The Pokemon Project

Part 6


The agents were very good about getting things done. They were even nice enough to perform the marriage, and invite my mom! When they completed, they took ud back home to the NorthStar.

There were plenty of changes waiting for us back home. My mom now lived in a tripex on the ship. Jessi and I lived in the third apartmant in the triplex. Mike, My Godfather, lived in the second apartment.

There were also changes to the ship. We lost some crew members and were in the process of replacing them. Dax was still there and she was so excited to see me that I had to pry her off of me with the jaws of life. The command of the ship was returned to me.

That night we had the best party on the ship ever. Everyone showed up. And there were lots of my friend and co-workers there. And all the food. This party lasted almost the whole night.

We have lived well scince. We had children and they a had children. I love telling you how we came to be this way. You all are my favorite grandchildren.

“Kids, lets go home.”

“There’s your parents, go on now.”

“Bye, Grandpa”

“Bye kids”

Ther they go off to their homes. I wonder if they believe me. They kinda have to, as to seeing the circumstances. But not even my mom believed me, until it was too late. I still wonder when Jake is gonna stop by to see the kids.



NOTE:  I “Mr. C” am an author that has begun publishing my work in the form of E-Books.  I also write poetry and Science Fiction.  If you liked this FanFic project, It is the first book I wrote, and would like to read more from me, check out my official website at


I plans to create a sequel to this book shortly and publish it on my site, but I must first finish writing and publishing my poems and Sci-Fi books before I begin the sequel.