¡¡¡¡Life Goes On ¡¡¡¡Disclaimer: I don¡¯t own pokemon, etc. ¡¡¡¡This is my first ever fanfic and I hope this is good. PLZ send reviews. ¡¡¡¡Da Bartsta ¡¡¡¡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ¡¡¡¡*indicates thought* ¡¡¡¡INDICATES YELLING ¡¡¡¡~~~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~~~ ¡¡¡¡*\Sound Effects/* ¡¡¡¡@@@@@@@@@@@@@Cutscene@@@@@@@@@@@@ ¡¡¡¡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ¡¡¡¡He gazed out the window, the light pitter-patter of the falling rain outside made Ash¡¯s mood worse. His own emotions were like never-ending rainstorms, gray and cloudy. If only things went the way they were supposed to be. Ash had not seen her for years now, and the mere thought of her brought rolling tears of sadness to his eyes. *\CRACK!/* Thunder. The lightning lit up the room with a blinding white as the rain fell even harder. *Why did I leave her? I am so stupid for letting that sentence she said break my heart, my life, and my love for her. Why, WHY!* Tears rolled down his cheeks as another *\CRACK!/* rang out across the landscape. *Why don¡¯t I just end my life now? I have practically nothing to live for. Misty¡¯s out of my life and Brock left with his wife Clover* ¡°PIKA!¡± Ash smiled. ¡°Well, I got Pikachu to live for, at least.¡± The yellow lightning mouse was Ash¡¯s only companion now. He had left most of his pokemon at the camp site when he left. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FLASHBACK @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ¡°Ash, you are such a jerk! I absolutely HATE you! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR F***ING FACE AGAIN!¡± ¡°How can you say that? I was going to tell you that I loved you today, but since you hate me so much, I guess I¡¯ll just go hang myself on a tree or something and you wouldn¡¯t care!¡± Ash screamed, running farther and farther into the forest. ¡°I didn¡¯t mean to hurt you, Ash. Sorry. I love you too.¡± Misty whispered as Ash¡¯s footsteps disappeared into the forest. Misty was shocked beyond anything you or me could imagine. *I can¡¯t believe it! He loved me back, and I just had to make him go.* Misty sat on the ground and cried until she lost her voice. ¡°Hello there, it appears that you have some trouble, am I correct?¡± Misty turned, startled. Who/what should the voice be? Please send reviews to bartaviator@gmail.com!