THE GAME CHAPTER TWO 199 ON SS MISTY Kerry looked out the window of her cabin, and the announcement came over the intercom. "199 ON SS MISTY". Kerry wondered who was not on the SS MISTY, but didn't worry too much. SS MISTY pulled away from the harbor, and they were out to sea. There was a party held in honor of the 200, or in this scenario, 199 that were participating in The Game. "MACHO MACHO MAAAN!" the speakers blared. Kerry couldn't help but laugh as Furret bopped his head up and down rythmically to the music. "Looks like you're not there yet." she picked the small Pokemon up by the scruff of it's neck and set it on the bed, so she didn't lose it in all the commotion. Suicune and Hootie murmured something about "Fluffy", which happened to be Furret's nick name, up until Kerry found out that Furret was male. ********** Korey looked at the Player's List. The person who wasn't present, accoording to the book, which seemed to know everything, was Rai Tsukururi. Korey thought a moment, brushing his unruly black hair out of his clear blue eyes. Sixteen year old Rai Tsukururi, pop sensation. Korey had always had a crush on the town's local pop music star. Korey wondered where Rai was, maybe she had found another way onto the continent. He was rather dissapointed, he still hoped he got a chance to meet the girl. ********** Rai jumped off of Pidgeot and landed softly on the sandy shores of the continent. Why had everyone gone on a stupid boat, instead of using a Pidgeot, the bird that can fly faster than the speed of sound? The sky suddenly became sunny, blue, and clear, like it should be on a warm summer day like this one. This seemed to signal a break. "You don't want to play?" she whispered. "I'll wait. You tell me when it's time."