Chapter 4 Ash and his friends were on their way to make their way to pallet, but before they did there was a pokemon center right in front of them. They decided to eat breakfast there. Ash: Hey, let's have breakfast here for a while. May: Alright, I'm famished Max: but I thought we already ate cereal back there Nascar: Maybe May wants to eat more until she's as big as a Snorlax May (very angry): Why don't you shut up Nascar. Nascar: I don't know what your talking about? May: Why are you always mean to me? Nascar: Because, I watched the movie "Nastoons VS Anime" and it shows that you are snakes and you are liars, and if the producers say it, it must be true May: I can't stand this! Brock: Why don't you guys stop fighting Max: Yeah that's all you guys ever do any way. Nascar: What do you mean we? Brock: Oh forget it Max: Yeah, so Ash when do we go to your house. Ash: just a few more miles, and we go home, but first I need to call some people Everyone went to the Pokemon Center Ash: Can I answer the Phone and call someone Nurse Joy: Yes you can Brock (blushing): You know we can make everything if you had a guy like me? Max then grabbed his ear Max: Why don't you ever get out of this situation huh? Ash went up to the phones and called his mom at home Daisy: hello Ash: Hey mom Daisy: OH hey Ash, how are your friends doing Ash: Great, I'm coming home in a few hours Daisy: Really, wow, Maybe I should welcome everyone Ash: Alright, I'll see you soon Daisy: Alright, Bye Ash Ash: Bye Ash then hangs up and picks up the phone again Ash: Now It's time to call an old friend RingRingRing Misty: Now who in the world could that be, I don't have time for this Ash: Hey Misty Misty then thought, Alright, I have time for this one instead. Misty: OH hi Ash I missed you so much Ash: You did? Misty (blushing): Uh I mean, long time no see Ash: Well yeah, I was just telling you that I will be home soon. Misty: Really, That's great. Ash: I know. Well, see you later Misty Misty: See you later Ash After they hang up Misty thought to herself Misty: 'I think I'm going to surprise him when we get home' Back to the pokemon center, our heroes went on to the forest. Again, another argument between May and Nascar lightened up. Nascar: Well you know what, I think that you should take off you clothes May, because in my neighborhood, wearing too much red is considered a crime May: Now don't you talk about my style Nascar: What style May: Arrrrrgh, I hate you, all you do is ridicule me and make fun of me Nascar: Hey now you started it, you were the one who made me do it May: Man, I'm not talking to you, I'm going next to Ash Nascar: Whatever May then talked to Ash May: Why is he such a jerk, why? Ash: Well you know, Misty and I haven't gotten along when we first met, maybe he likes you. Nascar overheard the conversation and couldn't believe what they were saying, but instead of talking angrily, he laughed. Nascar: Ha! Your funny. You and Misty fight because you guys like eachother, but I fight with May because I don't like her. But deep down inside me, I truly hate her with all of my heart. May: See what I mean Ash: Wow, I guess he hates you after all. A few hours later, from across the hills, they saw from afar a pokemon center. Ash: there we are, Now we can go home and celebrate Nascar: Yeah this is much better than tormenting the weak Ash: Uh........yeah, whatever Ash then approached his house and went inside and surprised to see no one in it Ash: is anyone in here? Hello! Suddenly, Ash was stopped when he saw someone as he entered the kitchen. It was Misty with her Azurill Misty: Hey Ash, How's it going? Ash: Really great, I mean, awesome Misty: Did you win the league? Ash: Actually, I didn't Misty: Oh... Ash: But at least I got you and everyone else with me Misty (blushing): Um...Thanks Ash Just then Professor Oak, Tracey, and Ash's mom went to him as well, along with his friends behind him. Professor Oak: I guess everyone is here. Daisy: Who's the new one behind you Ash: Uh, this is Nascar Nascar: Hey everyone, please to meet you Tracey: Well what are we doing here, lets celebrate Yeah. Five hours later the party in Ash's back yard was over and he even danced with Misty for a while. To Be Continued