Chapter 3: You can't teach a new bird old tricks "What?! Us?" Misty shrieked. "You are the chosen ones, you are destined to do great things, you are all part of the legend. Will you stay and help us?" Lotus asked taking Misty's hand gingerly. She drew it away, closing her eyes remorsefully. Ash opened his mouth to speak but Misty cut him off. "Before you go and throw yourself into another dangerous situation without thinking hear me out. You had dreams Ash, you wanted to be Pokemon master, you still do, and you were so close! Are you going to give up those dreams to risk your life for a world you've never lived in? Never will live in? And what about your mom Ash? I bet everyone back home is thoroughly convinced we're dead, what about my sisters? What about Brock's dad and all of his brothers and sisters? We have loved ones, and dreams, think about that," Misty preached to him slowly standing up. "I'll do it," she turned to see James leaning over the edge of the sofa. "What?" she asked bewildered. "I'm in, I'll do it," he replied matter-of- factly. Misty knelt and looked deep into James' emerald eyes. They told her of pain and longing, and the desire to do something great. "You're really serious aren't you? Why James? Why so quickly?" she asked never removing her gaze from his. James slid his eyes shut slowly and took a deep breath. "I don't have anything at home worth going back for," he answered. Misty remembered. She remembered when she'd been at his childhood home, and the cruelty of his parents and that awful girl they'd wanted him to marry. "The only things I had were Jessie and Meowth, and they're here with me. You guys too if you're willing to be friends," James said extending his hand to Misty. She smiled, James had a good heart, despite his evil intentions before hand. They hadn't been real, he hadn't wanted to hurt anyone, just please his boss and earn a living. Now that he didn't have to do that, he was actually very kind to Ash and his friends. Misty took James hand and shook it firmly. "Friends James," she said honestly meaning it. Ash stood and vigorously shook James' hand as well, followed by Brock. "Ah! Nice to finally be friends after all these months!" Pikachu exclaimed leaping joyously into James' lap. "I'll do it too," Jessie's groggy response startled all who hadn't known she was awake. "And I'm willing to bury the hatchet, just as long as I don't have to be emotional for very long," she mused. Ash laughed, same Jessie, only now her fiery attitude could be used as a benefit. There was silent communication between all present, any obstacles that had stood in the way of their friendship were now crushed to the ground. "Get some sleep, training begins tomorrow," Lotus said and began extinguishing candles. "Well? Going to do it?" Misty asked. Ash smiled, his flames flaring brightly for a split second. "I thought so, and I'm with you one-hundred percent," she whispered lowering her voice. "Goodnight Misty," Ash whispered back. She giggled and tossed on of the blankets Lotus had brought out for them his way. It struck right on target and unfolded, enveloping Ash in a cloud of coarse fabric. He gasped in surprise and smiled at Misty, who blushed a darker blue and unfurled a blanket for herself. Pikachu and Brock had already found a warm corner by the dwindling fire and gone to sleep. Ash crept around to the front of the sofa and gently spread the blanket over Jessie and James, who had since fallen asleep again. "Goodnight Team- Well I guess I can't call you that anymore. Goodnight my friends," he whispered and lightly brushed the stray hair out of James' face that always seemed to be there. He didn't stir, and Ash crept back to receive his own bedding. Misty had set it out for him and Ash was stunned. Normally she did things for herself only. He would be stunned yet again when he saw exactly how close together she'd put the blankets. Ash didn't mind, in fact he welcomed being able to sleep so close to her. He crept quietly to the soft, makeshift bedding and pulled the woven blanket over his flame-infused body. He was correct in his assumption before, if he wanted to burn something, we was positive he could. He just really didn't know how. He turned over slowly, ever so slowly as not to disturb the young girl who lay beside him. He lay facing Misty, watching her chest rise and fall and listening to her soft breathing and smiled. "You know you're beautiful when you sleep Misty," he whispered to himself. He raised one hand cautiously and deftly ran it through her hair once. She whispered something in her sleep and turned over. "Goodnight Misty," Ash whispered and closed his eyes. Sleep came easily that night, despite the stress of the day's events and Ash slipped into a deep, dreamless sleep. "Ash! Get up Ash! Don't make me shock you!" Ash's eyes snapped open at the threat of his Pokemon. "I'm up! I'm up already!" he cried leaping out of the blanket not wanting an electrocution first thing in the morning. "Good, the others are outside, let's go!" Pikachu exclaimed skittering quickly out the door, his claws clicking on the hard floor. Ash stretched and yawned, the flames that had died down to a soft blue in color with sleep flaring to the brilliant orange they had been. He looked out a nearby window to see James falter in mid-air and crash to the ground. Lotus sighed and rolled his eyes visibly. "James, you are not using the winds to your advantage, now try again," he heard Lotus say. James grumbled and picked himself up, fluttering his wings to relieve them of the sand. Ash chuckled to himself and slowly walked out of the house. Everyone was standing in a rough semicircle outside in the sand, their eyes directed upward. Ash joined them and looked in the direction they were. James was standing on the roof of the large adobe house; wings spread and knees bent waiting to leap off. "You can do it James I believe in you!" Jessie called jokingly. "Ha ha," he answered and jumped. He rose shakily into the air beating the great wings furiously. "No no! Glide! Soar! Use the wind!" Lotus called. James stopped the incessant fluttering and spread his wings to their fullest length. He sailed a few feet before taking a dramatic plunge. Instinctively with the fear he drew his wings in and fell like a normal human would, landing with a great spray of sand on the beach. He lay there for a moment unmoving, then slowly pushed his upper body off of the sand. He took one look at his wings sprawled haphazardly across the glittering white sand, pounded his fist into it angrily and buried his forehead into the hot grains. "Uh oh, someone's ego has been wounded," Jessie mused assuming her normal acidic attitude. "My ego is fine thank you very much," James replied getting up. He brushed his shirt off and folded his wings back in respectfully. Jessie rolled her eyes as James trotted briskly back to the group. "Now, you will now refer to me as Master Lotus, and I will train you to use your powers. I have read much of the old legends and know nearly all there is about the seven powers," he said slowly scrutinizing each person present. "Ash you have the power of the flame, use it wisely, Misty, has the power of water and ice, these, paired with others can be a devastating force, Brock, the power of fighting, with a rock hard defense, you will make a formidable opponent. Pikachu, as you call him Ash, has the power of lightning, you don't know this, but if I am correct, your powers have increased. Meowth, with the normal ability of agility and speed, you will also find your powers have increased. James, has the power of flight, well, at least he will have the power of flight, this will make you a valuable asset to the team as well as a fierce warrior. Finally, Jessie has been gifted with the power of the mind, this is one of the more difficult powers to learn, but once mastered, you will be a powerful force. Training will be hard, but the rewards will be great, now all who are in this, put your hands in the center of the circle," Master Lotus finished his grand opening speech leaving all present speechless. He slowly lowered his ancient wrinkled hand into the center of the group. Jessie's and James' hands soon followed. Meowth had a bit of a problem as did Pikachu due to height, but Ash and James solved it, allowing the Pokemon a spot on their shoulders. Brock was the last, seeming very hesitant to join. "Well Brock?" Misty asked raising one eyebrow. Brock's memory flashed with images of his little brothers and sisters. Of his mother and father, and the fond memories of the times before she passed away. He had a family to live for, but his father had promised him he'd take care of the siblings. He had told him to go and accomplish his dream, and one dream was to do something great. This was his chance. "I'm in," he said placing his stone hand atop all the others. Brock looked up into the smiling emerald eyes of James, he seemed very friendly to him, like a soul who'd longed for a friend other than Jessie and Meowth and was finally getting them. Even Jessie winked at him when his gaze met hers. He knew that this was what he wanted to do and he'd see it through to the end. "Alright then, James! Back to the roof! I will be working solely with him for a while! The rest of you, the first thing to do is get to know your new forms, I want you to look carefully at anything new about yourselves and experiment. I have to whip this young man into shape," Master Lotus said and parted the circle to get to James. He took him by the arm and led him behind the house. Ash shrugged and walked to the shoreline with Misty. James sighed as he approached the back of the house where the wooden ladder stood. "Now now, you'll never soar with the Talcons with that attitude," Master Lotus said urging him upwards. "Talcon? What's that?" he asked stalling the inevitable. "It's a great bird Pokemon, you'll see one sooner or later now climb!" he replied tugging James' tail feathers roughly. James clenched his teeth angrily and placed his foot on the first rung. He looked up nervously to the sky where the sun was just climbing to the noon slot and pressed onward. He took the steps carefully, feeling each one beneath his feet to take up more time. He was not anxious to fall flat on his face again. "Stop stalling James! You need to learn to fly sooner or later!" he heard Master Lotus call. "Yeah whatever," he mumbled. "I heard that!" James swallowed hard and quickly ascended the last few steps. Upon reaching the very edge of the roof, he unfolded his wings and spread them. Master Lotus came huffing up the ladder after him and stopped, breathing hard. "I'm much too old to be doing this," he mumbled walking over to the young man at the edge. James turned around, not bothering to close his wings and waited for the old man to come to his side. "Well? You seem to know all, what should I do?" he asked folding his arms across his chest stubbornly. Master Lotus closed his eyes and shook his head as he walked calmly over to the youth. He gently pried his arms apart and spread them along the lengths of his wings. James opened his mouth slightly in wonderment and listened to what the wise man had to say. "The beach is the place of the winds, you must learn to sense their patterns, know them as well as you know your friend Jessie. They can either be your friend or you enemy. Now, close your eyes James, feel with your heart and soul, listen to what the winds tell you," he said. James closed the emerald eyes and thrust his neck out into the air. The wind whistled softly through his blue hair and tossed it lazily about his face. Something was there, something he'd never really taken the time to feel for before. It was like a quiet voice in the back of his mind, telling him and only him secrets that it picked up, but most of all it told him where it was going. He began following the wind patterns with one hand, standing perfectly straight, his only movements following the wind. "Yes, yes you feel it now! Use the wind, it is your most valuable asset," Master Lotus said pressing his hands together with satisfaction. James opened his eyes and pushed his toes over the edge. "I can do it, I can do it, I can do it," he repeated to himself and readied his mind and majestic wings. James took a deep breath and jump gracefully off of the house. He felt the pull of the winds and where they were going, but he could not sense how to ride them. He panicked slightly, fluttering his wings, but when he didn't fall, he stopped. He lost his concentration on the winds, focusing mainly on his wings and sailed haphazardly to the ground. He didn't make a crash landing fortunately, and lighted in the sand on both feet. "Well, it's a start," he muttered to himself. Master Lotus, unbeknownst to James, had come down to meet him. He walked calmly behind him and laid a hand on his shoulder. "You lost touch with the wind, when you learn to meld all the elements of flight in your mind, then you will take to the skies," he said. James nodded and Master Lotus proceeded to help another for the day. James sighed, he'd never learn to fly at this rate. He looked up at the beautiful coastline scenery and noticed something he hadn't before. A large rocky cliff rose not too far from the adobe house. A devious grin crept onto his face as an idea entered his brain. "Perhaps my problem is I'm not starting high enough," he said to himself and started off towards the cliff. Jessie noticed him walking away and peered cautiously from the safety of the beach just in front of their home. "Whatever is he doing?" Pikachu asked curiously. "I don't know but it can't be good, we'd better follow him," Ash, who saw them staring, said. Jessie and Pikachu nodded mutually and Ash led the group towards the cliff. James finished his ascent up the sloping back of the cliff and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He closed his eyes and stood rigid. Ever so slowly, his right hand moved away from his body and began to move with the direction of the wind as James sensed it. After a few minutes, when he felt ready, he unfolded his wings and stepped slowly out to the very edge. He peered over and immediately drew his wings back in again. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea," he whispered to himself. He wrapped his arms tightly around him in embarrassment and turned on his heel. He felt ashamed that here he was, supposedly this great hero, and he couldn't even stand at the edge of a cliff, much less jump off, and he was the one with the wings. He hung his head as he walked, upset and fearful of what everyone would think of him. That is, until Jessie's shoes became visible. He gasped and closed his eyes in fear. "Oh James," Jessie called in a singsong voice. James looked up slowly at Jessie who stood with her arms crossed impatiently across her chest. "I know it's frustrating not being able to fly yet, but you don't have to go this far!" she said eyeing the ground. She herself walked over to the edge and looked down. James felt the shame again, she could look and he could not. "Jessie leave him alone," Ash said. James looked up again to see Ash and Pikachu come up as well. He must have seen the burning red color in James' cheeks and decided to defend him. "Aw come on! He's just being a wimp!" Jessie said laughing. James could practically feel himself shrinking. Ash glared at the red-haired girl dipping her foot over the edge lower and lower in mockery. Jessie discontinued when she felt Ash's eyes burning into her skull. She put her hands angrily on her hips and rolled her eyes. If James was ever going to learn, it wasn't going to be easy. "Come on Ash, I bet I could jump off of here and land on my feet!" she said laughing louder than was really necessary. Ash's heart skipped as she jumped and twirled on the very edge of the cliff, sending several large chunks of it to plummet to the ground. "Jessie I wouldn't-" "Oh, now you're being a baby too?" She stood on one foot, raising one just her toes, on the same edge, which was getting rather thin due to her antics. Pikachu's acute hearing, even more so than Jessie's, picked up a loud snap. Concerned, he looked to the area where Jessie stood just in time to watch a great crack shoot across like lightning, and the tip of the cliff crumble and fall taking her with it. "No!" he cried reaching out. James whirled around and sprinted to the edge, and without even having to think, dove off of the edge after his friend. "I thought he couldn't fly!" Pikachu gasped. "He can't," Ash replied. Jessie closed her eyes, mentally running through her last thoughts. She felt the wind rushing around her, faster and faster as she approached the ground. "I'm sorry James," A memory. Her first day in the Team Rocket uniform, the first time she saw James, her Arbok, a devilish image of Giovanni. "You'll never amount to anything! You'll never be like your Mother!" A little girl crying, young James, half-frozen in the snow, thinking he was dead, a loyal Growlithe never leaving his side. Cassidy, a malevolent specter, Pikachu shocking her. A more pleasant memory, sitting with James after a defeat. "It's okay Jessie, there's always tomorrow," The mallet resulted from that remark. "I love you." The memories and meaningless words flashed through her mind. "So this is what people go through before death. I'm going to die?" her giddy mind projected near useless thoughts in its final moments. She imagined hitting the sand, every bone in her body shattering, the warm blood. She waited, she sensed the ground close below her and prepared herself for the impact. She did hit something, but it wasn't the ground. She squeezed her eyes shut harder as she felt a rush of hot air from underneath her carrying a stinging spray of sand with it. She gasped as it whipped across her exposed skin, digging into it like hot needles. When no other pain came and her stomach lurched with the force of being carried upward, she opened her eyes. She found herself in James' arms soaring into the sky. He had a determined, hard set expression on his face and didn't even notice when Jessie came back to the world of the living. She slid her arms around his neck for stability and James seemed to snap out of his trance. "James! You did it!" she cried happily. He looked down at his friend and smiled. "I...I did didn't I?" he shouted happily. At that moment, a permanent bond was made between James and the winds. They would forever be on his side, and he would always know their patterns. He knew how to fuse the elements in his mind now and nothing could stop his power of flight. Ash and Pikachu were forced to duck as James rocketed past the edge of the cliff. He performed a lissome flip mid-air and landed gracefully in front of them. He set Jessie down in front of the bewildered Ash and Pikachu and took off again, gilding with great speed towards the house. "Misty, you're quite an agile swimmer, but you have the power to use the water as well," Master Lotus stood in front of Misty who was frolicking happily in the water. She noticed an odd shadow on the water and looked up to see James hovering a few feet behind him. "Master Lotus!" Misty gasped pointing behind him. He didn't turn, he knew who was there. "Very good James, I see you know the winds now," he said not bothering to turn around. James smiled proudly and slowly let himself drop. Misty smiled back at him and winked. "I found out I could do something pretty cool. It's not much, but would you like to see?" she asked. Master Lotus seemed to perk up and nodded vigorously. Misty blushed modestly and turned to face the ocean. She drew in a deep breath and slowly closed her eyes. Raising her hand out to the water, it began to shimmer with a deep blue haze. The mist coiled itself around Misty's body, leading with small points of light. They looked like miniature fireflies, streaking the air with cerulean paint. Suddenly Misty flashed with the mist and it dispersed, leaving her standing, her figure composed entirely of water. She dove down into the liquid azure sea, completely invisible to James and Master Lotus. "Whoa," James breathed. Master Lotus clapped his hands together with joy. "Oh Misty! That's wonderful!" He shouted. The water rippled with colors and Misty was visible again. "You really think so?" she asked sheepishly. All of a sudden Ash came bounding over like a small child. "Master Lotus! Master Lotus watch!" he cried and thrust a hand out. He squinted his eyes in concentration and a meek flame exited and extinguished with a puff of gray smoke. "Isn't it great?" he said proudly. Misty, Master Lotus, and James erupted into a fit of laughter. "That makes Misty look like a pro!" James sputtered between laughs. Ash raised one eyebrow cynically, but shrugged and strolled away the tiny flame leaping from his hand occasionally. "I guess Ash is going to need as much help as James did," Master Lotus mused. "Maybe more," James himself added with a smirk. Misty trudged out of the water flipping a bit of water onto James with the broad end of her tail. He turned to follow, but found Jessie behind him. "Wait, can I talk to you?" she asked stopping him. He looked to Master Lotus, who nodded and smiled. "I'll leave you two alone," he said winking at James, who promptly blushed and turned back to Jessie. She looked downwards and twirled a finger in her long red hair absent-mindedly. "So, you wanted to say something?" James asked digging his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. "I...I just wanted to thank you for saving me," she said her cheeks running red with color. "It's nothing I wouldn't do for a good friend," James replied. Jessie took one step forward and wrapped her arms around James. "Thank you," she whispered. James hugged her back and rested his cheek against hers. "You're welcome, you're my best friend Jessie," he whispered back. "What was that for?" she asked with a small giggle, never leaving the embrace. "Just so you know, you know," James replied. Jessie hugged him tightly once more and slipped out of his arms. James sighed contentedly and let her go. She slid her arms down his and squeezed both hands reassuringly before turning and walking towards the house where everyone was gathering for lunch. James turned to face the ocean still imagining Jessie's warmth in his arms. The winds caressed him in their warmth and crispness from being near the sea. It blew a strand of glossy blue hair away from his face, sweeping along his cheekbone and entering his ear. They whispered a message to them that was for James and only James. "Yes I know," he told them, "but she doesn't feel the same way." Ash mentally counted off the members of their group and discovered James missing. "Where's James?" he asked scanning the shoreline. He heaved a sigh of relief as he spotted him, standing with his wings folded, tail wrapped around his legs and arms folded across his chest. He looked sad, and depressed as he stared out to the glittering swells far out in the limitless ocean. "James!" Ash called. He seemed to snap out of his trance and turned around. Ash motioned for him to come and he slowly walked back. He stalled watching his feet leave deep imprints in the fine white sand. Ash rolled his eyes and went inside. James stopped and listened as the winds bode him farewell for the time being and played over his lips, seeming to kiss him. He closed his eyes and let the winds playfully say goodbye. When they had finished their display of affection, James wearily trudged inside. Everyone was seated around the glossy wooden table enjoying some sort of odd fruit. James smiled as he realized Jessie had saved the seat next to her and took it gratefully. "What's wrong?" Misty asked noticed James' unusual depressed attitude. "Nothing, just a little tired I guess," he replied. Master Lotus nodded to the bowl in the center of the table filled with a bright green pear shaped fruit. "They are called Caracass fruit, because they grow only here, they are wonderful," he said taking a large bite out of one. James perked up at the mention of food and took one himself. It was sweet yet bitter at the same time, the waxy skin having no impact on the clear flavor as most fruits did. Everyone enjoyed the refreshing taste and ate many of them before returning outside to train some more. Master Lotus took it upon himself to help Ash who seemed to be struggling a bit. Ash, refusing to believe he needed help, stomped out impatiently to a small flat rock close to the shoreline. "Fine, now what do I do?" he asked folding his arms stubbornly across his chest. Master Lotus sat next to him and took his hand in his own. "Show me the flame," he said. Ash looked at him cynically, shrugged, and pointed his hand out towards the ocean. He concentrated hard, and a miniscule flame leapt from his hand for a brief instant. He sighed in exasperation and he noticed Brock sparring with air. The strength he saw in the muscles rippling underneath the stone skin was utterly amazing. He looked past his long time friend to see Jessie, concentrating hard on a spoon. It buckled under the force of her strong psychic mind and she smiled triumphantly. James swooped down from aloft next to her and Jessie displayed her bent spoon proudly. He took it and smiled down at her. Even Meowth and Pikachu were engrossed in a small Pokemon battle of their own. They had set aside any differences and had actually become quite good friends. Pikachu succumbed to Meowth's claws before retaliating with a quick swipe of his tail, which was writhing with electricity. Meowth cried out in pain and they both fell to the ground, beaten by one another. Ash sighed and hung his head. "I can't do it," he muttered. He looked up as a large wave broke dangerously close to the rock. Misty stood with a webbed hand outstretched and a terrified look on her face. "Sorry!" she called and disappeared under the surf. "I can't do it! Everyone else can use their powers, but not me!" Ash moaned again. Seeing his distress, Master Lotus patted him affectionately on the back. "Listen to me young Ash. Young is quite accurate isn't it? You are younger than all your friends, it makes you feel inferior sometimes. The desire you have in your mind to be better is cutting off what your heart tells you. Let go of that thought, listen to your heart," he said looking intently at Ash's flame laced body. Ash took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Now, free my mind, listen to the heart," he whispered. "Think of Misty," he said to himself in his mind. He slowly extended his hand and concentrated. A thousand thoughts ran through his mind, all of Gary, the way he had made him feel as a Pokemon trainer, inferior, and worthless. He clenched his teeth, those were the thoughts Master Lotus had told him to forget. "Listen to the heart," he repeated. "The heart, the heart," he whispered. An image of Misty appeared in his mind. She was wearing a flowing white silk gown that seemed suspended in air as it caressed her body. Her hair was down and it hung far below her waist in a shimmering veil of red. She smiled and bounded away through a field of beautiful white flowers. She stopped halfway through as a veritable cloud of beautiful Butterfree rose from the flowers. She turned around and laughed as the butterfly Pokemon danced about her in a fantasy display of glitter and shimmering wings, beckoning Ash to come with her. It was the dream Ash had had so many times before, and each time he felt as if as he ran toward her, he was caught in glue. She was running farther and farther away and he wasn't getting anywhere. He'd call out her name, she'd call his back and ask him to come with her. Ash opened his eyes when he felt heat in his hand. He looked down to see a small, yet raging flame in his hand. He played with it, using both hands to mold it into a molten ball, then hurled it to the ground with a vengeance. It exploded with a fiery blast of heat and sand. Master Lotus flinched, momentarily blinded by the flames and covered his face with his forearm. Ash blinked in surprise and looked at the scorched circle he'd left in the sand. "Did...Did I do that?" he asked breathlessly. Master Lotus patted him firmly on the back again and stood up. "That my boy, is how you use the gift of the flame," he said walking toward the water to see how Misty was coming along. Ash stared dumbfounded at his hands. "Thank you Misty," he whispered and stood up to practice some more.