Introduction to the Kingdoms Aradvia, the world of The 10 Kingdoms is a land steeped in history and in order to understand the story one must have at least a rudimentary understanding of this world. Note: I do not own the pokemon franchise or any of the names, characters or anything else to do with it. " Many centuries ago it is believed that the first civilization of Ardavia appeared. This land was a utopia in which pokemon of all types and humans were in perfect harmony with nature and it's majesty. This admiration for the natural world was personified by the Guardians, great pokemon which were avatars of the scared elements, Fire, Water, Nature (Grass, Bug,), Earth (Rock, Fighting), Thunder (Lighting), Sky (Bird, Dragon, Flying), Metal (Steel) Ice, The mind (Psychic), and the final element who's name is only spoken in whispers, Darkness (Dark, Poison, Glitch). Although this civilization was the Ideal model for any society like all great empires it would soon fall. Ever since the beginning of time itself there has been a dark, ethereal force, plotting and scheming how he could bring the demise to Ardavia and other worlds within the vast cosmoses. Power is his only passion and his will is law, not of man but of the very universe itself, he is the shadow of sin, the unclean one, the winged deceiver, but his true name has been lost to time. His edict was that perfection could not be achieved, and with Ardavia a symbol of perfection his goal was to eliminate it. His power would have been enough to crush Aradvia if it were not for the protectors of its sanctity, the Guardians. They banded together and stopped the being from beyond. But it was to late; the dark one had already corrupted the humans on Aradvia and made them selfish and greedy as humans on other worlds. The other ethereal beings banished him to the realm of Nivex for his acts of evil but his hold was to great. The humans on Ardavia dedicated themselves to one element instead of all of them. Ten kingdoms were formed, each claming to serve a certain guardian or guardians although they were only hasting there demise. Years passed and industry grew, this need for resources that were once shared sparked tension between the nations. This along with the hate, selfishness, greed and lust that the unclean one had breed into the humans of Ardavia would drove the world into a 100,000 year war that still rages today. There is a small glimmer of hope; the winged deceiver did not corrupt the pokemon. If there is one who can become one with all of the elements and there fore all of the pokemon, then the Guardians will be reborn and perhaps the world can be restored" --- Chronicler Iutose on Aradvian history In Ardavia there are 10 unique kingdoms… Pyrous, kingdom of Iron, makers of war. They are the most violent of the kingdoms that believes that war and conquest are the only claims to power. They are a very angry kingdom and their bloodlust is only increased by the haughtiness of their hated enemies, the Aethous. Element: Fire Aethous land of trade, fount of knowledge. They are one of the most prospers kingdoms and they believe in knowledge as the source of power. They anger the Pyrous with their pacifist nature and good fortune. Even though they might be peaceful looks can be deceiving! Element: Water Hirania, lovers of nature, people of courage. They are a developing jungle nation with little industry that is often exploited by the other, more powerful Kingdoms for their abounded resources. Despite this they are passionate fighters who will defend their homeland until the lat person falls dead. Element: Nature Muharar, people of faith, zealots of sand. They are a kingdom that believes in a strict religious code. Extreme in there beliefs, they will do anything to spread their faith, even kill. Element: Earth Voltarious, the great conquers, lords of the empire. They are the largest nation in size. Entirely imperialistic they wish to spread democracy throughout Aradvia. Their Imperialistic rivals are Pyrous, although they are ahead of them. Element: Thunder Alteria, the floating land, cities of grace. They are an isolationist nation that lies in floats in the sky. They were a peaceful nation that once had ties with the world until the war destroyed their land. They now live in the sky and abstain form contact with the outside world. Element; Sky Nethroa, the great factory, land of industry. They are a massive mega corporation that has massive land holdings and a privet army. They manufacture almost everything in the entire world they are strong allies Voltarious and Aethous Element: Metal Ioses, crystal kingdom, land of order. They are the " organizers" of the world who specialize in cold justice. They believe that the law is above all else and try to make order in the world, similar to the U.N. (united nations). Despite all there efforts they still cannot seam to get the other nations to behave. Element: Ice Vakareous, the manipulators, land of secrets. They are a kingdom that is controlling the world from behind the scenes according to many people Many think that they planed all of the chaos and manufacture wars to serve there hidden agenda. What is known is that they have much power and influence in all of the other kingdoms but there are rumors that they to are puppets of a greater force. Natakaious, the hidden, the antichrist. They are only a rumor to most. Little is known about this kingdom except the legends that it is the only true power in the world and the other kingdoms are just its puppets. Weather or not this legend is fact is unknown, but parents use the kingdom of Natkaious to scare their children. They are the boogieman, the fear that keeps the world awake at night; they are evil personified, at least to the people. Element; Darkness