To Be A Master…A Legend Chapter 1- To Be A Master… "Pidgey…Pidgey…Pidgey…Pidgey…" The clock chimed. It was eight in the morning on a very important day for a very special kid. Today was the day he started his Pokemon journey. "Bobby……Bobby Lansing! You get up this moment. You're going to me late. Don't you want to be at Doc Martin's in time to pick your starting Pokemon!?" Bobby's mother yelled it him. Bobby slowly turned over and looked at her and in a half-awake tone of voice says "OK…I'm up I'm……YAWWWWWN……up." Bobby slowly sits up and walks over to his closet. He pulls out an outfit he had previously chose last night. A pair of worn jeans with small tears at the knees. A plain white, sleeveless shirt and a demin jacket. A air of fingerless red gloves and an official Pokemon League cap topped of this outfit. Bobby ran down stairs, almost knocking his father down has he ran to the kitchen. "Slow down there small fry…you'll end up killing someone" his father said jokingly, sitting down at the table himself. "Sorry Dad, but I only got half an hour to get to Docs or I'll be late." At this moment, Dex Lansing, Bobby's brother came shooting down the stairs. He was a nerd of sorts, and his clothes resembled that. A pair of black dress pants, a white business shirt and a black business jacket with a pocket protector in the small pocket on the left side. He also wore a pair of glasses that were, surprisingly, not broken. His hair was slicked back in a dumb looking due. Dex looked like he was going to a job interview for Apple Computer not to get his starting Pokemon. "Good morning Dorkster" Bobby says with a mouth full of Carn Flakes. "Shut up Booby" shouts Dex while pouring a bowl of Corn Flakes for himself. "Now now you two" Their Mom scolds "Thats no way for two future Pokemon masters to act." Bobby and Dex exchange grins at each other and nod. They both know there Mom is write. Not about how they are acting, but about being future Pokemon masters. "So Dex" Bobby begins. "What Pokemon do you think you'll get?" "I hope I get a Charmander or Machop. Everyone knows I want to be a great Fire and Fighting trainer. What about you?" Dex asks. "I don't know. I just hope I get a really good one. A Sandshrew would be nice." Bobby looks up at the ceiling, day-dreaming about a Sandshrew standing at his side. This day-dream is interuppted by Bobby and Dex's Dad coming into the kitchen with their backpacks in his hand. "Here boys. I took the libertyof packing you you guys. I put all the neccisary stuff in there like a tent, sleeping bag, cook-ware, and a little something for when there are no girls around." Their Dad winks. "MILES" Bobby's mom screams "They're only children. How dare you give them such filth." "They're old enough for it. I had one on my journey." While Thier parents argue, Bobby and Dex grab their bags and sneak out of the house. "Geez" Bobby moans. "Thats all they ever do. Bicker about this, argue about that." "Yeah, I'm glad we won't be back here for a long while." Bobby and Dex make their way towards Doc Martin's. When they get there, several other soon to be trainers have already arrived. Bobby and Dex go inside of Doc's house. No sooner than are they in, when they were a cocky voice behind them. "Well if it isn't the Lansing LOSERS" The short, heavy set kid bellows. "Lookie Lookie, its jelly-filled Jason" Bobby retorts. "Insult me all you want, you know who the better trainer will be" Jason says smugly has he crosses his arms across his body. "Yeah……US" Dex says back. "Hey…" Before Jason can say anything else, Bobby and Dex turn and leave him in the main room. When they enter the room, 5 other trainers are sitting in seats, waiting for Doc Martin. Bobby and Dex take seats in the front between a girl, about their age and an older boy who has sunglasses on. Eventually, Jason comes in and sits behind the kid with the sunglasses, who has an almost evil grin has he watches Doc Martin enter the room. "So you are the newest batch of Pokemon trainers to come out of Laneve Town. Well, I see alot of familiar faces and I know you all will do good. First of all, let me show you what you're going to need." Doc steps aside. On a table behind him are eight sets of six PokeBalls and a PokeDex. "Each of you will get six PokeBalls to catch Pokemon in and a PokeDex to anilize the Pokemon you find. They are designed to help you learn about Pokemon on your journies. over 200 Pokemon are already known, but updates will be sent to you every so often" "When do we get a Pokemon old man" a trainer in the back shouts. Several kids shout "Yeah, when do we?" "Well, if your in that much of a hurry, grab your PokeBalls and PokeDex and follow me." The kids do has Doc says and follow him into a small room. In the room, eight PokeBalls sit on a table. "Each of these has a random Pokemon in them. You all may feel free to fight over them." In excitment, Bobby charges at the table and reaches for first PokeBall. But before he gets to it, another hand picks it up. "Hey, that ones mine!" He shouts. Bobby looks at the 'theif' and sees the kid with the sunglasses standing there. "I don't see your name on it. Now get outta my face before I make you feel pain like you never have before." Bobby grabs the third ball off the table and quickly backs away. He backs into the girl who had sat next to him in the previous room. She had just picked up the fifth ball. They bump into each other. Bobby turns around and finds his face three inches from hers. They both hesitate a moment, then Bobby speaks up. "I'm…ah…sorry." "Thats ok……it wasn't…um…your fault. That kid over there looks pretty mean, I dont blame you for backing down." The girl says. "Th..thanks. By the way, what your name?" "Lilly. Whats yours?" "Bobby……Bobby Loser…I MEAN LANSING." Lilly giggles for a moment. Suddenly, someone grabs Bobby from behind. Its Dex, who has just picked up the second PokeBall on the table."Come on lover boy, we still have the tournament to compete in." Dex states has he sits Bobby down on a wooden chair and stands there next to him. "Tournament?" Bobby asks. "Yeah. Every time Doc sends out some trainers, he has them compete in a tournament to see who his top prospect is." Dex explains. "I thought you knew that?" "I did…I was just thinking about something else" Barry states while looking across the room at Lilly. She looks over at him. Their eyes meet and they both blush. They both turn their heads, but Bobby can't keep his eyes off her. he lloks at Lilly's shoulder length hair. A beutiful Golden Hazel color. Her skin is very fine and silky. It is the perfect shade of peach too. Her clothes hint of tom boy though with jeans similar to Bobbys. She wears a gray T-shirt with a lumberjack jacket over that. Lilly and Bobby's eyes meet again with the same result has before. Dex just shakes his head in shame. He also notices that Jason had just picked up the last ball from the table and tucked in into the pocket of him blue sweat pants. He then fixed his green T-shirt with a picture of a Bulbasaur on it. than he ran his hand through his short, black hair. Dex shook at the thought of Jason's oily hair. Doc walks to the front of the room and stands beside a door. "You are now official Pokemon trainers. And its time that you all get your first taste of a Pokemon battle." Doc opens the door. On the other side, is a battle field. All the trainers but one runs through the door and onto the field. The kid with the sunglasses walks throught at a steady pace. He looks at the other trianers running around and shakes his head. "immaturity plagues this room. This will be easy." he mutters has he takes a seat on the bleachers. "WOW! So this is what trainers battle on!" Dex exclaims. "Most of the time anyway. If there isn't one aroung, trainers make due with drawn out or imaginary lines" Bobby states in a know-it-all tone. Doc calms everyone down. Everyone sits down on the bleachers. "OK, the first match in the first round will be……Bobby Lansing versus Greg Naksed." Bobby rushes over to his side of the battle arena. When he turns around, Bobby's eyes widen when he sees the kid in the sunglasses standing across from him. He is also wearing jeans like Bobby, but they are torn alot more. He also has a red and yellow jacket with black, fingerless gloves sewn in. under the coat is a sleeveless shirt much like Bobby's, except his is grey. "Well…it looks like I first got the Pokemon you went for and now I'll take your dignity." "Yeah right. I bet my Pokemon is ten times better than yours." "Really…then lets go punk." Greg takes his PokeBall off his belt and Bobby follows suit. "POKEBALL GO!" Both Greg and Bobby yell at once. Both PokeBalls hit the ground and a bright light emits from both. Two Pokemon begin to take form. When the light fades two tan Pokemon about the same height face one another. "Abra-Ab" Bobby's Pokemon states. "Cool, an Abra." But then Bobby sees Greg's Pokemon. "SANDSHREW!" Bobby yells. "You stole the Pokemon I wanted!" "Thats just to bad isn't it. Sandshrew, Scratch." Grag says arrogantly. The Sandshrew swings its claws at Abra and connects. This awakes the once sleeping Abra. Abra teleports behind Sandshrew. "OK Abra, do what ever other move you know." Bobby shouts out. But Abra just stands there. "Come on Abra, do something." Bobby pleads. Greg begins to laugh at Bobby. "Silly kid" Greg says still laughing. "All Abra knows is Teleport. This match is all mine. Sandshrew, finish Abra with another Scratch." Sandshrew does so and Abra proptly faints. ----------later---------- "I can't believe I lost like that." Bobby whins. "Don't worry…" Dex says trying to comfort his brother. "He was just lucky. You'll get him next time." Bobby smirks and looks up. "Yeah, your right. IT was a fluke. But he did win the tournament."Bobby said looking down again. "And he beat that girl you like in the finals too." Dex added. "Speaking of her, I wonder where she went?" Bobby questioned. "I don't know, but I'll see you around. I'd like to try going on my journey alone." Dex says has he turns around and walks away. "See ya man." Bobby watches has Dex walks into the distance. Bobby turns and begins to walk away when someone runs towards him. "HEY……WAIT!" It was Lilly. She stopped a few feet away from Bobby. "ah…(gulp)…y-yeah." Bobby said, getting a little red in the face. "I was…um…wondering if I could……you know……come with you on you journey?" Lilly asks nervously. With this, they both turned bright red. "S-sure, you c-c-can join me." Bobby managed to stutter out. "Cool." Lilly smiles. "Lets go" She brabs Bobby's arm and drags him off towards the next town. From the looks off it, Bobby is of to a rough start, loosing his firs battle. But he has already got a (girl?)friend.