(At May's house) ! Knock Knock! "I'll get it!" called May running toward the door in her socks. "May I help you?" she asked. "May can I come in?" asked a girl with jet black hair. "Sure" she said stepping aside the door. "What's up Mere?" she asked. "I got kicked out of my home and I got lost" she explained "That's horrible, come on let's get hot chocolate" she said. (In her kitchen) Mere had her head lying on the table. "You look terrible" said May handing her a cup of hot chocolate. "Where are your poke'mon?" asked May "All of them got stolen except for Raiku!" she said. "Who stole them?" she asked. "Team Magma" she said. "RAIKU GO!" she yelled throwing a poke'ball into the air. "ROARRR" said Raiku. "May did I hear a?—" said a boy about her age. He stared at Raiku for a long time looking scared. "Raiku Return!" yelled Mere. "Hi" said the boy "My name is Mike" "I'm Mere" she said holding out her hand to shake his. But instead he gave her a peck on the cheeck. She blushed slightly. "Why are you here?" he asked. She told him all about what happend. "I'm going to bed" said May yawning. "Great where can I sleep?" Mere mumbled. "On the couch there's some blankets there" he suggested. "See you in the morning" said Mere. (After Mere fell asleep) Mike walked in quietly and kissed Mere on the cheeck one more time before going to bed.