying to hold back tears. Misty: (softly) I know, and I miss Pikachu, too. But we'll fi... Misty caught herself just in time before giving out a promise or saying something that she doesn't know will be true or not. But she still wanted to make him feel better somehow. Misty: (quietly) I love you, Ash. Now, this was one good thing that Ash could hear. He loved to hear Misty say that, and it cheered him up a little, just to know that she cared. Ash: (without hesitating) I love you, too, Misty. Misty felt very happy once again. There was the phrase that said it all, especailly for last night. Last night. A night she will always remember. Ash lifted his head off her and looked her in the eye. She looked back and smiled and started to lean in for a kiss. He leaned in too and their lips meant once again. No matter how many times they kiss, Ash will always enjoy it like it were the first time and always feel like he's melting in her arms. They leaned back on the couch to get into a more comfortable kissing position. They both loved the feeling of kissing and not letting go. They didn't have to worry about the other not liking the kiss, because they both knew they were in love with eachother. They didn't have to worry about getting interupted by anybody... Brock: (from behind them) Man, it's getting hot in here! Don't you two think so? ...except Brock. Ash and Misty broke the kiss and looked back at Brock. He was waving his hand near his face like it was really hot, but when they looked at him, he stopped and smiled. Brock: Having fun? Misty: (annoyed) Until you came along... Brock: (backing off) Push-y! Well, I just came to tell you guys that the news was on and it said it would probably be raining all day, so we're gonna have to stay here for awhile. Ash: (standing up) But we can't! We gotta find Pikachu! Brock: Look, Ash, I know how much this means to you, but we can't afford running out in the rain. One of us could get sick and then we really wouldn't be able to go find Pikachu. (trying to loosen the mood) Besides...you wouldn't want Misty to get sick in the first place, then you wouldn't be able to kiss her. (laughs) Ash: (groans) Brock! This is no time to joke! I'm really worried about Pikachu and I just don't know what to do! This weather isn't helping any! Brock: (stops laughs) You're right, sorry Ash, but I really think we should stay here, then as soon as the rain stops, we can go out and look for Pikachu again. K? Ash looks like he wants to say something else but he can't think of anything. Ash: (looking down) Alright... Brock has a sympathetic look on his face, but just walks over to the couch he was sitting at, since he thought maybe Ash and Misty wanted to be alone. (don't ask, it's Brock) Ash slumps back onto the chair. Ash: (sarcastically) Great, just great! Misty: (feeling sorry) Ash, is there anything I can do? Ash: (slowly shaking his head) No...I just want to be left alone right now. -To Be Continued- (So, did you like my second part? Please review and tell me what you think? Should I make a 3rd part? I was planning on to, but I want your opinion first. =) Thanks!)