Trikachu's Journey, Part 3:  The Pokeball


     I looked at the book in my hands.  It had all the formulas for how much ditto DNA would be put into how much cleansing liquid, and what kind of liquid,  how strong to make the glass, why, what type of metal to make a case to hold the "pokemon catcher"...  An idea began to form in my mind.  You know how it is sort of unfair how trainers have pokeballs to catch us, but not vice-versa?  Hehehe.  I could get Human DNA whenever I wanted it.  I would only make one, and see how it goes.  That'll show 'em!  I thought maliciously.  I took the book to the check-out counter.

      I knew about libraries from watching through windows.

      "Hello, how may I help you?"

      "Can I get a library card and check out this book?"

      "Sure.  Write your name, ID#, and date of birth right here."  She handed me a pink slip of paper.  I made up the ID#, wrote my name, and wrote my date of birth.

      "Here's your library card."

      "Now can I get this book checked out?"

      "Sure."  There was a loud BEEP as she shined a red light on it.  I walked out of the library.  Then I went into the forest to find a place to sleep, and tripped over something.  An axe!


      "ASH!  We're lost AGAIN!" fumed a redhead.

      "But Brock's the one with the map..." whined what must have been 'Ash'.

      "Ash, Misty, stop it." said a third, probably 'Brock'.  The redhead was Misty then.  The way they treated each other was almost as if they had a slight, secret crush on one another.  They where so intent on their argument, that they walked right into a door without noticing.

      "Who's banging on my door!?" demanded a man from inside, dropping a half-made pokeball onto the ground.

      "Uhh, sorry Kurt... It's just Misty here--"

      "No, it was Ash!"

      "........No comment......." said Brock and Kurt simultaneously.  I watched from where I had tripped as the argument continued.  They looked familiar, especialy the Pikachu on Ash's shoulder.  I got up to take a closer look.

      "What's going on?" I asked, looking at Ash and Misty.

      "It get's worse." Brock said, "bye the way, are you a hiker?"


      "Oh.  Most hikers have axes." The axe!  What should I do with it?

      "Here, I don't want it."


      That was easy.  Now, what's up with Kurt?

      "What're you thinking about?" I asked.

      "You look familiar."

      "You never owned a Raichu, did you?" I asked.  I already knew the answer.  That Raichu was my father.

      "Why, yes -- hey!  You don't happen to be his mate's trainer, do you?"

      "No, umm, my dad says you only have one electric type pokemon!" That was true.  By now, Ash and Misty had finished fighting.

      "One?  Now I have five!" <--- a successful topic change.

      "Cool!  Can Pikachu and me see them?" asked a ruffed-up Ash.

      "No, they're sleeping." said Kurt.  Then I remembered it:  the pokeball!

      "Uhh... gotta go!" I said, darting into our secret, no non-electric/psychic type pokemon allowed, cave.

      "Goodbye?" they asked.


      I scraped DNA from Kurt off of my shirt.  Mine would be no good, I was half pokemon!  I followed the instructions in the book (substituting 'Kurt' for 'ditto'), and soon had my "trainer catcher".  Now for an Apricorn.  I found a black one just lying around on the ground.  I hollowed it out, made little bumps on it (in a perfect alo-shape -- a shape that only pokemon know of.  It deflects any harmful force), and engraved a 'T' on the little button used to open it.

      Ta-daa!  Now, to test it.  THWIPP!  I was inside it!  I struggled untill I was out.  Amazing!  It actually worked!  I wondered, what should I do with it?  After much debate, I just took it outside, and let it wash down the river.  Now, it would find it's way into the world...  Hehehe...  Huh?  I thought I heard something!

      "Prepare fo--"

      "YAWN.  I don't feel like being 'robbed'." I said.  It was just those nosy nitwits.  I started walking away.

      "Hey!  Come bak here!  James, do something!"  A net came flying towards me.  It missed.

      "What?  What about that pit Meowth just dug!?"  I saw a pit to the left of me.  Oh well.

      I left them there, they where still staring  in the direction I went.  I kept on going.  I remembered that at least Ash or Brock carry maps (but they still get lost).  Uh-oh, I was lost...  I think I should go past that tree.  Hmmm...  That dream!  Probably just a dream.  I'll just follow that stream.  I whistled a tune as I walked.  What if the dream was a prediction?  Naahh....  A cliff!  Turn left!  I went back to thinking.  What did Alakazam say? Sahw tee vrold?  Probably meant save the world.  Me?  I wish I could have that dream again, oh I wish!

      It was getting dark when I finally settled down and camped out.  I heard some trainers and a camp fire crackling merrily.  I walked over to where they were.

      "Hi." said one -- he was Ash.

      "Remember me?" I asked.  He nodded.

      "How would you like to camp out with us?"  Brock asked.

      "Sure!" I replied.


      Notes: another day, another short fanfic.  Oh, guess what'll happen if somebody clones that pokeball 500 times >; ].

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