Pokemon Romance Part 2:A Fine Romance Begins! Ash awoke and walked outside, leaving Pikachu asleep on his bed, the snow from yesterday had cleared up.As he was waiting outside,May appeared. "Ash can I talk to you, since we didn't get to finish our conversation yesterday" May said "sure May" Ash responded. Ash and May walked to the Pallet Town Local park and sat on a nearby bench together."what did you want to talk about May?" May blushed slightly."I've been knowing you for quite a while and I want to get to know you a little better, would you like to talk a little longer, maybe go get a burger or something?" Ash blushed as well and said "um... okay i'll meet you at Burger Frenzy at 2 'o' clock P.M." May smiled and said "Great i'll meet you there!" Ash walked backed to his house and entered and was greeted by his dad and mother."what did May want you for, and tell me the truth."Ash's mother said."let me guess she asked you on a date to get to know you a little better" Ash's dad said."How did you know that she asked me on a date!!!"Ash said with his whole face red."when I first met your mother she pulled the same line on me."Ash's dad said."May is a nice girl, you should ask her to the love festival if you two get to know each other better"Ash's mom said. Ash's face was dark red when she said he should ask May to the love festival,Ash said "Anyway where is May and Dawn?""May is upstairs, my guess is that she is getting ready for your date, and Dawn is visiting Kenny at his hotel room.""May I ask, what is the sudden intrest in Dawn?"Ash's mom said "Can we please stop talking about this"Ash said still red. Ash went upstairs and took a bath to get ready for his date with may,took Pikachu and asked his mom to watch him,and headed outside toward Burger Frenzy.Ash decided to go there early and wait for May, but was stopped by Misty."Hey Ash would you like to join me for a burger?"Misty said to Ash. "Sorry I can't i'm here waiting for May."Ash responded. Misty looked kind of sad that Ash did not want to go with her.Then Tracy came to greet them. "Hello Misty"he said. "Hey Tracy, would you like to go with me to go get a burger?" Misty asked. "Sure Misty." Misty and Tracy entered Burger Frenzy while Ash waited outside for May.It was 2:30 P.m and there was still no sign of May,he decided to leave, but as he walked away someone called out to him. "Ash sorry i'm late!"It was May who called out to him.May was dressed in a pretty sky blue shirt, tight blue jeans, and a headband that matched her shirt, the way she was dressed made Ash blush "so are we going to go inside or just wait out here all day?" May asked as she smiled."I thought we were suppose to dress casual." Ash said still blushing."This is casual."May replied back.Ash looked as his clothes and said."If I had know you were going to dress that way I would have dressed nicer than the clothes i'm wearing right now."Ash and May entered the restraunt. Ash ordered a burger for May and himself and set it on a table may was sitting in."So you wanted to get to know me better, right May?"Ash said kind of shy. Ash and May continued to talk untill Dawn came inside and went to the counter."I'll take 5 Burgers and 5 Large fries." Dawn said to the cashier.Ash got up out of his chair and went to go speak with Dawn."That's a lot of food,are you sure you can finish all of that, Dawn?"Ash said as he chuckled a little bit."I'm bringing some home for your mom,dad and Pikachu, honestly you would'nt think i could finish all of this food by myself."Dawn said.May got out of her seat and walked up to Ash.Dawn smiled and said "Are you two on a date?"May turned slightly red and said "well, sort of." "Well, May its been fun,but I think we should go home now." all three trainers decided to go back to Ash's house When Ash arrived at his house May and Dawn went to the guest room while Ash stayed in the living room, his Mother and Father were there."How was your date." Ash's mom said. "Mom can we please stop talking about me and May?" Ash replied.Ash stormed upstairs and into his room. "I think May came not because she was forced to, I think she had a choice to go with her parents on a vacation, but I think she came because she wanted to see Ash Back at Ash's room Ash was talking to Pikachu."Pikachu Love is confusing, I mean, I like May, whenever i'm around her, she gives me a warm feeling inside, but I don't have the strenth to ask her to the love festival, what should I do?"he asked Pikachu. "Pika Pika."Pikachu responded. "Your right Pikachu, if I really love her I would ask her right now, in fact i'm going to go and ask her out now!" Ash went downstairs and asked his mom were May was. "She got her own hotel room at the Pallet Town hotel."Ash's mom said "I don't think you should visit her today, it's already getting dark, so I think you should visit her tommorow.Ash agreed to visit her the next day . Ash went to bed and woke up the next day."13 days left."Ash said to himself. End of Part 2 Next time:Part 3:A Broken Heart.