Pokemon and all related Indicia and characters are copyright Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures, Jr. Kikaku, Shogakukan Productions 1995-2000 Ranubis Nanza, Sapphire Nanza, etc. copyright me, Nobie "GLIMMER IN THE DARKNESS" Chapter 1: Human Gratitude Life isn't fair. That's a statement I've learned the hard way, whether I wanted to or not. I may be a kid, but I was forced to grow up all too soon. I have more to think about than allowance and junk food. My clothes are stained, my jeans are torn, and I haven't eaten in a week. My name is Ranubis Nanza. I'd have to say, Ranubis is a very strange name. I think it was a result of my parents' trip to Egypt, but I'm unsure. I can't ask them either, because, you see, they're dead. It all happened a year ago. I was 12 at the time, and I was coming home with my sister, Sapphire. We had just gotten some groceries from the store for my mother. We had turned the corner when we saw it. The house was on fire. I screamed. Sapphire was too young to comprehend it, however. No ambulance came, no fire truck came. All because I live in Nexus City. Nexus City is a place where everything revolves around greed. Why didn't help appear on the scene? Because it wouldn't have been cost effective. My mom gave to charity, my dad occasionally served food in a soup kitchen outside of Nexus City. In fact, they seemed to have been the only ones with hearts. My parents died because the public viewed them as a problem. I had gone around from house to house, with Sapphire, looking for a new home. I had no money left, so I couldn't take a bus. However, every person rejected me because feeding another two kids would be too much. Greed. I really hate that word. What it represents has destroyed my own family, and any hopes I had for a normal life. I constantly starve myself to sleep. People are uncaring. I've lived a hard life, and I have the scars, both emotional and physical, to show it. So here I am, sitting near a waterfall. This waterfall is pure. It's the only thing in this damn city that hasn't been polluted. I guess most people choose to ignore it. For me, it's a place to sit back and process my thoughts. I look up, and see Sapphire running around. Sapphire is probably the only thing keeping me going. Her child - like innocence and pleasant demeanor has brought me back from the brink of death. Despite her being hungry and tired, she continues, like every day is packed with fun. Wait a second... "Sapphire, where are you going?" "Brother! I want to see the waterfall closer!" "What? No! Keep away!" Oh no! Too late! She's falling! She's falling! What can I do? Fear paralyzes me. I can do nothing more than scream. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I live in seclusion, away from others of my "kind." For I am an outcast, in more ways than one. I have not walked among other Pokemon in a long time. I am a Kabuto. Living the life of a Kabuto is a very difficult thing. I am part water, so I depend on the waterfall I live behind. However, being part rock, that same waterfall could kill me quite easily. If not, it would do serious harm. I once lived in ancient times, back when Kabuto were abundant. I was born to a group of Kabuto who lived along the coast. Though not all of them were related, they acted as a family. One depended upon another. We were like a colony. We had Kabuto who gave birth, Kabuto who collected food, Kabuto who helped find places to rest, and Kabuto who defended the others. From a very early age, I wanted to be a Kabuto soldier. Problem was, I was a runt. As a young Kabuto, I was only half the size of the others. Every day, there was talk that I would only slow down the group. If a Pokemon as slow as Kabuto is hindered further, the consequences could be fatal. I feared abandonment. I needed to show them that I was able to defend them. So I fought every day. I improved my skills in swimming and running. I practiced sneaking up behind my brethren and getting the jump on them. Eventually, I became skilled at the surprise attack. What was even better is that, as I matured, I grew drastically. Not only from age, but from all my activity as a child. My former handicap was gone, and now my chances were even greater to become a soldier. Eventually, the leader of our group bestowed that upon me. I promised I would protect them no matter what. I failed. It was a sunny day. I still remember the way the light gleamed off our shells. We had just found a school of Goldeen to hunt. We were successful and began eating. Suddenly, the sky turned dark. I used my outer eyes to look, and I saw three gray bellies. The three gray bellies of a group of Aerodactyl. As the rest of the group began to see the threat above, they divebombed. One Aerodactyl, we could probably defeat. Two, it would be a challenge. Three, however, and we wouldn't stand a chance. Each one, with serrated fangs showing picked off Kabuto after Kabuto. I fought hard, but Scratching usually does little to an Aerodactyl. In the ensuing massacre, I managed to blind one of them. In its anger, it shook me off into the water, causing my shell to crack against the rocks. I was severely wounded. I could feel my consciousness fade. The others weren't so lucky. When I had come to, everyone had been eaten or killed, except for me. Every day, the thought that I was unable to protect them gnawed away at me. The fact that there were three Aerodactyl was no longer an excuse. I sat alone on the shore, not eating a thing. My deterioration was apparent. Eventually, I just died of sorrow. I opened my eyes, confused. Had I not met my end? How was it possible for me to be alive once more? My eyes hurt from the light; I could not focus. All I could hear was some talk about "fossils." Human talk. Were humans now able to revive the dead? Apparently, they had come a long way since my time. I saw another human pick me up. Too tired to fight back, I just sat in his arms. He walked outside, and immediately sent me into a battle. Was this guy crazy? Apparently so. I was not even used to living again, much less battling. I saw my "opponent." It was an Oddish. I suspected I would lose quickly, so I just sat still, but the trainer ordered me to fight. For some reason, I did. I was defeated quickly. I was at a serious type disadvantage, and I felt more sluggish and less powerful. I guess being fossilized reduces one's strength. The trainer saw my loss, and abandoned me. He did not think much of me, but he was a fool for sending me into battle so early; it against a grass type as well. I headed for the coast and began swimming. Eventually I ended up at the waterfall that I am currently living behind. I look outside, past the water, and I notice something. A human... a young, female human...falling! My protective instincts fill me, and I begin to climb the cliff, slicing off the leaves of tree limbs in order to create a cushion. I have to work fast. That child has no chance if I do not get there in time. I finally finish, and get set to retrieve her. This is not an easy task. I jump onto a tree branch and bend it back. I let go, and it sends me careening towards the child. Having such a smooth shell makes me quite aerodynamic. I land on the child, and then jump off and then crash into her in order to send her towards the pile of leaves. I hope this works. If I am responsible for another life I failed to save, then I do not think I could live with myself. I am falling, but I look on. She has missed the waterfall. That is good. It would have crushed her horribly. She lands safely on the leaves and begins to cry. Rarely does such a high pitched squeal sound so rewarding. I look down, at the base of the waterfall. My death is again inevitable. However, this time I am able to die knowing I saved a life, at diminished strengh. I close my eyes, and wait for the end... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I look on, horrified and relieved. What just happened? I hear Sapphire crying. I regain control of my body and jump down to where she is. "Sapphire! Sapphire! Are you okay?" I ask. Please, oh please be okay... She continues to cry. I hold her in my arms and console her. I'm still in shock. If I were to lose her too, I'd have no one left. I would be all alone. She survived. My goodness she survived. I am very grateful that her life wasn't robbed. I try to piece together my thoughts. She fell... and then something...tackled her. Was it a Pokemon? It probably was a Pokemon that saved her. That saved her and fell! I have to go rescue it! It might be dead by now! Sapphire may be safe, but who knows what condition that strange Pokemon is! I quickly climb down the cliff, adrenaline fueling me. I certainly couldn't do this normally. Why do I feel compelled to save this Pokemon? Is it because it's responsible for saving Sapphire's life? Most likely. I'm usually not this brave. When you're as thin as me from eating so little, you don't tend to go around looking for trouble. I feel the rocks scrape against the skin of my hands, but for now, I ignore it. I continue to climb down until I think it's safe to simply jump... and I do. I swim around looking for the Pokemon. Where could it be? I search frantically. How long is this taking? Seconds? Minutes? I'm unsure. I see something at the bottom that I had not spotted before. Could that be it? I take in a gulp of air, and proceed to swim down. I grab what I think is the Pokemon, and I swim upwards, hoping that I would not run out of air before it was too late. The water is getting lighter in color... a good sign. I continue to swim upwards, the Pokemon in my arms. *SPLASH* I surface, gasping for air, still holding what I believe is the Pokemon. Am I right? I examine it more carefully...yes, this must be it. The two black dots (eyes?) are on the shell. I stare at it a little before bringing it back up to Sapphire. Exactly how long does an adrenaline rush last, anyway? Sapphire and I continue to stare at the Pokemon. It's not moving. Could it be dead? I see Sapphire has that same look as when... she saw our dead parents. A mix of curiosity and a lack of knowledge makes her continue to look at what may be a carcass, and... what was that? I feel it begin to stir. It's alive. I sigh with relief. The Kabuto's eyes...there's something about them. I can't quite describe it. I decide to try and talk to it. "A-are you okay?" I say to the Pokemon. "Kabuto." I have no idea what he just said...or do I? The tone of voice, the nature of the tense, I think it's worried. "So that's what you are. A...Kabuto." "Kabuto." It still sounds worried. Just then Sapphire crawls up to the "Kabuto" and begins to stare at its eyes. "Kabuto." it says, its voice taking on a different tone. Was it worried about Sapphire? I sit down to think...when I realize Sapphire is hugging the Kabuto and playing with it. "Sapphire! Put it down. It's hurt, and you might make it worse." She stares at me blankly. That innocence... she appears to be thinking. "Okay, big brother!" She puts down the Kabuto and begins to stare at it again. I look at the Kabuto as well. We've been doing a lot of staring, I realize. "So...Kabuto... where are you from?" "Kabuto." "Really now..." I try to interpet, but I fail. "Well anyway, my name is Ranubis. Ranubis Nanza. That's my sister, Sapphire." "Kabuto," it affirms. This goes on for who knows how long. We become engrossed in the conversation. I don't know half of the things it's saying, and yet I feel so comfortable talking to it. Time fades away for us, as we continue to talk. From what I can understand, it's apparently sad about something that happened a long time ago. "Well, I guess we depart now, Kabuto. My life is no good for a Pokemon. I can't feed you well, and there aren't any Pokemon Centers. It'd be better if you return to the wild." "Kabuto..." "C'mon Sapphire, we need to get some rest. Where do you want to sleep tonight?" "The park!" "The park? Not a good idea. How about we try-" "Stand where you are, child." I freeze in place. "W-who is it?" That voice is deep and soulful, but something doesn't seem right about it. It's a kind of talking that I have never experienced before. "What do you want?" "You may turn around, first." I do so. I see a strange figure wrapped in cloaks, his(?) face obscured, as a result. "That is better. You may call me 'Dineas.' For as what I want...I simply wish to ask you a few questions." "...Okay... what is it?" "What are your thoughts on Pokemon Trainers?" "I don't know. The only ones I see around here are harsh and abusive. Though I suspect it's a hard life. The amount of devotion is probably enormous." "What do you think of your life right now?" "It's...difficult." "So that means that life is difficult to live. No one gets breaks. Much of life can be a cruel defeat, one after another. However, do you know what the difference between your life and that of a Pokemon Trainer?" I have no answer. I'm simply confused. What is this all leading to? "You are confused. Your thoughts are tangled up." This DiNeas pauses for a brief moment. "Therefore, I shall tell you the difference. The way your life is at this moment, no matter how far you progress in life, no matter how old you get, you are still trapped in this same place, confined to a thankless existence with no reward in the end. You are always going around for that scrap of food, and sleeping in the cold streets, hoping that this will not be another dark day. Where do you keep walking to? Is there anyone to ask? The wind, perhaps? The wind will not give you an answer, however." "Who says everyone has to have more to their life, a purpose? It's just a dream. Who says that I'm not going to be stuck as an orphan, forced to take care of my sister without any support?" "Who says you are? Are you truly intent on living like this? Have you given up every last bit of hope?" "No, of course not. I just feel that-" "And what of your sister, this Sapphire. Do you want her to suffer this much? Do you want to see her grow up in these conditions? One day she may have to go through more than she can handle, and you won't be there to support her. Is that the fate you want for you beloved sister?" "SHUT UP! HOW the HELL do YOU know what I'M going through?!" His eyes are obscured, but I see them narrow."Oh, I do. I most certainly know how you feel. In fact, much more than that." His (DiNeas sounds male, at least) voice gains a sense of pain and suffering to it, as if what I said brought back some terrible memories. How could I have made his mood change so suddenly? "I'm...I'm sorry." "Do not apologize, child. You have every right to be angry. Angry at the world that would dare rob you of nearly everything you hold dear. However, as you have stated, you are not content with this life. You do not want to see your sister go through any more hardships. You want to have hope for her." I nod slowly, acknowledging the truth in his words. I know he's planning something...but what? "You have a strong bond with that Kabuto. One that I've rarely seen amongst a human and a Pokemon. Do you really want to give up this Kabuto? You can either stay together, or you can leave each other, going back to your sad lives." "Do you know a lot about Pokemon?" "Yes... more than you can possibly imagine..." "Well what do you want me to do? Become a Pokemon Trainer or something?" DiNeas stares at me. I imagine he has a smirk underneath that cloak. "Precisely." "What? No no no....no way can I do that. I don't want to become obsessed with training, and drive my Pokemon over the edge, while I get some worthless trophy or something." "Not all Pokemon Trainers have to aim for something like that. Think about it. With money, you would finally be able to eat more than you do now. If you gain fame has a Pokemon Trainer, you may be able to change this accursed city. A homeless boy won't be able to do anything, but a reknowned Pokemon Trainer who donates his earnings to help change this place for the better... that would be something. It is also certainly a better life than the one you currently are subject to.". "I...guess...so. Like you said, my life really can't get any worse, unless I lose Sapphire." I face Sapphire, who is still playing with the Kabuto. "Okay, Sapphire, do you want to go on a Pokemon Journey?" "Pokemon Journey? What's that?" "It's where we travel a lot and meet a lot of people with Pokemon. Sometimes, the Pokemon battle." I think she may dislike the concept of fighting." DiNeas turns to Sapphire as well. "However, this battling is done fairly, and in the interest of good." "Hmmmmm...." Sapphire says cutely. "I like it! It sounds like a good idea!" "Yeah, it does, doesn't it...." Does she truly comprehend what I'm talking about? I turn to the Kabuto. "So...you want to help me and Sapphire?" "Kabuto kabuto." "Um...I'll take that as a yes." "You would be correct." I turn to DiNeas. "Huh?" "...Nevermind." He looks at me, and then pulls out some things. What they are, I'm not sure. His arms and hands are obscured by more loose clothing. "Now then, here are some items which will help you begin your journey. First, here are some Poke Balls. As you may have seen, they are used to store Pokemon. Some Pokemon may not like them, though they may get used to them." He puts down a red and purple object, which from what I can figure, opens up. "This is your Pokedex It is known as "Cassoval." This Pokedex is unlike any other Pokedex out there, however. While other Pokedex give general information, Cassoval has the ability to infer. It is the only one of its kind. You can also use it to switch between Pokemon." "Switch between Pokemon?" "A trainer can only carry up to 6 Pokemon with him or herself. Any other Pokemon will go to where you have received your Pokedex. In this case, it will be transported to my home." "And that would be...?" I ask, trying to figure out at least SOMETHING about him. "I cannot say, and you shall not know." "Uh..." "In addition, here is 5000 Pokeyen, and a fair supply of rations. This should suffice until you can earn money for yourself. Besides, when a trainer loses, he or she must give half of his or her money to the winner. I detest such a tradition, but that is the way it works. I notice a piece of paper in his hand. "And what would that be?" "This is a map of Mt. Moon. It is south of where you currently are." "Am I headed to Pewter City? I heard that a famed Pokemon Breeder had set up shop there 8 years ago." "No. You will be heading to Sandstone City." "How come?" "You are not quite ready for Pewter. It is better for you to go to Sandstone City. Besides, the way to Pewter from here through Mount Moon is quite long. You don't quite have the supplies needed, despite the food I have given you." He turns his head to the Kabuto. "Now then... you must go and 'capture' the Kabuto." "Capture?" "Put a Poke Ball near the Kabuto. It will enter it, and the Kabuto shall be yours. Cassoval shall instruct you on how to capture other Pokemon, should the need arise. However, remember that no Pokemon can become your property." "Property? Why would I do something crazy like that?" He pauses. "You have a good heart. It shall serve you well." "...Thank you, I think..." I'm confused by his words yet again, but I decide to listen to him and I put down the Poke Ball. "Now then, Kabuto, do you want to come in the Poke Ball?" "Kabuto!" it scurries near it at an alarming speed, and presses the white button on the ball. The Kabuto becomes a beam of red energy, and that energy is encased in the Poke Ball. "That thing seemed almost eager to enter. It must like confined spaces or something." I turn to DiNeas for a response and...he's gone? I turn around for 10 seconds, and he just vanished! "Sapphire, did you see where that man went?" "Ummmm...nope!" "Okay then. That was just a bit spooky. I guess we head to Mt. Moon then. C'mon Sapphire, I'll let you ride piggyback for now." She smiles, climbs up onto my shoulders, and we head off. I don't know what will become of us, but like DiNeas said, it will lead to a life with at least some value... I hope this is the right decision. Mom...Dad... please watch over us.