Ash: im so damn hungry>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Misty: well ash if YOU hadent got us lost ohhhhh never mind im to hungry to think!

Brock: well you guys ummm, welllll you know how i got that bike in pallet from your mom ash?

Ash (faintly): yea i remember why?

Brock: well BEAT YOU TO THE NEXT TOWN!!!!! -> zoom

Misty: oh crap brock left!

Narrator: while they were walking they found some wild fruit and set up camp...

pika chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

hey ash look pikachu's awake
oh hey pika chu want a apple pi pika chu ok, so misty it is pretty cold out, cold ash its thirty-three degrees yea i know so misty do want to conect sleeping bags??
sure sounds resonable misty thinking to herself, well at least ill be close to ash (get the picture) ash thinks to himself at least ill be next to misty (now do you get the picture)? so they connected sleeping bags and went to sleep  pika chu and togipi watched them from next to the fire of corse they were cold so they were at the other side
when ash woke up in the morning at two  he herd misty talking in her sleep "oh ash i love you" and then sleep kissing" or what ever you want to call it and kissed his lips but then after 10 seconds she stoped the "the sleep kiss" and two minutues after that a black figre poped out and started taking pics of the picachu Misty (gloomly):
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!! (not so gloomy!!!!)

ash was still struck from mistys sleep talking ASH WHO IS THAT (misty was huging around ash) hey who are you (pikachu and togipi woke up and wached, pika chu
did hells thunder and ash returned pikachu to his pokeball who are you he walked out of the shade hi its todd! misty: you (gasp) scared (gasp) me (gasp)
ash: todd wassupp man, todd (staring at misty) ash sees this and gets mad but said nothing) so long time no see todd: gnfjskfdsh TODD, yells ash! misty started looking at todd to and starring and starring and starring any way this went on for ten min. you know (note todd gets the crap beat out of him later - way later back to the story....
MISTYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! huh? ash gasps from yelling so long i have somthing to tell you todd a little privacy TODD! oh ok. ash/misty start talking misty i herd you sleep talking about me (misty thinking to her self ohhhhh no he knows about my dream but i think i like todd now) so um misty-- all the sudden todd walks up an boots ash out of the way misty i know that i never liked you in this way but do you want to go out on a date? (todd thinking to himself ohhh this is going to be good,i beat ash to her i wonder what shell say???/// misty: i will ash heres this gets on tod starts betin the crap out of him saying
" god damit son of a bitch i was going to ask her and... ash stoped "she said yes to you" a teer droped from ashes face and
he ran away with pikachu what have misty: what have i done all the sudden todd kissed her todd(18) and misty(18) were making out tod had a condom in his hand (ash watching from a bush) ash started crying then tod zipped down mistys pants and started reching for the vigina misty saing stop but covered her mouth and nose ash: hes trying to rape and kill misy ash got up and started kicking the crap out of tom again he was taped to the ground from ash pika chu hells thunder! pikachu did it four times ash got back on todds chest punch it eccoed thogh the whole forrest todd was not dead but knocked out. ash and misty    ran trogh the forrest getting away from tod (to be continued)
