The Origin of Hate By Misty's Kyogre, a first time writer. Hey guys! This is the first part of my first fanfic! Yay! I'm sorry about the short chapters, but I've already written the whole story! It's just that it takes forever to write them! So enjoy and please review! CHAPTER 1 "Ashie, a girl's here to see you!" "Mo-om! Don't call me that! And what's the problem with a girl, anyway? I'm 14 years old!" "Oh, just hurry up. We're getting impatient!" Delia started tapping her foot. "I'll be right there!" Ash sped around the spiral staircase and landed squarely on a small package that the girl had been carrying. "Oh, hi May!" Ash said, rather sheepishly. "Sorry about your package. Here you go." Satoshi handed the package to May. "It's okay, it's completely shockproof, and now I know it's buttproof as well!" This got a couple of chuckles out of Ash and his mother. "So what brings you here?" asked Delia cheerfully. "Well, my brother's having a sleepover with a bunch of boys and I'd like some privacy. My dad, the gym leader, has to work late at night and he didn't want to be disturbed so he agreed to take me with him to whatever hotel he was going to. Then we came by here, and I asked Dad if I could stay over here, well, if you guys let me. He's outside waiting but he said he would give me fifteen minutes or so. So whaddaya say? You did say you owed me one!" Ash thought back to the time when May had saved his life. The crew (Ash, May, Max, and Brock) had been exploring Victory Road when a giant Onix appeared! It had slammed its rocky tail right at Ash! Just in time, May had pulled him down to the ground. Well, "Hello? Earth to Ash?" "Ashton, we have a problem!" Delia played along with May's silly game. "Huh?" Ash said. "I can see why Misty thinks you're so dense!" May teased. "Very funny. What were you saying?" "I was asking if I could stay here for a month." "WHAT? A MONTH?! Mom?" "We've got two extra bedrooms, honey." "Well, okay, fine. Where's your lu-" Ash's eyes caught a huge limo full of exotic goods and everyday amenities. "Let's just say I travel heavy," May said, watching Satoshi's jaw drop to the ground. * * * Misty Waterflower paced up and down her modest bedroom. She was trying to write a love letter for Ash Ketchum. Ahh, Ash. His handsome looks, cute personality, and plain dreaminess made him perfect for her. Kasumi had already trashed a few drafts, one of which she had taken her anger out on with her trusty pen; her dagger of truth, and a pair of scissors that had somehow made its way into her room. How much easier it would have been if that scum May had not come to take her place at Ash's side… Kasumi analyzed the possibilities. She couldn't send an anonymous note, because Ash might think May had given him it. She could send May away, but she doubted Ash would ever forgive her. Kasumi sat down on her bed for inspiration. Then it struck her. She would call Brock! * * * Like it? Don't worry, it'll get better!