New attitudes Change the forever-different way of life a change is sometimes a good or a bad thing depends on what kind of change it is in weather personality life or, even people they change all the time from clothes and styles to heart & soul. Yeah I know your thinking you can't change your soul but in truth how do we know that, people change into the most unimaginable perks personalities, & attitudes around even an event was the key that triggered the new change. And sometimes that change can go for the worse instead of the better friends can become twisted awful people or vice versa and you wouldn't know why, change isn't always permanent but beware or the good may change to bad. Speaking of old friends and changes Ash is about to take a gigantic change in his life after returning from his last wild ride in another world with Rob, he Misty Tracey and Pikachu learn of a brand new Pokemon land quest. Steering all the way from Pallet Town and beyond Indigo plateau into a whole new continent known as "Johto what's that?" "Hey wasn't that the, place Dexter was talking about when he analyzed Girafarig?" Tracey added. Prof. Oak finally yanked his bulging eyes away from Girafarig to answer Ash "Correct this incredibly amazing Girafarig you captured Ash is without, a doubt" "Professor" Ash said louder Oak shrugged & turning towards Ash. "Sorry Ash Johto is a whole other continent far away from here in Kanto and it being a whole new land naturally it has a whole new species of Pokemon, Girafarig isn't the only one from Johto Togepi are also found in Johto too". Misty gasped and looked at her giggling baby smiling "Wow Togepi you sure came along way to us didn't you?" he simply smiled to her wiggling, Ash scratched his black hair watching Girafarig talking to its own 2 heads. "Also Ash Johto has its own Pokemon league tournament there as well 8 gym leaders in case you must gather 8 new badges to enter the Johto league, in fact they are similar to us here except they have brand new Pokemon". Ash grinned and went to oak standing firmly and smiling brightly "Professor with your permission I'd like to go to Johto and train for the Johto league", Oak laughed releasing Girafarig outside with all of the other kept Pokemon. "Really Ash you don't need my permission and even if you did need it I doubt I could stop you no matter what anyone says or tells you what to do, you always have ways to getting what you want and succeeding greatly too". Misty smiled elbowing Ash playfully "That's our Ashy" "Professor I intend on going with them but I'd like you to check over my latest sketches of our, dimension visits to give you an idea of what kind of things we saw" Tracey. Said handing his recently sketched drawings and sketches to the professor smiling hopefully they will help out his long loved idol Oak was smirking, "Very interesting and very amazing Tracey I must say" "So you like them?". "Well I can't say I hate them after all you are the ones what saw them in fact Tracey I would like to know more about these places and beings you met", Tracey sat down holding his pencils confused "Huh but Ash met them too. And so did Misty?" Oak nodded "True but you being a Pokemon watcher train yourself to analyze every detail fragment sights & sounds of Pokemon, it is that reason I would like you to be my assistant and stay with me here". Tracey gasped nearly dropping his pencils and pads yet over all the shock and realizing he would greatly miss the joyful and smiling friendly faces of, Ash Misty Pikachu and Togepi deep in his heart he knew he had wanted this. Looking his deep dark eyes to Ash packing up his Pokeballs with Misty about to head home and pack up to tell his mother Tracey walked over to, tell him "Ash I?" "Hey Tracey come let's hurry mom probably has dinner. And I sure don't want to miss her good cooking" Ash yanked his arm but Tracey shook his head trying to get the words out "But guys before we go, I got to tell you AH" Misty smiled yanking him downstairs "Okay you will. Tell us at dinner otherwise it'll be cold and I can't wait to see Mrs. Ketchum after so long" Tracey shrugged following along & waving a very quick bye, to the professor walking out Oak knew he forgot to tell Ash about Gary too. "Ooh goody did you hear that a whole new Pokemon journey continent packed with powerful rare Pokemon" James laughed wickedly outside of, Prof. Oak's laboratory windows rubbing his black gloves together happily. Looking to Jesse and Meowth snicker to themselves "If what he says is true Pikachu will be a even bigger bonus on top of all these new Johto Pokemon, not to mention the twerp still owns that Girafarig that caused us all trouble". Spying like that sneaky slick cat that he is Meowth watched the kids travel down the small path and head up towards his home in Pallet Town "Bingo, Ash is heading to his house once there we'll hold up his mom for a hostage". Jesse added "And with her in tow it's either Pikachu" "Or she goes now let's go" James rhymed in as the slippery rockets dashed off behind our traveling, trio of trainers in no time at all arriving at the happy of Ash's mom Karen. No sooner did they open the door were they greeted by the vacuum go lucky Pokemon of "OW Mr. Mime my face may be dirty but you don't need to, yank the thing off" "Oh my look who's here" Karen said smiling happily. Ash opened his arms smiling and running happily to his mom only to be shoved past as she hugged and greeted Pikachu "My goodness Pikachu you, have never looked so much healthier and shinier you look totally fabulous". Pikachu blushed rubbing his head bashfully as Ash face faulted groaning "MOM" "Oh honey I was only kidding Tracey Misty and little Togepi too, its such a wonderful treat to see you all again" she hugged Misty and Tracey. Still sporting her ever so happy smile "Good to see you too Mrs. Ketchum were all fine except" "Oh you must be hungry don't worry I'll get lunch set, in a few minutes hope you all like hot dogs" Ash smiled and rubbed his gut. Watching his mother boil up water with Mr. Mime for the lunch "By the way mom I am gonna be leaving again soon off to Johto for a brand new, Pokemon league" Karen thought to herself for a second and then nodded. "I see so that's where Gary was heading in such a big hurry I can see why", Ash gasped and leaped to his mom shouting "GARY IS THERE TOO?". Karen laughed and tapped Ash's red cap stirring the pot "No sweetie Gary is heading there just like you he stopped by the house while you 3 were away", "Goodness you didn't let him in did you?" Misty asked suddenly worried. Thinking back to all the horrible things Gary did working with Team Rocket "Of course not but I heard he was out of prison and I swear he was so upset, you weren't here Ash almost crying said that he HAD to apologize to you". Ash sat down angrily at the table giving a loud angry gruff grunt crossing his arms tightly "Yeah apologize and then stab me in the back like he did when, we were kids" Pikachu shrugged and zipped fast as he could to the ketchup. Misty looked to her young friend and sighed a bit seeing his kind face reduced to a sour puss frown she smiled a bit gently placing her smooth soft, hand on his asking him "What happened to you 2 guys were you friends?". Ash sighed removing his cap scratching his black wild hair as he thought back to his sad memories "We used to be the BEST of friends as little kids, we grew up and played every day every chance we got we did everything. Played video games normal games saw movies and then once we found out his grandfather Prof. Oak was beginning with the Pokemon trainer stuff, Gary and I figured we knew so much and talked so big about being able. To become Pokemon masters wanted to be trainers but" Tracey and Misty now, drew their questioning eyes closer to hear his story Ash sadly briefly paused. "Being so little gives you big dreams big dreams mean big chances and big chances means big heads me and Gary began fighting to find out who'd be, the better trainer things got worse and worse finally the friendship was over. I can still hear his angry shouts at me threw his beaten up screen door all those years ago he shouted" "Get this threw your thick headed dead head, Ketchum creep Pallet Town only needs one trainer to make itself famous. They need a champion not a reject and I vow upon getting my first Pokemon to become the world's number one Pokemon master to prove to the world, how Pallet Town has the planet's best champion of Pokemon training. And best of all they will also know and watch me as I humiliate defeat outclass, and crush you in every single possible way from now on we are RIVALS". With that the hard door slammed shut over the crackling screen one breaking wood and also the long loved friendship between two best friends lost now, for many, many years over the maddening competition of Pokemon training. The pain was fresh the memory forever implanted in Ash's dreaming head for now it fades away but he pain of that cold hearted rivalry will never fade, suddenly Ash's sorrow & moping depression ceased with a loud door knock. The young mother turned her chocolate brown eyes to the door walking and opening it replying oddly "I wonder who that could be HEY your MHHM", her voice was suddenly cut off a burst of grappling ropes wrapped her up. Stretching over her body and yanking the poor woman out the door into the grinning and evil clutching arms of "Team Rocket is back with new tricks", "Pokemon hot dogs oh how delic" "To Protect the world from devastation. To unite all people's within our nation, to denounce the evils of truth and love, to extend our reach to the stars above" "Jesse James, Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light, surrender now or prepare to fight" "Meowth". In mere seconds the burning red color of rage filled the faces of our trio at sight of the wicked rockets holding a terrified and frightened gagged Karen, "It's so good to be home and up our tricks again" "Only even sneakier HA". James laughed along with Meowth watching Jesse wave a finger at Ash stepping forward to attempt to attack them "Ah I wouldn't do that if I were, you twerp" "Your not me you're a bitter old hag" Jesse gasped back angrily. Clenching her fists grinding her teeth with boiling vein pulsating rage "One more move or WORD and your mother is gonna be the chopped coleslaw, on your hot dogs brats" Karen gasped and sweat shaking very nervously. Feeling the cold stinging points of Meowth's claws placed against her soft cheeks slowly cutting down her peach flesh revealing a very small red scar, "STOP IT" Ash said "You guys are lower then slime how dare you do this". "Flattery will get you flattened red head and if you want your mom's back in one piece you'll hand over all your Pokemon right now" Jesse commanded, Ash bit his lip angrily hating this disgusting scene with each passing second. Looking down at his mother's terrified eyes he knew she didn't deserve this because of his battles against Jesse and James yet still she did her best to, signal Ash not to surrender his Pokemon but "Fine I give up…….you win. Misty Tracey give them what they want" Tracey gasped looking to Ash "But Ash with our Pokemon we could beat them easily you know that" "Maybe, but my mom will be hurt and they could go further I already lost a parent. I don't intending on losing the only family I have left" Ash peeled out his, Pokeballs as did Misty and Tracey sneering at Jesse and James very coldly. James grinned stuffing them into the sack and soon reaching for Pikachu when suddenly "Huh hey what's that noise in the next room" James turned, his green eyes to see an odd shadow waver on the walls slowly he grinned. "Holding out on Team Rocket huh well whoever or whatever that Pokemon is hand it over now" Ash looked behind and just by the wavering shape of it, he knew it was "Mr. Mime dust bunnies at the front door in white uniforms". Misty smiled and then watched in a flash Mr. Mime zoomed onto the scene with a mop and bucket in hand instantly grabbing the shocked rocket thugs, shoving their muffling faces and cries of anger scrubbing water and soap in. Pikachu leaped into the air and grabbed the bag of Pokeballs zipping back and returning it to Ash and co. just as Team Rocket merged dripping with, crystal blue water & soap "Now you got me wet & mad Arbok Weezing go". Meowth scowled in rage watching his poison Poke-pals arrive hissing and snarling at Pikachu leaping at him easily missing the electric rodent's super, speed leaping skills "Way to go Pikachu now give em a thunder bolt attack". "Pikachuuu" Arbok and Weezing screamed as the surge of electricity fried their bodies "CHARR" "WEEZ" "You worthless Pokemon do something, right" "She's right we got a hostage we got them cornered let's win this". A small tapping came on James shoulder he turned gasped jiggling wildly in, fear stuttering "Uh J-j-j-j-jesse" "What is it James AH how'd you get out?". Slapping a black frying pan in her hands Ash's mother squinted her eyes as she growled an angrier growing tone so loud it could crack glass "Rockets, or not whoever you are NO ONE touches my son" she screamed insanely. Shrieking a mad banshee-shattering cry as she smashed skull and skin in one incredible bone crushing slam to both their faces whimpering and wobbling, Jesse and James collapsed with spinning circles in their black and blue eyes. "Now that's a mother's care" "More like her frying pan Oooh" James gurgled Arbok and Weezing in seconds zipped out the door dragging along, their half dead trainers leaving only "Meowth hey where did everyone go?". The terrified cat Pokemon looked left to right side to side but all he saw were cold angry eyes of unimaginable rage and hostility Pikachu grinned, and winked his black pupils to him whispering "Pika-Boo" "AHHHHHH". In a flash of frightened fur Meowth was gone screaming out tripping over his rapidly running and trembling legs "Team Rocket's wimping out again", "And if you ever come back again I'll bring out my waffle iron instead Hm". Karen rubbed her hands together fixing her cold stare back to happy and gentle sweet smile to her loving son and friends "Are you all right Ash, kids?" Ash scratched his black hair removing his cap to breathe in slowly. Surprised at what his mom just did Misty and Tracey smiled a bit nervously at the Karen Ketchum they thought they knew well enough "Mom I think, the question is are you all right?" "I'm perfectly fine sweet heart just fine". "But I've never seen you act like that before we don't like Team Rocket one bit but we never blew up that much" Karen shrugged and began cooking up, the hot dogs in her microwave oven "Well some things really get me mad. I'm all sorry you had to see me like that but you're my son Ash and with them using me like that I'd never forgive myself if it was my fault you lost, your Pokemon to those creeps" Ash nodded and sat down relaxing a little. "Mrs. Ketchum did you ever take self defense classes you really walloped them pretty good right Togepi?" "Togi, togi-yeah" the egg baby giggled to, its mother agreeing Karen passed out plates with a big juicy hot dog on em. "Actually Misty no out here in Pallet it's a nice calm town that's why my parents came here in the first place they always said Pallet was the most, peaceful place to raise a family as for defense my mom took those classes. Taught me a few moves" she winked to Misty watching them happily eat smile and literally love her cooking "Mrs. Ketchum you should be a cook, this is absolutely delicious" "You outdid yourself again mom" they said. Karen blushed lightly at Tracey and Ash's words cleaning up the plates and patting Mr. Mime on the head thanking him for helping but one question, was still bugging the heads of the trainers "How'd you escape the ropes?". "Well Tracey its funny that way since those hot dogs were so greasy when I was cooking them up my hands got all oily and once Team Rocket started to, battle Ash slipped my hands out like oil threw the ropes & grabbed the pan". "Wow mom that was pretty slick HA get it?" Ash laughed at his own joke Misty smiled weakly replying "Wish we hadn't anyway Ash we'd better, head off to Johto don't wanna miss the Pokemon league" "Oh yeah oops. Sorry my mom but I'm off I want to win you another trophy like I did at the Orange island league" he smiled leaned up to his mom and kissed her soft, cheek goodbye hugging her tightly & warming taking in her warm embrace. His mom his only family left aside from Misty Tracey Brock and his other Pokemon he gave her a hearty warm hug after departing from home once, more to journey into a whole new world of exciting Pokemon adventures. Of course fist the gang all stopped back to the laboratory of Prof. Oak he gave, Ash a new set of the brand new models of Pokeballs that are used in Johto. As well a brand new a Pokedex and sadly most of all Tracey stayed behind to live out his life long dream with Prof. Oak being his assistant "Tracey are, you sure you want to do this?" "Yeah were both really gonna miss you". Smiling a small smile Tracey hugged them both and shook hands with Ash and Pikachu nodding "I know guys its been a pleasure going around with, you Misty and you too Ash but I'm a Pokemon watcher and I've trained. My whole life up for this moment sketching & learning all that I can about, Pokemon Prof. Oak can teach me worlds worth of knowledge about this. I can't pass up this chance I'm really sorry you guys" Ash smiled and shook, his hand tightly once more as did Pikachu "Pikachu pi pika-we understand". "Pikachu and I both understand Tracey I follow my dreams no matter what I may be a Pokemon master but challenges are always gonna pop up & I gotta, be ready" Misty smiled and gently kissed Tracey on the left cheek goodbye. He blushed laughing a bit "Aw Misty" "Just a little farewell kiss Tracey Ash is right just don't ever forget us" Tracey smiled warmly at that comment, "You'll always be in my heart goodbye guys good luck Ash Misty Pikachu. I'll never forget you so long" "Bye Tracey see ya we'll meet each other again I promise" Ash called waving Pikachu too wiggling his furry yellow, paws in the air watching Pallet town Prof. Oak & Tracey slowly fade away. "Looks like the twerp patrol is already on a new mission" "I think I heard them say some place called Johto" Jesse and James nodded watching them, walk down the dusty path heading off into the unknown Meowth snickered. "I remember da boss mentioned something about Johto before its really far away from here and nobody would go there because it was too far away to, send any back up or extra rockets if needed" Jesse & James faced each other. "With the boss gone and us in charge" James giggled at his partner's thoughts "We may have a life time of failures but this is too good a chance, to pass up" "Right oh jimmy boy the train is the fastest way to get to Johto". Jesse stood up brushing her long red hair as she sneaked along with James and Meowth following the gang "We'll sneak on board the train and travel, with the twerps to Johto along the way we'll take over & take Pikachu too". "Its absolutely delicious Jesse let's hurry and beat them to the train station" in seconds from James speaking the rotten rockets dashed off after our duo, Ash Misty and Pikachu not far behind "Team Rocket's scheming up again". But as the journey now begins anew for Team Rocket Ash Misty and Pikachu far, far away millions of miles away from here their departure the, train scheme everything going in motion was entering a evil master plan. Whose master plan you ask? We go now to place so well hidden and blocked out by darkness shadows and secrecy I can't even tell you just now anyway a massive made steel god like fortress stands before a black sky. In it far at the top of this black hearted building the main chamber officer there, sits a man facing his velvet red chair to the shadow masked faces of his men. The dark man turns his face hidden in darkness staring out his evil fire red eyes forward stroking a long tall white furred Pokemon also hidden in black, yet sparkling silvery light as did the man's right hand making a weird noise. Like a twirling cotton candy machine clanking and humming to the flow of cold steel & electric power a powerful claw landed slowly down to the desk, clenching a pen tightly the man spoke "Your certain they know I am dead?". The 2 tall people he was speaking to slowly revealing some of their faces in the thick blanket of never ending darkness of the purple royal looking office, a boy spoke his hair long & black like the shadows barely even visible at all. The person next to him a young woman told obviously by the sound of her voice both of them facing the clawed man and both staring threw the night, with eyes those evil sunken eyes to cold and ice blue piercing your soul. Perhaps as they stare a cold death like stare the boy began "Absolutely after that last stunt and with our luck of waiting this long no one has a clue boss", the man looked to the ice eyed girl as she explained her report "No matter. Even if anyone did suspect something and tried to look you up we burned all our records not to mention our own making our former business and our, identities" "Dead" he finished for her spinning in his chair laughing softly. "Excellent very good my plans are working to perfection just like a machine & like a machine I'm not going to stop I'll work harder perfect my mistakes, until this entire plant is captured & controlled into the clutches of my claw". He smirked to himself returning the grin the boy and girl smirked just as cold as their ice eyes finishing their report "By the way Project G is ready", "Just what I was about to ask did you have trouble stealing the charges?". The girl laughed very softly "Let's just say it worked as well as a machine" "Perfect I don't want any snoops bugging in anyone takes out those charges, Project G will blow up in our faces" the boy nodded and turned to the door. The girl followed him after bowing to their leader then the boy stopped and added one last report turning back blinking his cold eyes to his master's "Sir, one more thing according to reports Jesse James & Meowth are on the move. It seems there following the targets and it also said one of them has decided to stay in Pallet Town" the boss scratched his chin clutching his barely seen, tiny beard over with his claw a purring noise hummed from his other hand. "Sir what should we do if either of them tries anything?" the girl asking sensing the slight possible worries in her employer's deep voice finally, he answered "I know them all too well and neither of them will care about us. Or what were doing all you have to do is make sure those fools fight each other and you 2 stay hidden at all cost's Project G will be done tonight "Yes, sir" both said nodding as he finished "The special weapon is the final piece. Once its charged Project G will be unleashed and the world will come crashing to my knees HAHAHA NOW GO" "With pleasure sir" they both, replied and walked out the door grinning wicked smiles hearing laughter. Bellowing from their dark master's psychotic laugh leaving the building and heading off to follow "Ash & that red headed witch are 3 seats ahead of us", "Nice work James with these disguises the twerps won't know what hit em". A muffled cry of anger snarled loudly as Meowth slashed his claws shredding a suit case to poke his red boiling head out steaming with rage, "What's da big idea stuffing me in here like luggage Pokemon are allowed. The brat even has his Pika HM" Jesse quickly silenced his loud mouthed Meowth with her hands shushing him "Quiet you hair ball we know that but, if anyone knows you can talk were dead" James nodded shoving him down. "So stop making a fuss and shut up you wuss OW" Meowth bit his hand angrily snarling as Jesse finally hammered him down and slammed the case, shut with her hands looking around as the passengers were staring at them. She laughed nervously "My uhh…..stomach always gets…cranky without food" she laughed again sweat dropping as everyone finally turned away, including Misty shrugging and blinking her baby clue eyes saying softly. "Those angry voices sure sound familiar must be the train making me think so" "What's that?" Ash said looking to her "Nothing so how much longer, till we arrive in Johto?" Ash pulled out his map schedule of the train route. Pikachu laughed watching Ash look at it upside down and correct it annoyingly "Well it shouldn't be too much longer at the latest we should be, there at 9 o'clock" Misty sighed and stroked Togepi hearing him whine a bit. "I don't think I could last that much longer without food Togepi and I are starving" Ash turned blue as his gut just uttered a hungry cry as well "Yeah, me too when are they serving lunch" "Pikachu-I hope soon" he said sadly. Meanwhile behind them "Jesse PLEASE we got to get something to eat or else I'm gonna fall apart" "James you've been falling apart since you were, born" wandering her green eyes around Jesse soon felt the hunger pains too. As did Meowth even heard out of the suitcase soon more and more people agreed children whining parents yelling together in union "WHERE'S OUR, FOOD?" "Okay, okay keep your travel bags on I'm coming hi uh …ASH?". Ash turned his hazel eyes only to bulge them out of his sockets and collapse back from his seat in shock "WAH MAY" "What a sweet surprise you're, here heading up to Johto Ash?" he nodded groaning slowly sitting back up. Looking to may flashing her beautiful and teen queen face licking her pink lipstick covered lips holding food plates in her right hand standing before, Ash in her bright green colored maid like train stewardess outfit she smiled. Seeing Ash look her over standing on her tall slender and shining legs her feet fitted nicely into tight red sneakers Ash & Misty hatefully remembered, how she and her brother Gary joined Team Rocket & made their lives worse. "May what in the world are you doing here?" May laughed at Ash's question passing out food to each passenger one by one including him and Misty "Oh, Ash what a silly question I work here now since Gary got me free from jail. I've had to make a hard life's living it's not easy but I'm making it out so far being a waitress here as for my bro he's on an airplane heading for Johto", "WAH" Ash face faulted whimpering as he twitched "Just what I needed". "Ash stop making a scene here" May laughed "Oh Misty don't mind Ash he's probably just nervous to see his old flame again" she pinched Ash's, cheek giggling like a baby until Misty grabbed her hand & crushed it down. Sporting several angry veins on her face "What was that?" "Hey Mushy let go of my hand ow that hurts" "ITS MISTY first off and second what do you, mean old flame?" Ash gulped turning white in seconds trying to crawl away. But Misty stomped down hard cracking the metal floor and he stopped instantly "Ash has had a crush on me for years when we were little kids he, sent me these adorable little love letters with little candies and flowers too. I mean it's sooo obvious why he would I'm the most beautiful girl in Pallet", Misty snarled "Big deal I'm from Cerulean City and I'm part of the famous. 4 super sensational Cerulean sisters the most beautiful girls anywhere" May grinned mockingly to Misty and sarcastically said "Oh my how could I ever, have forgotten them the 3 pretty sisters & their always famous little RUNT. Cerulean City or not everyone knows there's only 3 sisters with the beauty and battling skills to match them and everyone knows about you the puny, whiney loud mouthed scrawny little brat if Ash did ever like you it's only. Cause he felt sorry for you I mean with nothing good to offer of course OW" May's never ending insults finally ended with a hard slap to her blabbing, mouth Misty stared at her a cold and extremely angry stare unable to speak. May growled "How dare you" "I uh think it's time I ..well go to the b-bath room yeah that's it YIPE" Ash frantically squirmed off to hide before the, fireworks went off only to be suddenly shoved flying backwards at the girls. Misty May and Ash fell down replying with a low grunt Pikachu and Togepi gasped pointing ahead "Pikachu pika pi-Ash it's them" Ash looked up and, groaned loudly "NOT AGAIN" the figures standing tall & the music played. "Prepare for trouble this Sushi is delicious, and this Magikarp stew is extra nutritious" they continued shoveling down food saying the motto still while, munching their lunches "To protect the world from devastation to unite all. People's with in our nation to denounce the evils of truth and love to extend our reach to the stars above Jesse James with a big Mac YUM Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light surrender now or prepare to fight, Dats right". "Don't you guys have any other life outside of my own?" "Oh our lives will be a lot farther from yours and a lot richer too soon as we get our Pikachu", Pikachu snorted at Jesse leaping to Ash's shoulder "How many times guys. I've told you once and I'll say it your not getting Pikachu no matter what" James grinned removing his Pokeballs along with Jesse "We'll see about, that with all the packed passengers in here you wouldn't dare thunder us". Ash growled knowing they were right in seconds Arbok and Victreebel appeared (soon as he got off James head again) they hurled forward to, attack "Arbok tackle attack" "Victreebel body slam them" and so they did. Bashing and smashing Ash Misty and May further back on the ground "Ow Pikachu might not be able to shock you but he's not my only Pokemon, either Snorlax I choose you" Ash tossed out his Pokeball revealing Snorlax. "All right with Snorlax and his big soft body Team Rocket's attacks with bounce off" Jesse ignored him & attacked anyway "Arbok tail slam attack", the purple cobra slammed his tail into Snorlax it bounced right back at him. Bashing himself with his own attack "Okay Victreebel sleep powder" the gigantic gorge sprayed his sleeping blue dust over the lumbering bear, Pokemon slowly Snorlax wobbled front back left right shaking like a tree. Until finally collapsing back his whale like weight rolled himself and the train car backwards Ash Misty May and all other passengers on that side, screamed as Snorlax crushed them to the left side uttering with painful sighs. Misty muffled weakly "Ash what were you thinking Snorlax is too big to be on this train" "I won't be thinking much longer unless he gets off of us OW, May get your foot out of my face" she grumbled weakly pushing up Snorlax. Team Rocket grinned laying on Snorlax's belly on the safe side of his body, "If you twerps want out of there you'd better give up all your Pokemon". Jesse giggled doing her nails James sat there eating his food with Meowth laughing loudly "Ha, ha who would have guessed the twerps would do them, selves in over his own Pokemon talk about a smashing surprise" "SNORR". Snorlax whaled as in seconds his bulging body flipped over rolling over Team Rocket and everyone else on that side crashing them into the opposite, of the weight leaned train car James uttered weakly "Now that's what I call. A smashing surprise" Jesse tried to hit James but was crushed down too tightly wavering his broken like arm "Nice thinking with that fork May", "Why thank you Misty" "I think we'll let em stay there until the train stops". Ash said smiling and laying down smoothly onto his happily snoozing bed sized Pokemon as did Misty and May slowly sleeping as hours and hours, went by until eventually night came and the train eventually came to a stop. "Snorlax return well guys I hope you had a nice sleep under Snorlax" "Next time you guys should get life insurance before you lose your lives" Ash and, Misty laughed walking off the train leaving the pancake crushed crooks be. Jesse squeaked trying to pump her flattened face back to normal "Does anyone have a good idea cause I'm flat out of em" Meowth snarled weakly, "I'll Pun-ish you if you make any more wise cracks now let's get moving. You 2 blew it dat time but in Johto were in da big leagues and we can't screw up not if we wanna get super rare Pokemon" they stepped out of the, train hiding from any cops or police behind mailboxes they scanned about. James scratched his deep blue sea hair "Uh you guys have any of you ever been to Johto before?" "Of course not James this is our first time you know, that" "Oh I was just wondering Jesse why it looks a lot like New York City". Jesse gasped without words and grabbed James by the collar demanding he explained he pointed out to the city and for once "James was right" "Oh NO, we are in New York" Meowth wheezed his face turning bright blue in shock. Towering silver buildings surrounded them sky scrapers blocked the sky with high points and needle like points crowded crowds of people shoved in, and out of the streets and sidewalks Ash and Misty had just realized this too. "ASH WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE WE DOING IN NEW YORK?" Misty screamed strangling the Pokemon master with her crushing hands, boiling her face redder then her hair Ash gasped for air trying to speak. "OW Misty I …don't …know I thought for sure…the train was …going straight to Johto" Misty yanked the map from his backpack and quickly, scanned threw it checking his train ticket schedule her eyes widening. Reading on and on slowly but not very calmly grinded her teeth asking a frightened Ash sweat dropping nervously what he did "Uh Misty are you all, right?" "Pikachu pika pi pika-I don't like that look" "Me neither Pikachu". "Exactly what time did we arrive on the train Ash?" Misty said staring her twitching green eyes at him "W-e-e—e—e-ell I made sure I wanted to get, t- t-t-there early so I got us there at 4 why?" Misty screamed like a banshee. Her bellowing cry echoed threw out the bulging buildings of New York City waking up everyone in New York asleep or not "YOU IDIOT you read the, schedule wrong the direct train to New York city starts at 4 O'clock Ash. The one for Johto already started at 2 O'clock we missed our train by 2 HOURS" Misty fainted Ash gulped and quickly caught her in his arms, "Pikachu-Nice Ash" "Hey you know I'm no good with maps or schedules. Or stuff like that without Brock or Tracey I'm lost" "Pika pi Chu Pikachu pi pika-now were lost in the biggest city in the world" Ash sighed and slowly, dragged Misty off finding a bench he sat her up and sat himself down sadly. Ruffling his wild black hair confused and very upset he's made some screw ups in his life but this was the biggest one to date no money to go back to, Johto or home and stuck in one of the worst places how could it get worse. "I mean it you all better move it I'm gonna jump and you can't stop me" Ash perked up his ears he spoke out loudly "Hey I know that voice that's, James from Team Rocket" Ash quickly dashed off to see what's going on. Pikachu screamed for him to come back as he chased after him with Misty slowly stirring back to consciousness "Huh what?" but as she woke her, beautiful green eyes shimmering a darkness covered over her sweet face. She recoiled back clutching her hands widening her terrified pupils with fear replying weakly "No whoever you are get back Ash where are you please, help me I" she tried to scream but was muffled by a wet cloth over her lips. The drug in the cloth slowly knocked her out and she went back to sleep once again as the masked figure hoisted her up over his/her shoulders, leaving Misty's legs and arms dangling around em Togepi ran for help. "Look Mr. James rocket or not we don't want you hurt please just come down we'll talk about this all right?" cried Officer Jenny threw her bullhorn, calling to James standing on a towering building wavering on the slim edge. Ash ran to Jenny tapping her blue uniformed shoulder asking her panting for breath "Officer Jenny what's going on?" "One of the rockets is up there &, he's been screaming he's got nothing left to live or work there he's suicidal. But the funny thing is I don't see that loud mouthed girl or talking Meowth there to even try and stop him" Ash looked way up at James and saw the, flashing blue hair of his blowing in the winds but he was in a trench coat. No white rocket uniform and Jenny was right Jesse and Meowth weren't there, either "Something is really wrong" "That's for sure I wouldn't be caught. Dead in a coat that butt ugly what do you think Jesse?" "I for one resent being called a loud mouth and a second thing where's that twerpy girl?", suddenly they all turned around everyone screamed eyes bulging out wide. Ash stammered "James how are you down here if you're up there?" "Oh please James couldn't kill himself even if he had a death wish" Jesse replied, "Hey wait a sec where is Misty?" "More importantly who's up there then?". Out of the blue the mystery man jumped falling faster and faster with in the blink of an eye he crashed into a cop car shattering himself spilling out his, body parts crashing sounds and splintering of wood scattered around them. "Wood, WOOD you mean all along this thing was just a dummy?" Jenny said examining the head the mouth dropped open a note flew out she took it, and read it aloud "Want to find the red head?" Ash gasped grabbing the note. He knew it was wrong to take it from Jenny but when Misty is involved all bets are off he read it aloud as well holding back his fear and growing rage, "Look behind you" he did as did James Jesse Meowth Jenny and Pikachu. Only to see a happily grinning Magneton giving all 3 its bulging white eyes an evil grin as it unleashed a devastating thunder bolt zapping everyone near, car windows and lights burst exploding in a burst of bright raw electricity. Destruction shattered electronic lights signs and cars with in range of the attack even Pikachu screamed in pain along with Ash and the triple rockets, meanwhile far above watching the attack and owner of that evil Magneton. The dark sinister grinning shadows of 2 people watched enjoying every minute of this the female shadow removed a Pokeball & recalled Magneton, replying to her partner "The bait is secured & the goof troop is out of order". The male grinned wickedly his ice-cold eyes staring down at the blinking red button on a small remote control device marked Project G he spoke out, very softly "Then it's time we deliver our package & then once that's done. The real fireworks are gonna fly and the new world order will begin that is if there's anything left of the old world" he laughed coldly and pressed down, his black gloved finger on the red button & a loud beep suddenly screeched. Ash looked around but was shocked to find Magneton gone "Pikachu are you all right?" "Pika-yeah" "MEOW there she blows" Meowth shouted, pointing his paw at 4 massive green colored electrical surge explosions. The water boiled bubbled pounding and pounding louder like the planet was, shaking apart the gang nearly fell over cause of the shock "What is this. All units pull out I repeat pull out call in back up and send a crew to go down, and find out what those explosions are" Jenny screamed into her radio set. But as the water boiled and brewed thunder struck it electricity and boiling seas began to rise the flash boiled water seemed to take an odd large form, emerging larger and larger with each passing breathless second in time. Ash stumbled back into the already stammering Team Rocket seeing eyes in that, water boiling red & golden sinister demon eyes locking onto their own eyes. Ash screamed Pikachu did too huddling terrified into his green back pack Togepi was still running to Ash Misty struggling in her ropes from her dark, unseen attackers who simply laughed out loud "Let's really rock this world". THE END?