Revenge of the rockets Revenge that is a word that is mostly heard from anger or sadness it means, to gain a sort of payback to a person for doing something that disturbed them immensely. Wars battles games debates revenge is wanted from either winning or losing side of any event, such as does to the evil gang known threw out the world of Pokemon as Team Rocket. Time after time Jesse James and Meowth have tried to capture rare and valuable Pokemon namely, Ash's Pikachu and time after time they fail no matter what the case. Even with help from their teammates Cassidy Butch and even the newest addition Gary Oak, but now the wicked leader of Team Rocket Giovanni will stand to lose no more. After Jesse and James's latest failure at attempting to stall Ash and his friends from reaching the, Unknown dungeon and then capturing the legendary Pokemon Mewtwo Giovanni plans to stop Ash once and for all. As we journey now deep underground beneath the very town of Pallet Team Rocket's headquarters stands there, as Giovanni has assembled every rocket in his entire organization to announce his scheme. "Hello Jesse James Meowth so glad to see you back from yet another failed mission all you had to do, was throw the blasted ball at Mewtwo and stop those puny brats and you can't even do that. If I didn't need you brainless boobs for this to work you'd be fired so fast your empty heads would spin, now tell me exactly what went wrong with the Mewtwo plan?". The 3 frightened felons shivered trying to break it to Giovanni with out getting yelled at, "Well uh gee okay James you can start" "What me um funny story actually Meowth knows it best right?". Meowth was stuck and had to say something or Persian would be his permanent replacement for life, "Okay boss well here's the ting we swam right near those kids in our sub and attacked them but then. These 2 screwed it all up I tried to tell not to mess with their Gyarados monster, I told them to report right back to you" "What you liar faced cat". Jesse and James choked the life out of Meowth angry at how he told Giovanni, that they messed up "Enough shut up morons I should have known better than to even ask you anything that simple. Cassidy Butch get in here now" shouted the evil rocket leader as the 2 new rockets walked in smirking at Jesse, and James they leaned down and bowed to Giovanni. "Hello boss need us for another job those 3 goofballs can't do ha, ha?" Cassidy cackled at Jesse as Giovanni ignored them, "Both of you quiet send in Gary and his new partner" he bellowed as a door opened as Gary. Plus his darkly hidden accomplice walked in shining out everyone with their gold and silver suits, both spitted at the other 4 rockets as usual Gary acting like he is the best bad or good. "Hehehe well Sir Gary Oak here with my partner she is I hope up to your perfect standards?" the hidden woman walked into the light, only to be seen by Giovanni's evil eyes he gasped at her face and then slowly smiled and evil smile. "Excellent just excellent I hope she is badder than she looks" the girl giggled at his compliment, "The baddest Sir now you wanted to see us" "Yes Gary all of you sit down I must tell you my master plan that is so brilliant I scare myself. As my years being the Viridian City gym leader the Pokemon League Corporation has never even come close to think that I am, the leader of Team Rocket so I know all the secrets better than anyone here. I am sure you all have heard of the awesome fighting Pokemon team, known as the Elite 4" they all nodded knowing the powerful trainers. With Pokemon so rare and powerful they are almost unbeatable in order of battle Lorelei the ice trainer, Bruno the fighting and rock trainer, Agatha the ghost and poison trainer and finally the leader Lance the dragon trainer. "Good I see you all aren't as stupid as I thought well there Pokemon are some of the best ever used, trainers have a harder time fighting them than any gym leader trainer or anyone else. I met them all such nice young people and so naïve but one day I found out a secret that I never could have imagined, one day Lance was crying he looked like someone killed his parents. He came to me thinking I was a kind enough person to keep a secret he must have the worst, judgement of trust than anyone on this entire planet. I sat down like a goodie good father and heard him out Lance said that he, and the other Elite 4 had discovered that an accident had happened to all of them. By simple mistakes made with potions Pokemon and machines they had gained, human fighting powers Lorelei could freeze any object by spilling a subzero formula on her hands. Bruno had a strange accident with a wild fissure attack from his Machamp giving him the ability to increase or, decrease the size of his muscles Agatha. One day fused with a Gastly while in the Pokemon tower in Lavender town allowing her to go invisible for as long as she wants, and finally the greatest weapon of all Lance was mutated with his Dragonite at Bill's lab. The power of the hyper beam was given to him making them super powered fighting machines but, unfortunately those simple-minded fools wanted to use their powers against Team Rocket. I knew I couldn't let them know I was with Team Rocket so I kept that secret, for 5 long years now waiting for the right moment when it would be useful to aid my plans". The mouths of the rockets dropped like boulders shocked that the Elite 4 were super humans, "Cool wow if we had those guys powers Pikachu and the world would be ours for sure" "Ha, ha exactly my point James". The rockets became more perplexed at what Giovanni is getting at Gary asked his new master, "But sir how can we get those powers they were one in a life time chance. No offense but it doesn't take a brain surgeon to tell that we need a miracle to get them to work for us" Gary finished his statement, only to be laughed at by Giovanni chuckling an evil wicked laughter. "Actually Gary it does take a brain surgeon to do it for my master plan anyway, thanks to all these years of Jesse and James bungling and stealing I finally had enough machine parts to build this". A curtain was pulled from behind and a giant dentist looking steel chair was revealed, sparkling with electronic wire buttons and video screen as well several satellite antennas. "Wow amazing boss where did you get it from?" Butch asked in his dark frog like voice "I built this of course, bits and pieces were given to me by those 2 its like a big puzzle with many, many pieces from almost all missions Jesse and James have went on. A dash of nuclear reactor core parts sprinkle in swiped robot parts, give it a squeeze of laboratory gadgets mix it all up with a speck of brain x-rays and my own design and what do you get?". "Meowth a really cool looking dentist chair right boss?" "NO you idiot fur ball at least Persian has a brain that works, this is my masterpiece my crowning achievement of all time I call it The Scrambler. Your probably wondering what it scrambles so well that I would call it that well I'll tell you here is my genius plan, as soon as I get those brats out of the way it'll be time to head immediately for Indigo Plateau. Once there Jesse James you and Meowth will locate and bring the Elite 4 to me, by any means necessary keeping them blinded so no one sees me yet for now. Cassidy Butch Gary this is where you and your partner come in and how the machine works, with one flick of this switch and these mutant chemicals I shall perform the impossible. I will switch the brains of the Elite 4 with my Team Rocket giving them the bodies of the most powerful humans on Earth, ha, ha Cassidy you will go into Lorelei's body Butch Bruno's body. Gary Lance's body and your partner will control Agatha's body and then, once you have the right moment call out their Pokemon and use your powers to destroy the Pokemon league officials. And then I will rule this world with the greatest Pokemon team of history and after that is done, I shall go to the Unknown dungeon and capture the great Mewtwo along with all the other legendary Pokemon. Then and only then will Team Rocket rule the world ha, ha, ha" the rockets cheered their hearts out ready as ever, put the brain plan into action but first they had to deal with Ash. Speaking of our true hero we go right now to Ash as he and his friends is rushing, Seth to the hospital trying to save him from the evil alien's mind melter ray. "Hold on Seth you can make please stay with us" Ash tried to say but Seth couldn't hear him he was unconscious, Ash's heart pounded with in his chest as Brock stepped on the gas moving even faster in Seth's car. "Ash look" he saw to what Misty pointed it was a hospital human one they stopped the car, as the paramedics pulled out a cart and rushed Seth into the hospital. Putting him on a life support system Pikachu and Togepi had tears in their eyes praying for their friend to make it, as did Ash Misty and Brock the 2 loving kids hugged each other tightly. The Pokemon gang walked in and stayed in the lobby waiting hours and hours, it seemed like every second that passed was another second to Seth's death. A Nurse Joy came up to them asking some questions "I know that nothing is certain is yet but until then, could you please tell me what happened to your friend before he got here". Brock explained everything about the mind ray that came form the sky and how it aimed for Seth throwing, in a how about we go on a date when this all blows over question. "How about have your mouth do itself a favor leave now like the brain did 5 seconds ago" Brock sulked of rejection, but Ash seemed to take it really hard everything was going down hill. First Gary left for Team Rocket since Ash punched him his choice, to quit training his quest he quit for Mewtwo and now Seth getting hit by the beam. After more time passed the same Nurse Joy came back and she had the news luckily she smiled at them, "Good news your friend is going to come back just fine he took a bad hit to the brain and according to what you told me. His head is gonna be a little messed up for a while whatever struck him gave him a combination, of headaches, concussions, and brain damage. From what we saw with our equipment if your friend had stayed with in that beam, for any longer his brain would have shattered apart like cracked glass" after hearing that Ash in co. are glad he's even alive. But they still couldn't see him his brain was still trying to heal and any visits could worsen or, accelerate his pains so the gang left to get some food. "Wow Ash I hope Seth is going to be okay", "Yeah me too but what was it that hit him at the Unknown dungeon?" Brock decided to tell Ash his crazy idea thinking that . From everything that's happened this wouldn't seem crazy at all "Ash I think I know, Nurse Joy said that the beam that hit him only affected his brain. It also came straight from the sky like that gas filled rocket I think he was about to tell us, what this thing is that has been attacking us all this time I think he knows who is out there". "Brock Seth is brilliant you actually think he'd believe something as sill as that?", Misty looked at Ash and thought about what he and Brock discussed. "Ash Brock is right". "What Misty I know someone is doing this stuff to us but how would this thing, even tie in with Seth I know his dad made Mewtwo but the thing isn't Mewtwo". Pikachu nodded and hopped onto Ash's shoulders but Brock still had some more theories, "Not so fast Ash this puzzle is getting clearer and clearer think about first though the beam hit Seth. Right before he could finish his discovery about the thing and since the brain holds al information of your body, I say that whatever this creature is he shot down Seth to keep his identity a secret". "Pikachu pika pi-he's right Ash" Pikachu told his friend, it took Ash a short time to believe it but he did the creature out there is keeping quiet on all possible fronts. Not the only one hiding the triple teamed rockets were hiding in the bushes all watching, Ash and his friends stand there Jesse James and Meowth saw it was time for their costumes. "Yes finally the boss will love us all for this little scheme" "It may be the bosses idea Jesse but at least we get Pikachu finally", "Shut your yaps here they come team love and team teen are in positions let's go". Outside the bushes Togepi heard some squeaking from the bushes the happy baby Pokemon trotted over to see what it was, Pikachu turned back and saw something moving in the bushes. Thinking it was Team Rocket that it was he used thunder shock and zapped the 3 hiding crooks out of hiding, but they couldn't tell since all of them dressed up as wacko dentist's Togepi and Pikachu didn't like them though. "Hey Pikachu I'm sorry he didn't mean to shock you on purpose" Jesse and James nodded keeping quiet, of who they are "Hey are you sure you guys are dentist's if you were why were you in the bushes?". The rocket gang was caught off guard quickly Jesse punched James in the mouth and held the tooth that fell out, "Um see he lost a tooth we dentist's never lose a tooth so we ran out to get it". James rubbed his mouth groaning and griping Meowth walked up to Ash and, opened his mouth up as he did to Misty and Brock faking out the final act "Oh my, my these kids have terrible teeth I tink they need a check up". Jesse and James giggled excitedly as James pulled out a little nozzle connected to a gas can, he asked them all evilly "Okay now open wide and say AH HA GOTHCA!". Before our heroes knew it Jesse and James pulled off their mask's showing their faces, they tried to run but Butch Cassidy Gary and his partner kicked them back hard. While James gassed them all to sleep along with Pikachu and Togepi finally haven won a victory the rotten rockets, picked up our fallen heroes and carried them back to the hidden hide out of Team Rocket. The whole crime scene was left with no evidence and no witnesses Team Rocket made sure of it, all except the stirring Seth who saw high above from his window powerless to help. The darkness swarmed the gigantic room with only Team Rocket looking upon Ash and his friends, with their cold and evil eyes laughing and waiting for them to awaken. After splashing water onto their faces the gang woke up weary from their rude awakening, immediately checking their Pokeballs all there Team Rocket didn't take them. But Ash saw that Pikachu was gone "No Pikachu he's gone Team Rocket you better tell me where he is right now", they answered him with echoing evil laughs from the hide out's walls bright lights then flashed on Ash was almost blinded by them. They lead up to a huge chair with a dark petting a Persian with Team Rocket, side by side of him it was Giovanni he chuckled seeing finally face to face with Ash. Misty and Brock got up woozy but they saw who it was past the darkness "Hey wait a minute your Giovanni the Viridian City gym leader, what are you doing here?". Giovanni ignored Misty and had several black rocket guards shove them forward "Isn't this a surprise, after all this time I finally meet the trio of trouble makers giving my Team Rocket trouble". "Your Team Rocket hey just what is going on here tell me now", Giovanni quickly frowned a guard stabbed Ash in the back with a tazor the Pallet trainer fell Misty and Brock held him looking angrily back at Giovanni. Jesse James Butch and Cassidy stood left from right from Giovanni as he walked down, from his chair heading for Ash looking at him snickering "You know for some odd reason your face is quite familiar. But I know we haven't had the honor of meeting one another I had some business to tend with a while ago, which is why you battled Jesse James and Meowth for the Earth badge instead of me. Now that I've seen the one ruining all my plans lately I'm starting to regret leaving I believe you know exactly what I'm talking about Ash", Ash was shocked worse then when he got the tazor he knew who he was but how he thought. "I'm Brock the ex-gym leader of Pewter City" "And I'm Misty the gym leader of Cerulean City how could do this being a crook as a gym leader there's no way you could have gotten away with all this". "Silence" 2 guards then zapped Brock and Misty Ash turned back and tried to fight them but was easily shocked away, "Fools being a gym leader is nothing to being a world leader and by that I mean this whole planet. Ever since I left my home town I wanted to become the best not just at Pokemon but the world, but I fell one day by a small cliff hitting my head terribly badly on a stone I almost died. Then someone found me in black dark suits with red R's on their chest it was Team Rocket and yet for some reason I wasn't scared of them, in fact they were scared of me the crack to my head changed me for the better my rage. Made me an excellent fighter I beat them all in no time and I spared them only to become the leader as back payment and now, look at me I later signed up to become a gym leader stealing the best Pokemon to become the best. My evil hard work paid off I was in and the others who tried let's just say their Pokemon sort of, sky rocketed away ha, ha it was easy as pie. Of course I had forgotten my name the crack made me lose all my memories but I read around and found the perfect name Giovanni, a Italian name that struck fear in the hearts of people knowing of how strong and unstoppable I was. Over time I made my rocket empire expand gathering troops such as Jesse James Butch Cassidy and Meowth here, as well my newest and greatest member Gary Oak and his new partner." Before Ash could say anything else he stopped cold in his tracks shocked of what he heard from Giovanni, his life story of becoming a Pokemon trainer to Team Rocket ruler but one other thing worried him as it did Misty and Brock. "Wait a minute did you just say Gary got a new partner?" Gary and Giovanni laughed together, glad that Misty had mentioned that "As a matter of fact I do Misty and since its just about time. I think we've kept you all in the dark long enough and now its show time hit it boys" the lights blacked out again, Ash and Misty held each other tight not knowing what to expect. But after hearing the haunting organ music from the background they knew exactly, what was happening as 6 dark voices bellowed from the dark halls. "Prepare for trouble yes and make it double, to protect the world from devastation to unite all people's with in our nation. To denounce the evils of truth and love to extend our reach to the stars above Jesse James, Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light surrender now or prepare to fight Meowth that's right". But the annoying motto wasn't done yet as Meowth giggled at our heroes and pointed, to their left to find out more was on the way as another motto was heard. "Prepare for trouble and make it double, to infect the world with devastation to blight all people's with in our nation. To announce the goods of truth and love to extend our wrath to the stars above Cassidy Butch, were Team Rocket circling Earth each day and night, surrender now or you shall surely lose the fight Cate- that's right". Butch and Cassidy stormed in with their creeping Raticate "And now for the grand finale now introducing to the world, Gary's new partner and the next generation of Team Rocket". Cassidy and Butch introduced as this time Gary was the star with his new partner in crime, as well the announcement of a brand new just as annoying motto of their own. "Prepare for trouble and make it double to, show the world our revelation to beat all trainers into elimination. To prove the world is just not enough to prove our powers are certainly not a bluff, May Gary Team Rocket beats with beauty and might surrender now to our awesome sight Kazam-that's right". Said the words of the new Team Rocket and Gary's staring Pokemon his brain busting Alakazam and his partner, "Well Ash by now you know and probably still like my partner who is also my sister May Oak". The young rocket girl stood there with dark brown eyes throwing back her long, dark blue hair she covered her lips with another coat of fire red lipstick and giggled at Ash. "Wow its May you look as pretty as ever ouch" Misty quickly bashed Ash in the head as he gawked at May's face and body, "Since you obviously know a lot about her you mind telling me who the heck she is?". "That's May Oak Gary's sister she's one of his cheerleaders but Gary said she was too good to be one, and when we were kids I have a crush on her". "Have you mean you still do?" Misty grew red steam blasted from the side of her ears, Ash saw why she was ticked off "No of course not n-not a chance at all ha, ha uh I mean to say had yeah that's had oh boy". Misty expected Brock to stop them but she saw in grief that he was hitting on May "Wow the suit fits you beautifully, how about a date around the world cutie?". Brock got his answer as May side kicked Brock in the jaw back over with Ash and Misty May smiled evilly at Misty, "What's the matter mushy mad cause your boyfriend has the hots for me. The one 10 times more prettier than you could be in a life time ha, ha", Misty was angrier than ever she has been in her whole life it almost seemed like flames blasted out from her body. She pulled out her jumbo mallet and slammed it face first into May's face everyone stood there staring at, the 2 girls like watching time slowly past slower and slower. Misty's mallet dropped and so did Misty backwards back to Ash and Brock as for May, her face was bruised and battered to black and blue Jesse and Cassidy saw that in Team Rocket. Females' going berserk is a very common thing "You little witch Gary start moving your butt and kick theirs", "Uh okay yes ma'am its rumble time guys". The rockets lined up just itching for a fight Ash Misty and Brock were just as ready, but Ash just then remembered something he forgot "Wait a minute I'm not I'm not fighting anyone until I get Pikachu back". Giovanni and his dark team laughed bright red as Meowth pulled a chain as a little light bulb shaped container, was lowered from the ceiling and inside it trapped like a poor little rat Pikachu was in there. Squirming and shocking but to no us as the bulb absorbed his zaps, seeing it was electric proof Ash couldn't stop staring and worrying about Pikachu. Giovanni walked up to our heroes holding his Persian who snapped his teeth filled trap at Ash smirking, "I may be the leader of Team Rocket but I am still a fair man here is the deal. I shall isolate all 3 of you sending each one of you to separate rooms for a one on 2 battle, against each rocket team one of you shall face each team by yourself. Your Pokemon use can be only 3 that you own if you all beat them all 3 of you, then they will return Pikachu you to you and you shall be left alone by me. But if you lose I take all of your Pokemon and join me as lifetime slaves to the glorious Team Rocket, so Ash do we have a deal?" tears came inches away from streaming down Ash's face. The young Pokemon master thought very and long and very hard on his decision Misty and Brock are in it with him, but if they lose all their Pokemon would be gone and they would have no choice but to join. "Ash what are we gonna do what if there too hard then we'll lose our Pokemon" "I know Misty but what can we do?", Brock and Misty saw the pains in Ash's eyes and knew he had to make the choice. "Ash we'll follow whatever choice you choose" Brock's words made Ash feel like a new born child, Ash walked up to Giovanni and said firmly and proud that he Misty and Brock will battle Team Rocket for Pikachu. The evil gym leader was astonished and yet proud that Ash would risk it all just for his Pokemon, "Very well seems you are not as stupid as I thought either and now time for me to leave". "What hey where do you think your going don't I have to battle you next?" a helicopter came from above a skylight opened ceiling, Giovanni prepared to board it. 5 rocket guards loaded the Scrambler on a crate onto the same helicopter Giovanni and Persian looked back evilly at Ash, "I don't think so I have some pressing plans to be made at Indigo Plateau with my little gadget you just saw. Oh and by the way word of advice Ash you should always look before you leap or should I say fall", Giovanni shoved down a lever a large trap door opened beneath Ash Misty and Brock and the gang fell down straight. Into 3 mind bending tubes splitting them up from each other as Team Rocket jumped into the same tubes, Giovanni had already selected the matches and was glad he wouldn't miss the show or his brain plan. The Italian named crime lord watched the fights inside his helicopter from 3 separate video cameras placed, in a hidden spot in each battle room and the first battle was about to begin starring in the first room. Brock vs. Jesse and James round 2 would be up to Misty vs. Butch, and Cassidy and the main event a rival rumble Ash vs. Gary and May. "So you guys are who I fight this time I'm gonna show you guys rock Pokemon power like you have never seen before", Jesse and James were not even close to be impressed by Brock's speech. "Just shut ya yap and prepare to taste Team Rocket's greatest and only victory rocky", Meowth sneered Brock grunted at the gangster Pokemon as he pulled out his first Pokeball "Go Onix". The giant gravel skinned snake Pokemon rose out roaring threw out the large battleground Jesse wanted to go first, "Bah I'll show you a real snake Pokemon attack Arbok" the purple cobra hissed out from his Pokeball. "Charrbokom" said the slippery snake as it lunged fangs first at Onix using its bite attack Brock almost laughed, Arbok sank his razor sharp fangs into Onix only to have them broken the second his mouth touched his body. Jesse's mouth dropped like Arbok's "What Arbok I said bite not break get it right" "Onix now tackle attack", the rocky snake monster shoved its massive body into a tackle and bashed Arbok straight to the floor. "Poison Pokemon can't get their venom threw rock Pokemon skin Onix rock throw" Onix stood up straight, and tall catapulting boulders at Arbok who dodged each one panicking. "Jesse Arbok is a sissy snake do something ouch" "Don't bother me or you'll get another bust in the face, got it good Arbok poison sting attack" Arbok got a speck of courage long enough to fire his multi stinger attack. "No Onix harden then slam attack" Brock got his command to Onix just in time as the spikes struck, Onix hardened his body even harder his massive stone snake skin was unharmed by Arbok. Onix had his turn now Arbok tried run straight back to Jesse she tried to push him back from, leading Onix toward her but she couldn't as Onix slammed his steel like tail. Right into both Jesse and Arbok their bones felt like crunched peanut butter they sagged down from the wall, Brock hugged Onix very proud of him but Jesse and Arbok had one more trick. "Okay you've had it pebble brains Arbok acid attack full blast" Jesse knew that rock Pokemon were tough, but acid melts threw anything the poisonous purple Pokemon barfed out a rain of melting acid. Brock saw it and couldn't move paralyzed with fright Onix had to protect his friend as he took the boiling acid all over his body, Brock cried for his Pokemon but it was to late the acid had struck and Onix was about to collapse. Victory was assured Jesse and Arbok jumped for joy until they saw the flaw in their winning, "That giant snake is gonna crush us move it" Jesse cried running for her life Arbok right next to her. "Huh Onix yes your doing it just fall down and you win" Onix didn't quite understand but, considering his energy was gone he had no choice but to listen. Onix dropped himself straight down and with enough effort Onix crushed Jesse and, Arbok like Poke-pancakes the match was over a tie since neither. Onix or Arbok could battle anymore Meowth pulled pout a flattened Jesse and Arbok as James was up, Brock called back Onix and threw out a new Pokeball choosing Vulpix to battle James. "How cute we'll see how Vulpix is when Weezing takes care of her go" the gas-guzzler appeared ready to rumble, "Okay Vulpix ember attack" "Vulpix-eat flames fatty". Squeaked the fox Pokemon as her fire blast screamed forward to Weezing the gas Pokemon, saw it coming with all his 4 eyes and floated away trying to dodge the fire. "Weezing don't just dodge do something already smog attack" "Wheeze Weezing-you say so blah", mumbled the monster dishing out his gassy move Vulpix saw it and jumped with her quickness to avoid it. Then while still in the air Vulpix used a quick attack to tackle Weezing to the ground, "Yeah great job Vulpix now tail whip" Weezing could only be baffled and bashed by Vulpix's speed in. In whacking him with her tail before he even knew it James was practically pulling his hair out, "Oh man if I lose the boss is gonna kill me Weezing you got teeth use em" Weezing closed all his eyes. Then with one hardy try he sank his teeth into the first thing that brushed his mouth which, happened to Vulpix's tail the poor Pokemon panicked frantically. Running around with Weezing hanging on like a dog on a chew toy Brock couldn't believe what he saw, "This is so incredibly stupid Vulpix come on tail whip him off" Vulpix wagged her little tail out but to no use. James began to laugh finally a victory for Team Rocket, "You want Vulpix off why didn't you say so Weezing sludge her off" both James and Weezing smiled evilly. As the smog-spewing beast blasted Vulpix off with great force pain and of course sludges Vulpix was glued to the ground, the sludge counteracted as a glue nailing Vulpix down as a sitting Psyduck "Vul Vulpix, Vulpix-I'm stuck Brock". "Don't worry Vulpix I must have something in my bag to help ah ha here antidote cures poisoning, and what could cause poisoning more than sludge". Brock ran to his aiding Pokemon spraying her quickly melting off the sludge the blue haired, buffoon rocket wasn't going to allow it though James had Weezing attack Brock. The unknowing rock trainer was caught off guard as Weezing, tackled Brock right in the face he fell down just fixing up Vulpix at the very last second. The healed Pokemon ran to Brock licking him trying to make him fell better "Ouch thanks Vulpix, I'm f- fine just take care of Team Rocket will you" "Vulpix-anything" the brave Pokemon said. Charging bravely headfirst at Weezing "Ha, ha, ha yeah right Weezing smoke screen that loser, of a Pokemon" but before Weezing could attack back Vulpix put her plan into action. Vulpix vanished with her great speed and ran right behind Weezing James was right behind her just what she wanted, "Wait no Weezing stop its me" but that wasn't going to help him. Vulpix used her confuse ray on Weezing making the four eyed poison Pokemon, dizzy in both faces Weezing didn't know who was who Vulpix smiled and jumped back to Brock. "No Weezing wake up its me James mommy no" Weezing smoked James thinking he was Vulpix, and then for good measures tackled James down the match was almost done. "Hey I'm felling better thanks to you Vulpix now let's finish them with your fire spin" Vulpix powered up, as James and Weezing were getting up seeing the yellow in Vulpix's eyes glow brightly. "Uh Jesse is there a door out of here?" "No James but maybe if we pound enough we can make one GET US OUT OF HERE!", Jesse James Weezing Arbok pounded constantly on the wall trying to break it down. But they couldn't and it was time for the fire spin Vulpix released her, raging fire tornado it zoomed flames shot from every corner around them. Team Rocket closed their eyes and screamed their brains out as the flaming wrecker crashed, hard into them scorching every part of their body Weezing's gasses ignited blowing the rockets up making the flame and pains much bigger. The evil gang dropped sizzling and flinching Brock and Vulpix hugged, but it was too soon until a pair of claws scarped both their faces down it seemed Meowth was hiding the whole time. "Though you got rid of me no such luck kiddies now you gotta face and no rock Pokemon can beat me, remember how your Onix was beaten by my genius fighting skills" Meowth started to laugh. Only to be cut off by Brock's own laughter that seriously annoyed the evil cat Pokemon he demanded to know why he was laughing, "No one said I use just rock Pokemon I have some one very familiar. That you might remember from the Dark Caverns go Golbatula" the word terrified Meowth, he would pee his pants if he wore any as the purple skinned bat Pokemon. Bared his ferocious fangs Meowth cried like a 2year old and, with Team Rocket ran away quitting the match of course Brock Vulpix Golbatula couldn't stop laughing. "Gee I guess the purple paint and those fake fangs really do make you look like Golbatula huh Golbat ha, ha" the ex-gym leader laughed Golbat was glad Brock colored him like that while Giovanni blabbed out his life story. Round 1 went to Brock Giovanni was quite impressed at Brock's excellent Pokemon training knowledge, and was sure the next fight with Misty should prove just as interesting. We go now to the room of the second match as Misty kept Togepi back keeping him, out of reach of Butch and Cassidy who decided to fight Misty was none other than. Jesse's rival Cassidy her orange pig tailed hair sparkled as she giggled at Misty's appearance, "So the great Misty of Cerulean City well baby doll your not in the baby league anymore time to show you what Team Rocket is all about". Her Pokeball flew from her hand opening and revealing her giant fanged Raticate Misty had limited choices, with Raticate strong enough to shatter Staryu's jewel core and her Gyarados disobeying her things didn't look good. "Man not to sunny looking for me but sill your going down no matter what you witch Misty calls Staryu", her karate chopping Pokemon hardened up for battle as Cassidy began the first and lethal attack. "Raticate quick attack" Cassidy commanded as the razor fanged rat lunged for Staryu Misty was, shocked at the rat Pokemon speed she quickly counteracted "Staryu tackle it". The 2 raging Pokemon slammed each other move for move hitting just as hard as the other one did, "You stupid rat fight it don't play with it bite attack". Raticate opened his mighty mouth and sank his teeth deep into Staryu the starfish Pokemon, was able to bash him in the face quick enough to escape "Good work Staryu now water gun". "Raticate follow it with a super fang" Cassidy called trying to beat Misty to the punch but, it seemed the rocket girl made an error Raticate opened his mouth wide for his super fang attack. Just wide enough for Staryu's water gun to fill up the rotten rat like a thanksgiving turkey Raticate, dropped to the floor bulging with water in his belly Misty had the advantage. "Yeah it worked Staryu use your swift move" "Hiya" cried Staryu happily as he sped, like a bullet at Raticate bashing him into a rat punching bag. Team Rocket was getting seriously worried Butch told his nervous partner "Uh Cassidy, do something or Raticate is dead meat and we'll be the same with the boss". The female fighter Cassidy was seeing his point until she just remembered a valuable secret she forgot, "What was I thinking how could I be so stupid Raticate show Staryu a real water gun" Raticate smiled and thought of why he didn't think of it before. Staryu was about head for one more swift when Raticate spewed out all the water Staryu put into him, the water Pokemon was sprayed in the face with his own weapon temporally blinded. "Oh no Staryu watch it" but Staryu got his sight back too late Raticate came right to his face, crushing his core jewel into pieces with his ultimate attack hyper fang Staryu was fading fast. "I knew this might happen" "Ha, ha then your stupider then you look if you knew that Raticate's teeth, can break almost anything give it another hyper fang Raticate". Togepi began to cry Misty held him but he still wouldn't stop as Raticate bit and fanged Staryu like, a dog's chew toy the last attack left him bruised, beaten and bitten all over. Cassidy and Butch couldn't stop laughing Staryu couldn't even defend himself let alone attack, he didn't even see Raticate coming at him knocking the poor Pokemon down with a jump kick. "Staryu oh man its okay I know your beat I can get another Pokemon to fight Raticate return" but Staryu didn't listen to Misty, he dodged the red beam wanting to beat Raticate to prove that he can win. "Well we gotta admit that Staryu has guts and now we'll see what they look like Raticate super fang", Butch said wanting to give it one try Raticate came running itching to end the fight and have Giovanni congratulate them all. But the brave Staryu was no one's fool he awaited Raticate not moving an inch until time was right, Misty cried for him to stop but he didn't and at the very last second before Raticate's teeth. Could crunch Staryu's weaken body he used his harden move and his body became hard as rock, Raticate tried and tried all he could but the only thing he broke was his own teeth Cassidy totally freaked out. "I don't believe it Staryu I can't believe your harden move could have broken Raticate's teeth now hydro pump", Staryu forgave Misty for not thinking he could do it. Then blasted Raticate right to the wall with his washing water force Staryu was the winner, Cassidy grunted and groaned recalling back Raticate and now it was up to Butch to take care of Misty. "Pretty good Pokemon there girlie but now no more nice rockets and you know the old saying if you can't beat em join em, and you'll never beat my Pokemon go get her Drowzee". The yellow psychic powered Pokemon popped out from his Pokeball smiling his bizarre smile at Misty, and with one simple pound attack Staryu was totally bashed out. "Drowzee drow-this will be fun" Butch and Drowzee laughed together wickedly Misty, has knows what kind of power psychic Pokemon have and knew she needed. One heck of a powerful Pokemon and she had just the right Pokemon in mind, "Drowzee strong but let's see if he's any good for my Gyarados" the demonic aqua dragon stood looming over a frightened Team Rocket as well Drowzee. "Yes finally I get the respect I deserve now Gyarados dragon rage those clowns" Misty said ready to see her Gyarados in action, but like before he didn't listen and turned his teeth and attack back toward Misty. Just like she feared Gyarados widened his jaws and again ate her straight up surprised, and laughing Team Rocket couldn't stop looking at Gyarados eating Misty with her legs hanging out his long mouth. "YOU stupid Pokemon spit me out now do it or else you get this" Misty screamed, inside Gyarados's mouth as she kicked the water dragon hard in the face Gyarados quickly spitted her out moaning about his hurt face. Togepi giggled all over finding it funny to watch Misty and Gyarados fight each other however, Misty wanted to end this attacking from Gyarados and to find out why he always tried to eat her. "Okay mister I want you to tell me right now and I mean it why don't you listen to me ever?" Gyarados shrugged at her, and pointed with his fins at the bump still on his forehead from when Misty bashed it twice. "That's it because of that little bump fine I'll get a band aid or something a whole stinking medical kit if you like just please, listen to me and beat that hey where did Drowzee go?". The Cerulean sister found that Drowzee was missing Butch laughed and pointed to where his Pokemon was, "Now whose stupid girlie Drowzee teleported right behind your big bad Gyarados now confusion" Gyarados turned around too late as he was blasted. Into the wall by Drowzee's psychic attack Gyarados struggled but got back up "Okay Gyarados hydro pump now huh?" but, her command was not needed as Gyarados used hit bite attack fighting Drowzee on his own. The monster's snapping jaws missed Drowzee as he teleported away each time he tried it Butch was very pleased, "That's it Drowzee now hypnosis" Drowzee waved his claws in the air up and down moving faster and faster. His speeding claws created psychic sleeping waves as they struck Gyarados wearing him down, "Oh no Gyarados stay up you can beat these creeps" Gyarados tried but he was still getting sleepier by the second. "Butch you sure are showing that brat who's the top rockets around here", "Thank you Cassidy and now for my next trick Drowzee rapid head butt" Cassidy and Butch smiled upon Misty's defeat. Drowzee ran upon his stubby legs reaching Gyarados and then ramming him constantly with his hard head, Gyarados arose from his rude awakening long enough to bash him back. Gyarados had enough for a simple leer and tail whip attack to toss of Drowzee Misty tried t hold her wounded Pokemon, but Gyarados didn't want help from Misty she shoved her aside and ran to fight Drowzee. The water beast washed Drowzee right back to the feet of Butch with his, dragon rage attack Butch grinded his teeth as Drowzee wobbled back up to his feet. "That does it time for the big guns hey Drowzee lunch time" the dark voiced brute tossed a small piece of candy to Drowzee, it sparkled the colors of red and orange as Drowzee happily ate it. Togepi smiled at the candy and wanted a piece for himself but stopped once, he Misty and Gyarados saw what happened to Drowzee the yellow elephant looking Pokemon glowed bright white. The evil Pokemon got bigger and even brighter his looks got longer and stranger Misty knew just what had happened, "No way Drowzee is evolving it can't be but how?" after the evolution ceased a brand new Hypno came to view. Butch laughed wickedly looking at his Pokemon "Just a little treat the boss had found a while ago called rare candy, its rare because unlike any other Pokemon food this one is an instant evolving starter. Now with my awesome Hypno your Gyarados is toast Hypno psychic attack" "Hypno, hyp Hypno-you lose I win", chuckled the pendulum spinning Pokemon as his psychic laser blast launched right for Gyarados. Misty looked at him and in this condition Hypno would practically destroy him "NO look out Gyarados" Misty cried closing her eyes tight, then using all her courage jumped in front of Gyarados. And took the psychic blast for him the power surged and singed her delicate body as she dropped to the floor, totally drained and beaten Gyarados slithered to her shocked at what she did. "Gyarados dos Gyarados-why did you do that for me?" Misty looked into the crying eyes of her monstrous friend, Togepi was in tears as well he trotted to his mother holding her hand tightly to get better as for Gyarados. Misty smiled at him and gently coughed whispering "B-because your m-my friend no m-matter how bad you treat me, I w-wouldn't get rid of you f-for a second my f-friend". Gyarados licked her face trying to make her feel better Togepi stayed with her as Gyarados stared, his evil eyes back at Team Rocket angrier than ever Hypno wasn't impressed he prepared for a disable attack. But Gyarados wasn't going to stop fighting now he quickly bashed Hypno back, with his hydro pump burst the furry necked Pokemon toppled over and got back. Butch commanded one final big booming psychic blast and for more double trouble Cassidy cheated in and is now making it 2 on 1 as, her Raticate and Hypno ran doing a double attack of psychic and hyper fang. "Yes go, go take them out once and for all" cried together Butch, and Cassidy as they ran in too going to stop Misty from healing and to take Togepi away. Misty wasn't scared however as she saw that Gyarados was standing tall readying his own super attack, Team Rocket jumped in the air screaming and about to attack until Misty gave Gyarados the final signal "Fire hyper beam". The towering terror Gyarados gladly listened to Misty and fired his strongest attack hyper beam, Cassidy Butch and their Pokemon saw how big it was and then ran at top speed but they weren't fast enough to escape. The unstoppable blasting beam struck every wicked member of Team Rocket shocking and zapping the crooked crooks, an explosion occurred as they blew right past 5 walls leaving at rocket speed leaving Misty as the victor. The young girl hugged Gyarados proud of herself and Gyarados too the spiky dragon picked up both, Misty and Togepi and slithered out of the room and to find Brock which she did and then finally went on for Ash. "Quite amazing I might say that girl controlled her Gyarados by just blocking the blast meant for her Pokemon, why would she do such a risky death attempt and how did they still lose so terribly. Even after Butch evolved his Drowzee with that rare candy, Gyarados beat him along with Raticate and everyone else on my side well I got one more shot Gary and May better not blow it. This kid is good he's beaten Jesse James Butch Cassidy all before but this time he will lose for once, right Persian of course you agree with me after all he's fighting his own rival who joined with me Ash is history for sure ha, ha". Well time to find out if what Giovanni says about is Ash is the truth as Gary and May are lined up, "Okay Gary this is it the match I have been waiting to do all my life but never like this". "Give it up whether I'm on my own or with Team Rocket you'll lose anyhow and with, my sister May with me now any chances you had of beating me just totally died out". It was time Ash knew this would be tough but with all of his Pokemon fighting till the bitter end Ash, just may have a shot of beating both May and Gary and rescuing his pal Pikachu who as we speak. Is dangling above their heads with Ash totally unaware the only ones knowing of it was of course May and Gary, May walked up first her purple colored R shined brightly as she taunted Ash cruelly. "What's wrong kid want your little rat back don't you well to get you'll have to beat me first and from what I've, heard from my brother it's a miracle you even beat Butch and Cassidy so what makes you think you can beat us loser?". Ash's rage and anger grew to enormous lengths he finally screamed back at her "SHUT UP that's no rat he's my friend and his name is Pikachu and, I'm getting him back no mater who or what I have fight. Pikachu Misty Brock there all my friends and I would gladly take a bullet, for any one of them or my Pokemon I am no loser I'm Ash Ketchum and I will become the world's greatest Pokemon master. Team Rocket with Gary Team Rocket without Gary I don't care none of you creeps will ever take away my dream, and as for you May I can't believe I had a crush on a heartless snot like you". At that very second the mouths of both May and Giovanni's slammed to the floor in total astonishment and anger May had the anger, "You brat I'll teach you who to call heartless move it Gary he's mine first slam that twerp Poliwrath". May's Pokeball flew from her hand and the muscle-toting frog Pokemon prepared for battle but, in the helicopter Giovanni can't believe the words he heard from Ash "What in blazes did that kid say rewind video 3 now". The camera machine stopped recording of Ash's match to rewind it making sure that what Ash said didn't sound like what he thought, the tape stopped and played back Giovanni stared zombie like at it. Hearing every word said and whispered it echoed threw out his evil mind "I'm Ash Ketchum, Ketchum", that word seemed to replay itself in his mind a thousand times he couldn't believe what his last name was. "No it can't be that's impossible but he said his last name was Ketchum but then that means", then a news paper he was reading opened up thanks to the air conditioning of the helicopter the lost person section opened wide up in his face. An article caught his interest more than the videotape it showed a young man with dark black eye and hair, said below in bold letters "Search for Maxmillion Ketchum ends as officials can not locate any source of the missing man. Lost around the same time Pokemon league officials hired gym leaders around the world the man was last seen, in Viridian City near a small cliff some say he fell off the cliff but no clues have proven it. Only clue found was years old blood that belonged to Maxmillion Ketchum found, dried up on a sharp stone appears to be a skull fracture by hitting the rock but we at the Pallet national say again its only an old clue. We now end the search seeing that Maxmillion Ketchum may be lost if any one, sights this person he would be much older by today and would most likely be returning to his wife Mrs. Karen Ketchum may god give light to Max's location". Giovanni dropped Persian completely speechless sweat dripped from all parts of his face stuttering mindless words, finally realizing the truth of why the Ketchum name had haunted him so much and who he finally was. "W-wait there's more to the article I m-must read it now" the mind confused gym leader grabbed it and, read down looking for what the article ended with it might explain more. Frightened though he was petrified of what horrifying truth he might discover if he dared read on, but he did desperately wanting to know the truth of hid origins he read it out loud this time. "Let's see the woman Karen Ketchum had asked Max who was her husband, at the time insisted that he went onto Viridian City both were very young at the time. With their child still learning Karen wanted Max to be a great Pokemon master or gym leader so, that when he was 10 their son could as well train to become a great Pokemon master. Karen Ketchum has known Max was missing for quite a few years yet has kept it a secret, to her son not wanting him to know the t-truth of what happened to his father. Today her son has become a gradually excellent Pokemon trainer and is destined, to become the best Pokemon master just like his f-father. The child still has no idea of what happened to his father after he went off to become a master, that boy is rival to the now turned thief Gary Oak who was named A-Ash K-Ketchum. My god that means the same very boy that has ruined my plans and beaten my precious Team Rocket is my own flesh and blood Ash, is my son and I am his father Maxmillion Ketchum NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!". Giovanni had a mental breakdown not believing it that he was brutalizing his own son he repeated to himself, again and again that he was not Max he was Giovanni head of Team Rocket. He didn't bother to turn camera 3 back on as Ash was battling May's Poliwrath with his Bulbasaur, "Hold on a second what's a Poliwrath?" Ash asked as he pulled out Dexter his trusty Pokedex. "Poliwrath-a fighting frog Pokemon half water and half fighting type make this Pokemon a dangers combatant, using such moves as hypnosis and confusion to distract its enemies. As well swimming faster and stronger than any other human or water Pokemon" "That's not good for me, better hit em hard Bulbasaur tackle attack". The plant Pokemon ran ramming speed at "Poliwrath body slam him into Bulbasaur bits" May called out to her, slimy skinned fighter Poliwrath jumped with his hopping legs and prepared to slam Bulbasaur down. "No Bulbasaur look out" Bulbasaur got Ash's warning and jumped out in time as Poliwrath only slammed the hard floor, "You blind or what body slam him now" May cried to Poliwrath who tried it again harder this time. But Bulbasaur was ready "Bulbasaur razor leaf" "Bulbasaur bulba-you wont win this froggy", said the grassy monster as it sliced Poliwrath back to May with its sharp and deadly leaves. "Yeah great job now vine whip" Ash felt much better as he continued his attack, Bulbasaur whipped out his vines and slapped Poliwrath across the face before he even knew it. The whips didn't stop they kept on going Gary started laughing at his sister saying how terrible she was, "The great May Oak is getting beat by a small un-evolved Bulbasaur ha, ha, ha ouch". May shut up her annoying brother with an iron shovel, "Shut up you lost just badly before besides I'm not done yet Poliwrath water gun those vines back". The swirl-faced fiend sprayed the water from his hypnotic shaped mouth knocking Bulbasaur's vines back at his face, "Saur bulba Bulbasaur-Ash I'm all tied up" the brave Pokemon cried as Poliwrath has his chance. The frog Pokemon pummeled poor Bulbasaur rapidly with his fist's keeping him trapped to feel the punishment, "Ha Poliwrath your da bomb now seismic toss that lizard trash". Like a pro wrestler Poliwrath picked the trapped Bulbasaur and then spun him around until both could puke, and then with a heave of his mighty forearms slammed Bulbasaur back at Ash. Both friends were knocked down "Bulbasaur your stuck here, let me help you out of this" Bulbasaur thanked Ash as he quickly untangled all the vines. Whereas May wasn't going to let this happen "Cheating no help from the humans time to face the penalty, Poliwrath double slap the twerp now" Poliwrath changed his target and ran right for Ash Bulbasaur was free and tried to stop him. Yet the ramming force of Poliwrath was stronger as he dashed right for Ash, he covered his face as Poliwrath brutally slapped him rapidly and then head-butted him squarely in the nose and eyes. The Ketchum boy sank down in pain and agony Poliwrath powered up for a finishing, hypnosis attack with Ash out Bulbasaur would be a cinch but Bulbasaur would not let this happen. "Bulba Bulbasaur saur-No Ash now your gonna get it" Bulbasaur looked around for a weapon of sorts to use, he found it the video camera Giovanni placed in their to watch the battles. Getting an idea Bulbasaur used his vine whip and ripped the camera from the sockets Gary and, May tried to stop him but were trapped thanks to some leech seeds sapping their energy dry. Ash slowly got up about to be brain blasted by Poliwrath but Bulbasaur ran the camera in his vines, he got in front of Ash a the very second Poliwrath used his hypnosis wave. Just like he planned the camera Bulbasaur took reflected the mind rays back at, Poliwrath who was totally hypnotized by his own attack. It was clear that Bulbasaur was the winner as he tackled the sleeping Poliwrath, back at his weakened master but Gary was able to hold enough strength and break threw helping his sister in need as well. "Well you beat my sister I'll give you that but your still don't have a prayer against my Alakazam", the Pokeball flew from Gary's hands opening up to his spoon-carrying psychic Pokemon. Ash called back his Bulbasaur and thought out a game plan whom to choose, "Okay guess its time I fought fire with fire Mew I choose you" the playful kitty Mew popped from her Pokeball. Gary totally freaked and now knows the truth "I knew it Jesse and James told me it was false but its true, the stupidest trainer in the galaxy and he ahs the most rarest Pokemon in the world I should have Mew hand her over". Ash sneered back getting more angrily at Gary "Who are you calling stupid and I don't care if Mew is the most rarest Pokemon in the world, she's my friend and were gonna beat you badly right Mew, Mew-right". "How touching a moron and his Mew but now you'll see the awesome psychic power of Alakazam go use psybeam", Gary cried the old man Pokemon clanked his spoons together and fired a deadly beam of psychic energy. Mew saw it coming and quickly hovered away out of its path Ash began his counter attack "Mew super punch", the pink Pokemon flew at lighting speed and knocked Alakazam down with her super punch attack. Seeing it was a good attack Ash told her to repeat and she did rapidly pounding Alakazam into submission, "Darn you stupid pink thing all right Alakazam recover and then confusion". "Alakazam, ala Alakazam-yes master prepare to lose little one" spoke Alakazam as he immediately healed his wounds, and was better than ever and before Mew knew it she was blinded with a confusion blast. "No I remember was happens now Mew get out of it quick" but it was no use Ash saw that Mew was caught, in its confusion field like Pikachu before Mew was slammed around the room bashing into each wall face first. The loving creature couldn't take much more pain like this as Gary commanded Alakazam again, "Ha Alakazam time for your brand new trick I taught you teleport slam" Alakazam teleported from sight for his new move. Gary laughed and pointed up as Ash saw to his dismay Alakazam ready to slam his whole body on Mew, and crack her out like a rock he dropped from his levitation move heading dead on for Mew. Until Ash realized something he should have known "Mew quick teleport" Mew heard him loud and clear as she, focused her psychic mind hard and quickly teleported away from Alakazam. The age old Pokemon crashing to ground aching all over his body getting up slowly, and dizzy "Alakazam you bone head get up beat that Mew now" Alakazam shook it off and ran charging up for his psychic move. "Huh okay let's play it that way time to lose Gary Mew psychic attack" "Mew, Mew, Mew-for Pikachu I'm gonna win", as Mew charged up Alakazam this time used his hyper brain to teleport. He appeared right behind Mew and prepared to fire but luckily Mew used metronome and got, lovely kiss she kissed the yellow monster Alakazam covered his mouth. Then tried to spit all the saliva Mew gave him but that was his biggest mistake of all Mew was fully powered up, "Fire psychic blast" Mew proudly obeyed Ash and fired her beam the astonished Alakazam was paralyzed with shock. The beam struck him frying every ounce of his aging body his mustache was practically of fire from all the sparks, after Mew stopped Alakazam grabbled his fist's trying to force an attack but he puffed out smoke and collapsed. "NO this can't be Ash beat my Alakazam NO!" Gary held his head in anger and collapsed to floor himself, Ash jumped with hands together with Mew happy as a newborn baby "WE did it Mew you won. Gary May we did it and now Pikachu is ours again ha, ha, ha" Ash laughed as Mew blew bubbles around Ash's face, Gary's face was seeing red as he noticed he had one more chance to rid himself of both Ash and Mew. "Suckers now you'll both die Alakazam nuke em psychic attack full blast" the not so lost Alakazam arose quickly, by clanking his spoons and focusing his might he fired his most powerful psychic attack ever Ash and Mew quickly ducked. The beam missed them entirely and went straight up Alakazam obviously didn't aim forward like he should of, the sleeping Pikachu in the bag was awoken screaming at Alakazam's psychic blast heading right for him. "Pikachu pika pi-oh no Ash help" Pikachu squeaked as he closed his eyes not wanting to look but fate has smiled upon, our little friend as the beam sliced the tip of the bag. Pikachu was dropped only a mere few feet away from landing on top of Ash and Mew who at this second, are trapped as Alakazam and Gary were trapping them side by side in the right spot. Ready to ram them out of consciousness they charged screaming like maniacs Ash Mew, looked at each other wondering where to go until Ash's ears heard a familiar and friendly voice "Pikachu-Ash". The Pallet trainer looked up and with totally joy saw Pikachu and his heavenly face, but first Team Rocket as Mew used teleport and moved herself and Ash out of the way. While Pikachu plopped himself right in front of a perplexed Alakazam and Gary releasing his thunder bolt attack, "Pikachuuu" cried the zapping mouse electrifying both rocket members into crispy crooks. Ash and Mew hugged Pikachu tightly happy as can be glad as ever that there best friend was safe, speaking of friends the walls opened up as Misty and Brock walked in glad everyone was safe and sound. "Misty what happened are you hurt badly?" she jumped out from Gyarados "A little tired, but fine thanks for caring how about my true love how are you and look Pikachu how are you little guy?". "Ha, ha were both just fine Pikachu and Mew again saved the day May Gary, I did it I beat them both how'd you guys do?", Misty Brock laughed Togepi hugged Pikachu happy to see him again. "Ash what do you think it was just Team Rocket we kicked their butts" Ash looked embarrassed and Brock could see, that Ash didn't have much confidence in either of them beating Team Rocket on their own. Jesse James Meowth Butch and Cassidy as well crawled in can't believing that Ash beat, the new Team Rocket as well Gary and May argued back saying how they lost too and soon after that. All the rockets got into a vicious slugfest beating each other up of who was the better team the gang, decided to leave laughing at Team Rocket trying to leave. But the evil rockets had one more trick to bring out Meowth pulled out a control button and with the flick of the switch, more vacuum tubes came from above this time sucking them all back to where they first entered the rocket base. Ash and his friends landed roughly on their butts as they turned to see all of Team Rocket looking evilly at them all, "Hey what's the deal you said if we beat you guys you would let us and Pikachu go Giovanni said it himself". They all laughed crying with tears of laughter as Meowth pressed a switch on Giovanni's throne as a huge, TV screen came down showing the dark and evil face of Giovanni came into view laughing along with Team Rocket. "Just like Jesse and James you are totally wrong squirt I said that you would be left alone by me that never at all, had anything to do with my troops. Surprise you thought you could beat me I don't think so and now my rockets let's rock and roll knock em dead ha, ha, ha" the screen went back up, as Team Rocket called out their Pokemon and all together they charged forward for a full destructive attack. Gary and May used some one else this time Gary used a Scyther May a Tangela the 2 new, terror causing Pokemon blocked their way Tangela wrapping them up with vine whip. With Scyther and his double team and quick attacks confusing and bruising them down it seemed the rockets would win for once, however as always they forgot one little detail Alakazam's beam. The psychic blast broke from the base and zoomed for outer space and like a fellow psychic, Pokemon Mewtwo the beam slammed right into the alien's spaceship. With one angry alien stomping with red evil eyes looking out at space "NOW WHAT, I am tired of getting blasted by these stupid beam projectiles first Mewtwo now this schmuck computer track and identify beam location". The computer finally found the final location and gave it to the alien, "What are you telling me the same Pokemon Alakazam that Gary owns was the one that struck my ship if so that means Yes I can finally locate the rocket base". The alien jumped to his computer of what worked since he was still trying to fix the damage Mewtwo had caused earlier before, the location came up he was right he had a lock right on the hidden base of Team Rocket. "Yes it worked just like I thought computer scrap the mind melter ray repairs and begin charging up main laser blaster cannon", the computer confirmed his commands and began doing so powering the ship's blaster cannon. In a matter of minutes the cannon would be fully charged and the alien would fire, it full force destroying the Rocket base for good as he well knew about Giovanni's Scrambler machine. Expecting it to be in the base which is why he is attacking them meanwhile Ash and his friends, were trapped as Team Rocket began to close in Tangela and Scyther keeping them still. "Ash well it looks were gonna win after all and can you believe it its only my 3rd day" Gary chuckled cruelly, Ash Misty Brock panicked every way blocked Jesse grabbed Pikachu and held him tight. "Pikachu is ours we win and you finally Ahhhh" screamed Jesse as Pikachu shocked her with all the other rockets, saving his friends they dropped totally drained. As Pikachu chewed threw the ropes releasing his friends and now time to escape but how, Brock thought hard and then looked up at the ceiling and saw a hole. The same one Alakazam made blasting threw at Mew "Ash look we can fly out", "Great idea Brock okay I choose you Charizard and Pidgeot" Ash called out. His flying friendly Pokemon pals as he Misty Pikachu and Togepi climbed onto their backs, Brock wasn't done he called out his Golbat leaving Team Rocket sizzling on the ground. Ash and Misty clapped high fives and laughed at the beaten burglars "We win and you lose losers ha, ha", the happy trainers flew off soaring threw the winds light as air they felt. Pidgeot flipped Misty and Togepi threw a cloud a for some fun Charizard and Golbat, though wanted one more shot they fired their screech and flame-thrower attacks threw the hole landing right on top of all of Team Rocket. Screaming threw out the world a famous cry of moaning and groaning "Looks like Team Rocket exploded off again" but to the contrary, if they only knew how lucky they were as the alien had fully charged his ship's blaster. The gun fired its destructive green beam and covered the whole rocket base every inch rockets, ran out screaming jumping and running as once again. The beam completely destroyed the rocket base into piles of scrap metal but unfortunately the alien missed, the Scrambler as Giovanni had taken it all the way to Indigo Plateau. Back to our heroes who are flying home back to the hospital to find out if Seth has healed enough to speak of the alien, if they only knew though how close death came to them and even something stranger. Seth during the time his brain was racking him with nightmares showing scenes of Ash Misty Brock and Mew, inside the rocket base being attacked but yet somehow he knew they made it out okay. Even also the fact he knew all about the alien firing the beam at the rocket base somehow, he just knew and prayed for hopeful events to take hold and thank god they did. Giovanni may have taken the Scrambler but now his base was destroyed for good we hope, as Team Rocket learned first hand that revenge is a double sided sword bringing as much pain back to them as was caused by their own evil deeds. Gary and May had known the same pains Jesse James Butch and Cassidy had felt, new Pokemon or new partners it doesn't matter evil is evil and no mater how strong you are. There will always be someone stronger bigger older and more experienced than you in everything you do best, Ash and his friends escaped Team Rocket and certain death luck has been good to them let's hope it stays that way forever. THE END!