Long Live the King Monsters the center of our childhood dreams stories nightmares and so on for countless times people have always wondered if there was anything else, beyond the boundaries of just human and animal species of other life forms. Yet so far not much has been proven monsters themselves are simply beasts of incredible powers, superb strength, odd appearances, and bizarre brains, all have been created threw the power of our minds into movies and books. Some are made to entertain us some are here to help us some are here to play with us but most are here to terrify us for decades scientists have believed, in legends of Big foot the loch ness monster and no one has proven either yet. Pokemon themselves are monsters just seen more on a daily basis not to mention everyone captures befriends & battles with them like some toys, but now playtime is over and once more monsters shall return the fear ten folds. When we last left off Ash Team Rocket and Officer Jenny had been assaulted by a supposedly rouge Magneton when in truth it belonged to 1 of, 2 shadowy figures watching the chaos erupt from downtown New York city. After kidnapping Misty the crooks then erupted a green electric like thunder explosion from underwater and in mere seconds the secret dark plan code, named Project G will rise from the sizzling hot waters to unleash its horrors. Boiling away the dark waters and sizzling drips and drops a dark tower of terror form appeared under all the black charred smoke bubbling from down, below where the bombs exploded showering water over our terrified heroes. Spotting some shapes in the dark night first a bulging pair of dark greenish silvery trees it looked with razor edges at the tip of the bottom of the trees, well rooted in the waters below a gigantic thick edged layer of hard scales. Bulging out like a belly on the sides 2 arms not too big or too small just right with a claw like hand also coated in a silvery green armored like scale skin, behind the massive figure a row of razor jagged spikes literally sticking out. Wide and long pointed and sharp jagged like rocks as the lead up to a face glowing boiling red eyes with thunder sparking in the human sized pupils a, gold ring circled the blood red eyes from a deep loud heavy breathing sound. The Shadows faded the water evaporated as the towering form stepped into the search lights of Officer Jenny's rapidly gathering back up and from the, size and appearance she's gonna need it Ash gulped as did Pikachu shaking. Jesse James and Meowth were white as corpses jittering as they held onto one another blinking their totally terrified eyes as they screamed madly out, loud into the night all together "EVERYONE RUN ITS…….GODZILLA". Godzilla it was the radioactive reptile from the nuclear bomb the infamous King of Monsters bellowed out his terrifying trademark roar shattering the, eardrums of unfortunate listeners and exploding windows into glass bits. The dark male shadowy watcher spoke into a communicator wired to his master, "Project G is under way boss and he's raging ready to rip this place apart". "That's just what I wanted to hear those nuclear bombs really did the trick" the female added smiling as she watched Godzilla stomp into the harbors, "Using the mutated radiation to transform Godzilla into a stronger beast. As our own weapon was a stroke of genius sir" "Thank you my dear I do quite, agree just make sure the neural transmitter stays in place within his head. If I lose Godzilla you'll wish he killed you instead of me I promise you that", the 2 shadows sweat dropped and wiped it away laughing very nervously. "Uh don't worry sir everything is going as planned anything else you want done?" "Yes if my HA baby boy gets in the way eliminate him and anyone, else in the way" "Roger sir over and out" the male clicked off his radio box. And grinned an evil smirk seeing Ash run up to Godzilla thinking he still remembers him "Godzilla what's wrong what happened to you where's, Nick and everyone else?" the giant lizard simply roared and stomped down. The huge shock wave slammed Ash off his feet hurling him into a car he screamed in pain staggering to his feet then running as Godzilla roared, crushing the same car under his towering foot Ash bolted to Team Rocket. "I don't understand it the last time I was here Godzilla wasn't like this at all", "Maybe it was steroids you know how those can OW" "James zip it now. We got a rampaging reptile about to wipe us out" Jesse sneered Ash looking towards Godzilla ducking and screaming "DUCK" and they did just in time, Godzilla's long spiked tail bashed into stores behind them destroying it all. "ROOOOOARRR" he howled bashing kicking clawing biting head butting and demolishing everything in sight with his awesome monster muscular, power Jenny yelled to her troops "Okay Growlithe troops tanks soldiers. Missile launchers bazooka men prepare to fire on my mark ready" the cops soldiers and Pokemon loaded their weapons and sights onto Godzilla fast, "Aim" the fire Pokemon opened their mouths soldiers locked up the scopes. Ash suddenly saw what they were gonna do he ran to them screaming "NO don't kill him its not his fault STOP" Jesse and James yanked him back, "Twerp your gonna get killed yourself" "I don't care there gonna" "FIRE". BANG a barrage of bullets missiles fire blast attacks bombs grenades gas bombs tear bombs sniper shots and every other sort of weapon bombarded, Godzilla he roared loudly being blasted showering smoke over his body. Cheers of joy and success echoed from Officer Jenny and her happily barking Growlithe yet despite all the smoke and incredible fire power that, was unleashed upon Godzilla the 2 shadowy figures were still grinning. "Well that was impressive …NOT" the female chuckled softly as she removed the remote control and flicked on a silver switch grinning evilly, "Godzilla show them something really impressive like lending a voice". The smoke finally cleared and that's when everyone's eyes were filled with fear, the 400 ft. tall King of monsters was totally unaffected standing & snarling. Ash slowly backed up "Maybe we should move away like NOW" "Are you kidding there's no safe place in the world to hide from that guy" James, whined loudly to Ash as he Jesse Meowth Pikachu and Togepi ran rapidly. Scampering their trembling legs trying to find some shelter the shadows smirked watching them "Hm if they don't like the main attraction maybe, a bonus feature will do" the female nodded and headed to pick up Misty. The terrified Cerulean gym leader muffled her sweet voice from the tight gag, struggling her arms and legs threw the ropes seeing blonde hair & blue eyes. Shine threw the darkness of the shadows as the girl figure revealed her face "Time for a ride" Misty finally spat the gag in her face snarling in mad rage, "Whatever you do you'll never get away with it my Ash is gonna find me. And when he does you'll both be sorry" "Once we show you to him the only sorry one will be you kid" the girl grabbed Misty up by her ropes tightly, then with a flick of her jet pack shot off into the sky with Misty screaming. Ash looked up and saw Misty he gasped "MISTY I gotta save her" Meowth stammered "But Godzilla" "Forget him he can't stop me Pidgeot I choose, you" Ash tossed out his Pokeball and Pidgeot appeared spreading his wings. Ash leaped onto his loyal Pokemon and shouted to Team Rocket fast and serious as the times were "Team Rocket take Togepi & get out of here fast", "What are you totally insane?" "Even Pikachu can't shock that hot head". Ash shook his head at James and Meowth "I don't intend to Misty is in trouble and she needs my help I don't have to beat Godzilla just get around, him but if you guys are too scared be my guest Pikachu you game?" "Pika". He said in agreement "Then Pidgeot let's go" the feathery fighter cawed and flew towards the blackening sky and the darker part of it Godzilla Jesse and, Meowth grabbed Togepi scrambling their legs to escape but James wasn't. "James hurry up let's move" "But Jesse I don't like the idea of leaving the twerp alone here" Jesse growled popping her fore veins shouting to James, "You brainless goof he's the enemy & we don't help enemies now MOVE". Jesse grabbed James by the shirt and angrily yanked him back running full speed for the train station to escape as Ash flew full speed ahead towards, Godzilla "I'm on my way Misty and no force on Earth is gonna stop me". "Ha that's what you think hey you ready?" "Ready and aiming partner" asked the female partner carrying Misty towards the towering Empire State, building as the male grinned and smacked a button for Godzilla "Let a rip". Godzilla suddenly widened his dark demonic reptile eyes wide thunder sparks of control shined in his pounding pupils opening his massive jaws, Officer Jenny and Ash watched Godzilla carefully both moving closer too. Godzilla then screamed out a shattering bombarding bellow of his trademark roar the sonic waves were mind blowing shattering windows walls streets, endless piles of mass destruction erupted from the sonic screech of Godzilla. Ash shouted "WOW HANG ON" "PIKA" as he Pikachu and Pidgeot were blasted back by the horrible howl flying and eventually crashing onto a roof, hearing the awful noises of Jenny's forces being smashed and bashed apart. Officer Jenny herself was laying unconscious twitching in her shredded, clothes her entire squad was laid apart in pieces all over the crumbling walls. "ACK this is just what we needed cops ruin everything for us" Jesse screamed angrily for the crumbling walls happened to belong to the train, station that they planned on escaping threw "Now where do we run to?" "Meowth quit being such a fraidy cat we have no where else to run as long as that over grown gecko is here this whole planet is gonna be his oyster", Jesse shouted frantically thinking where they could hide or what to do now. James snapped his black gloved fingers smiling "I got it the only way out of this mess is to foll9ow that twerp with the Pikachu" Jesse slapped his face, turning more red then the mark she left on him "You traitorous twit brain. What good will working with the brat pack do us?" "Think about it those kids are the heroes were the bad guys and by comparing our luck to theirs, they have to make it out okay and if we follow them we'll be okay too see?". Meowth jumped and hugged James snickering "That's the first useful thing you said since I met you let's Meowth it on out of here & I gots just the way, to do it" Meowth pointed his paw finger towards the rubble & began to grin. "Oh man that's gonna leave a mark in the morning…hey Pikachu Pidgeot is everyone okay?" "Pikachu" he nodded brushing off his yellow fur from dust, gasping as he saw Godzilla bashing and demolishing every building in sight. "ROAAAAR" the raging reptile roared slicing towers in half with his claws stomping cards and stores into pebbles with his massive feet & ripping and, batting piles of homes into the sky with his long tail and bulky built body. The king of monsters roar echoed into the fire burning black sky littering the ground with a sizzling city once New York now a major metropolitan dump, "Pidgeot are you okay to fly still?" Pidgeot cawed flapping his wings about. "Okay this time we'll fly in front of Godzilla and try to distract him with you Pikachu thunder shocking him" Pikachu looked at Godzilla smashing apart, more buildings he sweet dropped and said no "Pikachu this is for Misty. I know this is dangerous but if we don't stop Godzilla we'll never get to, Misty in time" "Pikachu" he said thinking this over Misty was his friend. But if they mess up Godzilla would kill him Ash and Misty just as easy "HELP ME SOMEONE PLEASE HELP" Pikachu perked up his ears, hearing the weeping cries of Misty screaming and crying from the north. Across the falling skyscrapers on top of the empire building Misty sobbed and shouted for her friends tied to the top point Pikachu leaped onto Pidgeot, Ash followed "Okay Pidgeot up, up & away" "Pidgeot" they flew up again. Faster and faster higher and higher Pidgeot flapped his falcon fast wings in moments their backs were turned against the great Godzilla but not for long, Pidgeot gasped and flew left to right as Godzilla chomped his jaws at them. "Wow he's on our trail I mean tail oh Pidgeot fly faster" Ash gasped feeling the fiery rage in Godzilla's hurricane breath Pidgeot sped up but not much, Pikachu fired a thunder bolt at Godzilla but it only made him more angrier. The sound of motorcycle shattered into the night sounds James squealed like a girl holding the black handles on the blood red cycle Jesse bashed his head, "HEY I'm the one risking my neck and head out here to work this big bike". "Big deal it's the only fast way to get to that Pikachu brat without getting blasted by Pikachu the cops or Godzilla" James groaned and shouted at her, "Then why are YOU wearing the helmet?" she laughed nervously back. "James you should know I don't want bugs in my hair its disgusting" "I can think of something worse" Meowth mumbled under his breath James turned, left to right trying to get past Godzilla then a thunder bolt struck at Godzilla. "WOW" all rockets shouted "Bulls eye Pikachu" "Pika" the monster king roared and smashed Pidgeot in the lower chest with a swipe of his knuckles, the bird Pokemon flipped Ash and Pikachu screamed grabbing onto his legs. Ash closed his eyes screaming with fear at sight of the high heights he was at not even noticing the blade edged spinal dorsal fins bursting out from his, gray scaled back sizzle flesh glowing very bright red charging up his energy. But Team Rocket did "Mee-WOW look at da big guy's back its glowing brighter then a Christmas tree" Jesse gasped and spotted Ash on Pidgeot, right in front of Godzilla's face she shouted James to step on it right now. "But Jesse if I speed up I'll crash into Godzilla there's no way around him" "Maybe but there is a way over him" James and Meowth sweat dropped, "Pikachu Pidgeot turn around and fire whirlwind and thunder at Godzilla. He's gonna learn what's its like to battle the world's best Pokemon master ready" Ash said these commands Pidgeot turned face to face with Godzilla, noticing heat waves glow & sizzle from the monster's jaws "Aim …FIRE". "Prepare for a ride make it a double slide" "SHUT YOUR YAPS AND DRIVE" "WAHH" Ash screamed as well Pikachu and Pidgeot the gang, drove off full speed from Godzilla's spiky back to his head grabbing Ash. And dropping now at spit flying speeds as they barely escaped Godzilla's open jawed nuclear beam blasting full force of unbelievable god like power, the gang watched in slow motion it seemed the beam slice and vaporize all. Destroying countless cars, buildings, eventually destroying a boat harbor in a flash Ash gulped and was even more shocked to see his saviors "YOU 2, why in the world are you guys saving us?" Pikachu nodded totally confused. "Well first off if Pikachu goes up in smoke were out of a job" James agreed to Jesse "Yes being bossless is no fun no one pays us anymore anyways", Meowth slapped their heads groaning "Da point is were tired of being losers. We want to join your sides for good and help take out Godzilla" Ash frowned and yanked hard on the smart mouthed cat's whiskers sneering, "Baloney that's what you guys said 3 years ago when we started the war. And after we worked so hard to beat Mewthree you guys turned rotten on us again so why should we believe you now?" "Pikachu-yeah" "HELP MEEE", Ash gasped looking from the cycle up to the empire state building hearing it. "MISTY" Ash clenched his teeth and gloves and stared firmly at Jesse "If you guys help save Misty and stop Godzilla and I'll believe you guys deal?", "Deal" Jesse shook black tight glove to green glove tightly sealing the deal. The bike stopped they reached the building Togepi giggled popping out from the side car with Jesse and Meowth they all gasped "Togepi?" "Togi, togi", the egg Pokemon laughed happily as Ash picked him up cheering happily. Totally unaware as Godzilla's foot crushed a car into billions of pieces his roars echoed out into the shattered walls of store after store the gang froze, "AHH WERE GONNA DIE" just as they closed their eyes ready to die. Pidgeot cawed loudly from black ashes and pain he grabbed Ash by his blue coat shoulder he gulped being flown into the air Pikachu and Togepi as well, Jesse grabbed him James grabbed her and Meowth grabbed him just as fast. "MEWOW" Meowth gasped flying higher and higher into the sky from the towering building barely seeing their bike crushed by the mighty Godzilla at, mach speed Pidgeot collapsed at the roof top panting black scars all over em. Ash in seconds recalled his poor Pokemon back thanking him a huge great deal for saving their lives he gasped and spotted Misty tied and now gagged, tightly secured to a pole "Misty hold on I'm coming UGH" Ash screamed. Out of the darkness 2 high-powered laser beams blasted Ash in the chest bringing him down to his chest he staggered up weakly trying to see them, James gasped "Hey I thought we were the only sneaky ones on this show". "We are James some rookie imposters DARES to make fun of Team Rocket SHOW YOURSELF IMPOSTERS BEFORE I RIP YOR HEADS OFF", James whined collapsing down "Jesse shout it at them not in my ears OW". Laughing was heard as instead of smoke covering the roof laser lights fireworks popped out like a magic show and 2 very brightly decorated stars, shined out most noticeable of them was the ice colored eyes of em so cold. Peering threw blackness their faces shown one a male with a big forehead his hair thick long and black a pointed nose and evil playful smirk on him, standing very tall strong arms and legs in a silver suit thick like a space suit. On the chest a bold T colored in a metallic like purple color thick black gloves darker then Jesse & James his boots same color the suit & build was, almost identical for the female looking practically like his identical twin. Except her hair was a golden silky string like blonde color her forehead not quite as big but close her cheeks puffy and silky smooth along with her skin, her face a beautiful queen's youth in her suit was also silver with a purple T. Her boots and gloves just as black except her boots stopped showing a visible smooth part of her thighs she had a "come & get me big boy" smirk, ears holding a pair of lighting bolt earrings then the techno music started up. "Prepare for trouble" "Zap that and make it double" "To capture the world with beauty & grace" "To give evil a brand new face" "To control Pokemon, across the land" "To reveal the world out master plan" "Electra" "& Matic". "Team Tech steals riches galore" "Surrender now and prepare for war" "SNEASEL" Ash simply sweat dropped and groaned "It just never ends", "Pika pi-I know" Pikachu moaned back obviously not impressed with them. Jesse gasped and snapped her fingers realizing who they are "I knew I saw you jerks before you're the rocket rookies that disappeared when Giovanni, came to order" Electra screamed madly at Jesse "SHUT UP" Matic nodded. "The past is history and so are you 2 boobs we heard everything about Team Rocket being wiped out by the police after the Pokemon war that's when for, sure we knew we were on the right team when we left you losers long ago". Meowth growled at Sneasel who simply sneered back having a staring contest James grinned "That's because you guys stole his Persian for battle, and used it for your own gang picking on that Maxi kid and his music band". Jesse cackled at this watching the veins bulge on Electra's heard Ash looked at them blankly "What are you guys talking about" "Simple kid long before, we met you and Pikachu the boss's mother was the head of Team Rocket. She was as greedy and money grabby as I am er was she mysteriously vanished and then her son your dad Giovanni took over he hired those 2, rookies over there and got mad when they attacked kids instead of hunting. For rare Pokemon then we got hired and we become their successors but before he could fire them they disappeared until now" suddenly a laser shot, blasted both rockets foot they squealed jumping back Electra held the gun. "HA thanks for the story but that's no the end of it from we hear you guys did the same thing after a rare Pikachu supposedly and when your boss got, vaporized along with Team Rocket & their gang our boss knew it was time". Matic removed a Pokeball from his belt smirking as Electra did the same "Electra is right Team Tech was a secret gang made up of the most brillaint, crooks around graduating tops at Pokemon tech unlike those 2" he laughed. "Our boss gave us this gang he's the founder of Pokemon Tech and is in hiding now and with his genius and our brilliance with technology and, Pokemon alike its time to show that Team Tech will be the future of Earth". Stopping his speech Team Tech and Rocket looked behind seeing Ash untying Misty saving her "Oh Ash you saved my life" "Hey it was easy, while those goof balls were blabbing life stories I just untied you like that". Everyone but Ash and Misty collapsed anime style quickly getting back up Ash and Pikachu reared for battle with Team Tech calling out "Everyone, come on out" out of his Pokeballs arrived Bulbasaur Charizard Squirtle. Snorlax and Lapras minus Pidgeot for resting Electra and Matic tossed their own "Electra calls Magneton" "Full power Porygon 2" their monsters came, Ash surprised at seeing the flatter skinner softer and more fleshy Porygon. "Dexter should see this guy and that black cat" "Porygon 2 the evolved form of Porygon a computer Pokemon with advanced powers of various kinds, being softer and smaller it can pass threw walls and solid objects Porygon 2. Is also very intelligent" then Ash pointed at "Sneasel a black dark cat recently discovered this Pokemon is very tricky secretive and dangerous", Ash flipped it back spotting Team Rocket run behind them for support/fear. "You guys ready okay everyone attack" "NOW Magneton flash attack" the magnetic monster blinded them all with a spectacular flash of thunder light, Matic continued "Porygon 2 Hurricane" the bird byte Pokemon squawked. Unleashing a psychic force blowing back a screaming Ash Misty and everyone else to the edge of the building with hurricane winds and forces, watching in fear and terror as Matic and Electra jet rocketed to the sky. Just in time for a raging Godzilla with energy charging red eyes to roar his fangs, in staring at them threw gray scales as they left calling back their Pokemon. Matic shouted "By the way I hope Godzilla leaves SOMETHING of you guys left to tell the newspapers we set those bombs to transform Godzilla", Electra added "& were the puppet masters for the big guy now ATTACK". Godzilla roared a bellowing cry shattering streets smashing the empire building's walls and sides with his bulky monster might Ash stood proudly, "Looks like we got no choice but to fight okay everyone attack Godzilla". Misty bit her lip and held onto Ash tightly whispering coldly "I'm scared Ash" "So am I Misty" he replied in the same tone watching preying his, Pokemon will be all right reaching the monstrous face and form of Godzilla. "Bulbasaur razor leaf and vine whip" the plant Pokemon whipped out his vines and leaves in a furious attack pummeling Godzilla with the attacks, yet not even making Godzilla blink he roared loudly unaffected Squirtle came. Shaking his shell off practically "Squir-r-r-rtle" "Come on Squirtle don't give up give him your best hydro pump" the tiny turtle closed his eyes and, did so his shell and mouth sputtering gallons of pressure water at Godzilla. Plowing strike after strike Godzilla simply snorted his nose and shoved the 2 tiny Pokemon with a simple sneeze Ash gulped having MAJOR regrets now, "Charizard-Your mine" the fiery dragon shouted flapping his green wings. Charging full speed claws and teeth bared "Charizard no Godzilla is too strong" but Charizard couldn't stand to let Ash live in fear or pain he went, opening his jaws and fired a huge fire blast Godzilla roared a bit in pain. A black tiny burnt mark on his nose "CHAR" Charizard attacked all his might rage pumping him firing exploding fire balls of flames his flame, thrower engulfing what appeared to be Godzilla's entire head with fire. Ash suddenly started to smile & cheered for joy Misty joined him "ALL RIGHT, way to go Charizard" Charizard panted but smiled grinning to their cheers. Waving his fire tail at the smoke that finally blew off from Godzilla's face Charizard went from hot red to ice blue Godzilla was standing there angrily, snarling & growling fangs clenched his face burnt but nothing seriously bad. Jesse squeaked "I think all Charizard did was make it even angrier then before" Godzilla roared like the insane monster that he is unleashing a full, face atomic breath at Charizard engulfing him in a radioactive laser force. The massive power sky blasted Charizard in smoke and flaming pain as the fire dragon roared into the night black sky lying backwards vanishing with a, star spark Ash was speechless Meowth simply uttered "Copy cat dragon". "CHARIZARD" "Ash look out" Misty screamed and shoved her love down just in time Godzilla's claws swiped & smashed apart the tower of the roof, Pikachu screamed & leaped into the sky and in rage and tears for Charizard. Pikachu screamed "PIKACHUUU" and unleashed a Godzilla's sized thunder attack striking a bolt of actual lighting the king of monsters howled, the pain was horrible shocking his scaly body Godzilla roared endlessly out. Ash was surprised even greater to see Pikachu strike Godzilla with such a powerful attack taking the chance Ash shouted "Snorlax now body slam", "SNOR" the bear monster charged full speed Snorlax leaped off his bulk. Belly exposed flying at Godzilla for a super sumo slam but Godzilla wasn't out yet raising his now electrified claw bawled into a fist rearing it back, Snorlax widened his Brock eyes and whaled as Godzilla smashed it into him. Like a baseball on a home run hit Godzilla slammed Snorlax right back to home plate Ash & the gang barely had a second to react the blubbering bear, Pokemon smashing them off the falling and crumbling empire state building. The gang spun round and around and around again eventually crashing onto a harbor reduced to total shambles by the destroyed Empire State building, but luckily they were alive "Talk about luck Snorlax like a Poke-parachute". James exclaimed hopping down "Good thing we spun so Snorlax took the hit" Jesse added Misty giggled slightly "Even better is the fact that Snorlax, is so bubble headed all the spinning & crashing just made him sleep again". Ash however was not smiling or laughing he was near break down he cried left to right unable to find Lapras or Charizard since the fall "Please guys, are you okay Lapras Charizard speak to me" tears were forming in his eyes. Misty went to hug him he hugged back tightly almost sobbing now "Its all my fault….they could be hurt or lost all because of me and Charizard he got, blasted he could be…could be" "Lapras ahoy" Meowth shouted to everyone. Ash turned and his hazel soft eyes widened with joy only it was half it was Lapras but he still was scared and worried for Charizard but he couldn't cry, now even if Charizard was killed they have to run before Godzilla follows. "Right everyone hop on Lapras full speed ahead and step on it WAHH" just as the gang settled on top of Lapras and her soft shell a mini tidal wave had, crashed like the force of thousand hurricanes as Godzilla landed in the bay. Tearing apart the harbor piece by shattered piece he then roared his animal cry howl he lowered his jaws preparing to mangle them in his mighty jaws, Ash Misty and the whole gang screamed and whaled till "Lapras ice beam". Finally was said by Ash at seconds as the baby Lapras launched a powerfully huge ice beam striking Godzilla's face with frost and chilling ice, the king roared in pain this time clawing the ice apart giving the gang time. Time enough to bolt like the wind Lapras flapping her flippers as well the others their arms swimming full speed and force to escape fast as possible, Godzilla boiled his reptilian raging face with nuclear heat and eyed them. Misty gulped looking back squealing "Peddle faster everyone" "It's paddling not pedaling pipsqueak" James replied Misty bopped him & sped things up, as Godzilla stomped making dominating waves he was totally surrounded. Patrol boats helicopters police cars officers SWAT teams tanks the works hundreds of armed forces began blasting cannons, guns, bombs, and more, striking a barrage of endless fire power upon Godzilla he snarled at them. Though not seriously injuring him they became a annoyingly hurting nuisance being pushed slowly inch by inch his bulky body moved back Ash, smiled at this and turned back to continue swimming not seeing the fires. Godzilla had bashes boats into halves with his beefy legs and swatted copters like flies with his tail batting the forces at bay with his powers tiring, of this game his body began to emit a red thundering glow charging energy. Lightning thunder struck his boiling spines electricity surged his unstoppable nuclear strength building with every glare of his devil reptile eyes so angrily, he roared a screech of his monstrous battle cry unleashing a shock wave. Using a powerful new technique Godzilla vaporized the officers and vehicles air, sea, and earth alike by using his own nuclear heart and DNA to, charge up enough energy and blast it all off in a shock wave destroyer move. Clearing a deadly straight path Godzilla with already charged energy fired a longer more faster nuclear heat ray shooting right down and exploding right, onto the waters of Ash and Lapras catapulting them into the sky screaming. Vanishing into the darkness of the black and blood red sky Godzilla roared the King of the Monsters was back better then ever, stronger then ever and, he has finally proved the human & Pokemon race alike is powerless to him. Hours went by as Godzilla swam like a perfect fish into the seas leaving New York swimming far, farther away but it all seemed the same to Ash, fading from black to a blur his young eyes weakly opened to see straight. His hazel eyes spotted a girl with nicely cut hair not as black as his but lighter hanging in like of tattered nice threads purple eyes squinted at his, checking to see if he was okay he saw her in a very slick dark pink suit. Her soft smooth neck covered by a tanned gold colored back neck collar Ash, saw clearly the dress ending in a dark blue skirt stopping at her upper knees. Her long smooth legs shifted her feet with no socks but in obvious pantyhose in her black shoes the girl smiled "Hey…what happened where am I uh awe, where's….cough where is Misty and the others?" "Talk about a super scoop. One minute I'm heading my chopper over to get some actual coverage of Godzilla going ballistic in down town New York and I see the explosions &, now me Vicky Vallice has the 1 and only world famous Pokemon master. Ash Ketchum fall into my lap surviving with his friends from the very beast that wiped out the entire police force amazing" staggering up slowly Vicky, finally explained she was a reporter a plucky energetic reporter at that too. Always looking for a story she is filled with sugar spice everything nice as well a billion questions she and her chopper mate pilot/best friend Gunther, had "fished" Ash Misty TR and Lapras out of the seas unconscious & burnt. Using a first aid kit for Pokemon and people she and Gunther helped them all wake up Misty TR Pikachu Togepi woke up first Lapras was called back, for resting and healing and Ash woke up now explaining Godzilla's attack. "WOW is all I can Gunther turn this heap around and let's go lizard hunting" Ash's jaw dropped like an anvil "Your joking right?" "You want, to actually to NEAR that jumbo iguana?" James asked Vicky stared at them. Everyone collapsed anime style minus her and Gunther thankfully he hadn't turned around the helicopter yet spotting something ahead Jesse asked them, "I'd hate to miss out on that joy ride but what are we going to do about him? Godzilla is meaner then I am and twice the size and strength" Misty sighed sadly holding her sleeping Togepi in her arms "She's right Ash there's no, Pokemon alive that can beat him" it dawned on Ash he repeated the words. "No Pokemon alive" running to Misty he kissed her sweet lips laughing with glee "Misty you're a genius hey Gunther is there a phone on board?" the tall, Indian looking man with thick brown hair & bold wooden brown color face. Turned to speak "Yeah right up here why?" Ash ran to it punched in the numbers dialing up Misty asked him curiously "Ash who are you calling?", "Don't worry Misty I'm calling an old friend of ours to help us" "Pika pi". A phone call jittered the person to live from his dreary sleep his old bones lifted him up answering the phone brushing his white gray turning hair off, "Yeah what do you ya want?" "Gee that's a nice hi to an old friend Warner". The man's deep eyes widened at the voice and smirked "Ash my boy it's been a while I take it you have been keeping your nose clean of Kabuto", Ash laughed over the side of the phone remembering those fossil islands. "Ever since I had that wild time there with you and that reporter Warner speaking of which I got another one and we need your help big time", Warner knew Ash was high spirited but he sensed worry in his voice. But being his friend he listened Ash explained for him to find a way to use his, "mumbo jumbo" of legends and magic to find something they need big time. "I know just the thing an old incantation I picked up after Kabuto problem it was hidden deeper in the caves of those Pokemon before you guys got there, I may need some trainers to help but…what's that you know some good". The plan was set and Warner was off to find Ash's trainer friends to try and bring back some reinforcements against Godzilla Meowth asked Ash oddly, "Hey dat old guy sounds like the kook on the news with dat reporter twit". Vicky snarled and stomped his tail "HEY watch who you call twit' Meowth growled and slashed her eyes she screamed and quickly tried to fix the scars, on her make up "I meant the green haired one about da Kabuto island junk". Ash looked at them shocked and dumb founded "How'd you guys hear about that I was in the Orange Islands when this happened far away" Misty, smiled and winked to him holding Togepi "Easy that reporter got some film. Even though the camera got busted and everyone at home couldn't tell what was happening eventually someone came on and explained the whole deal, Warner was there too & I saw you" Vicky nodded going to Ash with a mike. "So Ash Ketchum world wide famous Pokemon master Warner mentioned trainers exactly how many trainers do you know?" Pikachu held up all his, paws saying "Pikachu" "He's right I got more friends then I do problems". James raised his glove snickering to Ash "Maybe it'll end up double OW" "James don't jinx us we got enough things to deal without your jinxes", Vicky plopped herself up onto a seat by Gunther checking the camera. Seeing a storm pick up entering dark clouds as rain began to pour onto the glass windows Gunther uttered "Don't worry this storm isn't gonna do, much damage to us I guarantee it" Vicky looked at him sweat dropping. "Gunther I have been stuck with you for 8 years and you always manage to bang this thing up in storms why is this time gonna be different?" Gunther, pointed his rubber black glove hands to the side window "He's gonna do it". Vicky turned her eyes bulged and jaw dropped screaming "GODZILLA" Ash Jesse James Meowth Pikachu Misty they all did it cowering in terror, Godzilla the dark king of the monsters roared in black thundering bellows. Flashes of his gray greenish scaly hide flashed in black and white thunder lights of the storm he chomped his jaws trying to chomp the copter in half, Gunther perfectly dodged the bites though barely making it past the teeth. Godzilla roared aloud the mighty monster getting closer and closer to scarping his jagged jaws across the scraped metal sides of the helicopter; Gunther was having a full time just trying to dodge him let alone speed up. "GUNTHER get this heap of junk out of here before he tears us in 2" "Yeah you try and do my job miss make up ARGH" he screamed the whole thing, being jerked around as Godzilla had grabbed it with his massive fist claws. Misty shrieked as the back end of the chopper was being torn apart Godzilla's hungry metal shredding jaws roaring at them James shouted out, "MOVE IT" everyone ran like nuts to the other side totally helpless now. Godzilla staring his reptile eyes at them a golden hued pupil glared at them under the lava rings of his eyes Ash frowned "Pikachu let em have a shock", "Pikachuuu" Pikachu fired a thunder bolt attack striking Godzilla in his eye. Screaming and howling his inhuman roar he clenched his eye and began to chomp the copter piece by piece trapping the gang to the cock pit easily, suddenly the video camera was flipped on as Vicky spoke directly into it. "Reporting live from the scene aboard the now demolished helicopter Vicky Vallice is bravely fighting off the great monster Godzilla who is advancing, preparing to kill us all as here now with me is the infamous Ash Ketchum. Please Ash could you tell us what's on your mind now?" Ash screamed scrambling madly to hold onto a chair "FEAR lots of it too WAHHHHH" "I, see now HEY" the camera was ripped away from her hands angrily by Jesse. "You brainless bimbo were on the brink of death and your telling it like a STORY" "Give me it back right now" Jesse frowned and tossed the camera, back it skidded down the tilting floor and was smashed into Godzilla's jaws. "AAH MY FILM" Vicky leaped down to try and salvage her camera Jesse gasped and grabbed her legs screaming "ARE YOU NUTS AHH" falling, down James grabbed her then Meowth then Ash Misty Gunther Pikachu. The situation was now a thousand times worse they were all hanging on by simple the steering wheel by Togepi and his little paws a chain of people &, Pokemon were all that kept Vicky's rain soaked face away from Godzilla. She gulped swallowing hard Godzilla growling as loud as a bullhorn "Could I uh…Mr. Godzilla can I have my camera back…please?" "ROOOOOAR", Godzilla roared a bellowing scream the shock wave of his sonic screeching. Was like a sonic boom destroying the helicopter into a thousand pieces the storm becoming stronger with every second showering ice cold rain drops, with black skies, gray thunder clouds, high winds, and one angry monster. Ash Misty Pikachu and Togepi held onto each other Team Rocket Vicky and Gunther did the same spiraling down to the black waters falling endlessly, until a loud thump was heard and everyone began to slowly open their eyes. "What I d-d-don't believe it?" "Misty it's …Charizard" "Pika, pika pi" Ash was right braving the storms fear of his fiery tail going out Ash's brave old, friend Charizard was alive and well carrying them across the storming skies. "Charizard-glad you dropped in" he roared wincing from the cold rains Ash covered his tail with is green back pack spotting Team Rocket hanging on, by his orange legs and fiery tail he called "How are you guys?" "Don't ask". Looking down he smiled once more Vicky and Gunther were safe as well being carried by the one person he always counted on for rescuing "Hey, Nurse Joy thanks for your help" "Anytime Ash its so good to see you again". Ash quickly explained to Misty about the tanned buffed up Nurse Joy stronger and less petite as the others she takes care of Pokemon all over the, islands too small to have centers so she works out to improve her speeding. "But that means if she's here then we must be at" Jesse looked ahead and she was right after all dead ahead the massive sight of the Orange islands, "Wow talk about big" Meowth uttered watching it come closer & closer. Soon as they landed the entire gang followed Nurse Joy running their hearts and legs out to find a ferry to get them off the islands "Charizard return", "Good thinking Ash now all we got to do is get on a boat and leave fast". Misty looked to Nurse Joy cradling Togepi close seriously scared now "But Nurse Joy why I thought we escaped Godzilla" Gunther panted running up, "Wrong kid I'm afraid you don't understand what she's trying to tell you". "Pikachu?" said Pikachu raising his ears in confusion Ash himself was too concerned with watching all his friends run around like blind mice in fear, the Orange crew gym leaders his trainer friends the Pokemon everyone. All scurrying to boats planes ferries even riding their own Pokemon to escape, James finally spoke out the truth "Godzilla is going to destroy everything". The cold truth sunk in deep and sad Ash sighed so sadly to himself speaking his thoughts quietly "All my battles here my adventures winning the trophy, and now its all gonna be gone" as they ran the gang was too scared to look. Not left right not even to notice they had passed up Prof. Ivy's Pokemon lab. "Prof. Ivy we have to go NOW Godzilla is coming AND I DIDN'T EVEN GET A GIRLFRIEND WAHH" Ivy groaned feeling Brock weep and cling, to her leg she bopped him "Brock please calm down were all packed to go. I just couldn't let all my research go to waste regardless of Godzilla girls?", the Geek triplets popped their heads out coming to the professor's call. She nodded and shouted to run and bolt to the ferryboat at the edge of the beach, Ivy's purple hair blew from the hurricane winds black clouds hovering over. The Geeks got into the boat and called for her to come in "Professor hop in hurry up" suddenly a scream turned the good professor's attention "IVY, HELP I'M STUCK" it was Brock the poor breeder was trapped under a bar. The massive steel girder was crushing his legs down Ivy ran to him calling "Brock I'm coming don't worry your gonna make it" she winced tripping, over rocks kicking off her shoes to go faster she then pulled Brock out of it. "Don't worry your….heh safe now ….Brock" she panted Brock smiled to her and stood weakly to thank her but the moment soon died as well did a, few other things CRUNCH "NOOOOOO" "ITS GODZILLA HE'S HERE". Unable to get back to the boat in time Ivy and Brock were only able to watch the faces of fright and tears of pain as the Geeks were crushed into the sand, mangling the boat flowing the waters of destruction from Godzilla's foot. Ivy simply stuttered on as Godzilla stomped closer and closer the beast raged on roaring "I sent them out….I killed them….its all my fault all my", "Ivy cry later RUN NOW" Brock grabbed her hand & yanked her with him. Stomp after god crushing stomp Godzilla chased them clawing away the black clouds that blocked his appearance from Ivy earlier before the 2, leaped into the lab sliding across the cracking floors Godzilla attacked it. Bashing claws and tail into the lab demolishing everything in sight Ivy screamed as a light crashed down shattering glass cutting her bare feet over, them her toes bleeding Brock went to help but a tail smash threw him back. Plowing his small spine threw rock, cement, and steel he weakly sat up amongst the blood and destruction and saw the complete terror in Ivy's eyes, Godzilla's ferocious face broke threw the ceiling and roared a terrifying cry. "Ivy….I am so sorry….don't go" "Brock please don't blame yourself it wasn't your fault I know I'm going to die but your young you have a future, don't let my death be in vain live your life don't ever give up your dreams. These past years has been in the best of my life with you and now I'm going to join up with the girls waiting for me bye Brock" "No, no Ivy….don't go", threw all the crumbling stones and screams of terror as chaos breaking out. Brock could hear every frail and weak word she spoke he could even hear the fear in her voice watching threw his crying weeping eyes her go away, being taken up into the razor jaws of Godzilla squinting his eyes to Brock. A wave of hatred rage and complete sorrow seemed to fill both of their pupils, a loud chomp was heard weak muffled cries then total silence Brock wept. "Only one thing left to do" Brock pulled out a small black gun and raised in his weak hand weakly uttering to himself "Here I come…guys" suddenly, the ground collapsed the earth crumbled beneath him and water washed in. Beneath the islands were whirlpools water streams of hurricane rushing it whisked him away but not before Godzilla destroyed the entire laboratory, with a final nuclear ray shattering supplies and parts scattered into the rain. Ash turned back he and Misty held hands tightly at sight of the mushroom cloud of the now destroyed Ivy lab Ash bit his lip and said firmly to Misty, "Misty we can't let him hurt anyone else this is the only way to stop him". "I know Ash but no matter what happens I always love you & I will threw life, and death" "Pikachu pi" "Togepi" Jesse James & the others nodded as well. Gunther turned around speaking "Guys how's your voo doo duties doing?" Warner groaned snapping at Gunther "For the last time this isn't voo doo, my knowledge of tricks and spells aren't easy with lack of supplies buddy". Marina frowned at Warner brushing her aqua blue hair from her eyes and gentle face "Hey what do you mean old man I'm working my water, Pokemon to their max its not my fault your elemental revival spell is a dud". Warner rubbed his forehead looking around the other trainers using their own Pokemon to add to the fire and increase the energies to use this spell, Ethan smirked at his Magneton and Magnemite "The thunder half is fine. All this lighting charge up my buckaroos just perfectly" "My Victreebel and, Gloom are gonna wilt with all this rain" cried Golzar the leaf headed trainer. Meowth and Pikachu watched spying around all the trainers each one taking up an element Ash's Charizard taking 2 with wind from his wings and fire, meanwhile Misty used her newly caught Poliwhirl's ice beam to add in that. James scratched his chin asking Warner why nothing is happening "That's because one of the elements is lacking something primarily the mystical, flower dust from the Shanmaha leaves" Meowth was dumbfounded "Huh". Warner growled "It's a rare black speckled leaf with rainbow dust colors on it its also call the "Spark of life" being able to recharge a man or Pokemon, to full health without that dust it's" suddenly Ash looked right out at Golzar. Misty caught on and asking him "What's that leaf on your head called?". "The Shan mystical something or ever leaf" everyone grinned then jumped the screaming kid taking it off and throwing it into the fire "HEY you know, I'm getting really sick and tired of people doing that" Warner ignored him. Beginning to chant the trainers did the odd movements that he told them earlier about performing the spell intensifying the fire shouting the words, the fire glowed bright yellow energy surging from his words brighter on. "I GRANT THAT IS DONE MAKE IT UNDONE FATE STOLE THE SOUL, RETURN IT NOW RETURN ITS POWER RETURN THE STRENGTH". With that final scream the fire faded and the spell was done yet nothing happened 2 loud laughs were drowned out by the storm upon the other far, right side of the island Matic and Electra were snickering their evil grins. "Beautiful attempts kids but like all things beautiful they fail to compare to me" Matic snickered to his cousin pulling Godzilla's remote control out, "Time for Godzilla to end this little game once and for all" "I agree Matic". Replied Electra but before he could press the button their eyes widened a weak squeak came from their lips as they dropped unconscious a black, figure from behind glared his deep blue eyes at them hidden by darkness. Raising an inhuman foot he stomped the controller to bits and stared down. Watching the children awaiting the spell to work with Godzilla rapidly approaching them a dark voice spoke softly watching his evil eyes below, "The King is back and very soon the true Emperor shall rise up as well". THE END!