Pokemon : The Legend Of Scyther Type: AAMRN/Action By: Neo-Raziel WARNING: This fic contains graphic descriptions of violence. It shows the darker side of Pokemon, heh, if only the series were like it! *^_^* Ahhh...bliss! Chapter 1. "Five years ago... ...I used to be a pokemon trainer... ...and it should've been always fun... ...but for me... ...it was just totally different. There's me, who wants to be the best..and of course you just can't get it when so many obstacles are in the way. All I wanted was to have a girl, a best friend and a good life...but not this. I tell my story of life, of adventure, of love....and of death." Simon was like any other young wannabe Pokemon master, he wanted to catch all the pokemon in the world, he wanted absolute power over the pokemon he had and to have a little fame on the side...and also..to have a girlfriend. He began in the town of Lavender..where he lived. He had a best friend there by the name of Emma. She always used to hang around him and tease him. Really, they were like brother and sister. But the problem was Simon wanted the relationship with her to go further..so he began his quest to become an ultimate pokemon master. And now he was waiting outside Professor MacLean's lab. With his brown, long and spikey hair, he watched eagerly for the door to open. His mother had just told him that a pokemon was ready for him. "Ahh...you must be Simon!" Prof. MacLean said cheerfully as he opened the door. "Yes that's me! Where's the pokemon Professor?!" He said running in. "Err...look..it's just-" "Wooooooo!!!" There, in the centre of the main room was a little green pokemon. "Oh look at it! It's so cute!" Simon said picking it up. "Scytheerr..." It mumbled in his arms. It's claws hadn't fully developed and it looked up at Simon with cute eyes. The two seemed to bond instantly, "..scy!" It jumped up and hugged him. It leapt down and stood to it's full height, it was up to Simon's knee with it's height. "Now I wasn't expecting that!" The professor said, "It's been trying to kill me ever since I brought it here." "There's nothing wrong with this pokemon, it's the best pokemon ever..imagine what'll be like when it gets older..." The professor shuddered and tried to change the subject. "Here.." He said, passing him a tiny computer, "..this is the new type of PokeDex. It's also a personal computer that can strap on to your arm." "Coolllll!" Simon grinned and took it off him, "Thanks prof!" "You're welcome, also, that PC can connect to the internet so you can access any type of information in the world!" Simon wandered out of the lab with his new Scyther beside him. He looked down on it... "Scyther, you and I...we will be the greatest people in Pokemon history." "Sccyy!!!" It squealed and jumped on to Simon's back. It's claws were like tiny hooks and they clipped on to his shoulders. "Hey! Are you going to stand there all day or are we going on this pokemon adventure?" Emma shouted down the road. "Yeah I'm comin'!" "Wait!" A voice shouted down the road, it was Simon's mother, "I want you to have this." She passed Simon a necklace with a funny symbol on it. From a distance, it looked like a Scyther. Simon laughed and he saw that you could open it. "In there will be all the people that are close to you. A kind of luck charm really!" His mom and dad were in there and at the other side was Emma. "Mom..." he said embarrassed and blushing. "Take care of yourself!" "Yeah bye!" Simon began his adventure with Scyther and Emma. He captured more and more Pokemon as he went on with his journey. Emma and Simon grew closer and closer and they were only both 13 years old. Battles were continuosly won and lost and Scyther became stronger and stronger. What a life to have at 13...then, the worse came. Simon fiddled on his PC on his arm, at the moment, he was surfing on the internet. Emma was filing her nails while Scyther was filing his scythes to make them extra sharp. It had learnt how to talk, it was one hell of a pokemon now. It had grown 3 foot and was almost the same height as Simon. He'd really done some training with it to make it one of the best. "Hey...look at what I found about Team Rocket on the internet." Simon said to Emma. She looked over his shoulder with Scyther looking as well. "What?" Scyther said. "It says that Team Rocket are very good with genetic engineering." "Genetic engineering?" Emma asked. "Yeah, these are all top secret files. I don't know how I've accessed them but there's some really neat stuff here that could bring them down if we showed them to the police." "Like what?" "Apparently, Giovanni, the boss of Team Rocket, is trying to make a pokemon that can't be defeated at all." "What is it called?" Scyther asked. "Mewtwo.." Simon went quiet as he read on, "..it also tells you how to bond DNA." He kept on reading, learning all about Team Rocket. Their involvement with MewTwo, their ways of combining humans DNA with Pokemon's. He learnt it all. Soon enough, Simon learnt all about Team Rocket and he thought he got away with out them knowing. Fat chance...they were watching him all the time. And that night when he found out about them, he was going to regret it forever. Simon, Emma and Scyther were asleep near a cliff which looked out on Vermillion City. It looked beautiful. Scyther was snoozing while Emma was looking at the night sky with Simon asleep near her. "Hey...what's that noise?" Scyther said standing up from his snooze. "Yeah I hear it too. Sounds like-" And before they could do anything a huge helicopter flew from below the huge cliff. A beam of light shone down on them. It was so bright, it woke up Simon. "What the hell?!" Simon shouted. "I don't really wanna do this but if I had my own way..." a speaker boomed out from the helicopter, "..I'd let ya live!!" "Sure you would!" Simon shouted. With one swift movement he picked up Emma in his arms and shouted Scyther to follow him. A rocket shot out of one of the wings of the helicopter and exploded behind them in a huge fireball. Emma hugged Simon tighter. "My god!" Emma shouted, "I've never seen you like that before in my entire life!" "Trust me, I couldn't stand you dying like that." Simon said grinning, "I know who they are! It's Team Rocket!" They kept running through the forest until another cliff with a clearing was in sight. "Oh great! This is all we need!" Scyther screamed, "Another bleeding cliff!" "Yeah! And we've got trouble!" Emma shouted. The huge helicopter flew over the forest and it swerved to face them. The gatling gun on the front of it moved and was pointing at them. "Oh shit! Move!" Simon said jumping back in the forest. Before Scyther could do anything, the gatling gun began to fire. Bullets pierced his body as blood spurted on to the floor. "SCYTTTHHHEEERRR!!!!" Simon shouted. The gatling gun finally stopped and Scyther fell to the floor with a thud. ------------------- "What about the kids?" The pilot asked. "Forget about 'em." The man next to him said, "Let 'em mourn over the dead Scyther." "But Mr. Larkin sir-" "You have your orders Pilot! We shall come back and finish this operation another day." "But-" Now Larkin had gotten a gun out of his inside jacket pocket. It had a silencer on the end just to make it look extra evil and it was touching the pilot's head. "That is all pilot." "Ahem...yes sir." The helicopter flew off and Scyther lay there...not moving at all. There was an extremely long pause. Emma looked at Simon and he couldn't speak. He wandered over to Scyther. "Scyther...no..." He fell to his knees, tears flowing freely from his eyes. "...goddammit. C'mon, move! Stop kiddin' around." He started to cry even more. "C'mon! Please! Get up!!" Nothing. "This is all my fault!" "Simon..." Emma said kneeling next to him, "..it's not your fault." "IT IS!" Simon shouted, "If I didn't look at all them stupid files!" Then, he looked at his PokeDex. He began to brighten up... "Or maybe not..." "What?!" Emma said confused. "Em...I want you to get away from me as you can." "Eh?!" "Look, there's an experiment in here that can bring Scyther back to life but if it doesn't go right...let's just say it won't be pretty." "Why?!" "I'm going to sacrifice myself to bring Scyther back to life...I may come back to life if it works. If I give up a few of my living cells and merge them with Scyther's cells known as Rex Cells, then they're maybe a chance that I can make him live." "And if it doesn't work.." Emma nearly said breaking in to tears. "I'll die and we'll become one and the same. Our DNA will bond and I'll just simply..well...die." "No! Don't!" She said breaking in tears. "Look! I haven't got much choice! I care for Scyther as much as I care for you! I love you as much as I do him and I'd do the same for you!" He stroked her face, "Just don't get too worried about me Emma...if it doesn't work, just remember as the guy who really loved you." At this point, things were really getting morbid. He turned around and opened up his PokeDex. "Go, Em! Now! Please!" She turned him around and kissed him. One thing that Simon had been waiting for. It went on for ages. Finally, she stopped and let go of the kiss and looked him in the eyes. "Promise me you'll remember me forever." She said quietly. "Forever.." He said and kissed her again, "...now leave Em. I don't want you getting hurt." She looked at him for the last time and ran. Simon looked at Scyther and opened his PokeDex again and saw what he had to do, he then held the necklace that his mother had given him. He held it so tightly... "I promise Emma..."