The Other Side: Agent Misty A/N: Hello everyone! Here's my newest (I don't mean second, I have many untyped) fanfic t hat will go with another upcoming one, Finding Myself: Agent Ash. If I owned pokemon, well you should know by now. Ages: Misty: 12 Giovanni: 46 Prolouge “You’ve been given. To me. So join Team Rocket and I will spare your life.” The man in black grabbed the young redhead’s neck. “Do you swear your eternal loyalty to me?” ‘I don’t have a choice,’ the girl thought. “I… fine, I swear my eternal loyalty to… you.” She sighed and closed her eyes. Suddenly a throbbing pain emitted itself from the girl's body. A surge of electrical pulse flew throughout her fragile veins and arteries. Her lemon- yellow tanktop and shorts turned black and grew sleeves. The girl's aquamarine eyes rolled into the back of her head and came back blood red. "Your transformation is complete, agent." Giovanni's cruel stare darkened and turned away. "I dub you... Agent Mistara." *** I'm sorry it was so short, but stay tuned for the next few chaps and more Origin of Hate!