Chapter One “Help me… Help me... Someone! Help Me!!” A sudden, blinding white light sprang up in front of his eyes, causing him to scream out in panic. “Ahh!” he yelped, falling over and hitting his head on his bedpost. “Frigg,” he cursed. He scratched his aching head and pushed himself up until he was on his knees. He looked around his room, making sure he did not wake his grumpy roommate, who probably would have smacked him across his face. He pulled himself to his feet and replaced his sheets back onto his bed. Amidst the pain he had forgotten what had caused him to fall out of his bed. "That was such a strange dream," he thought. "It seemed so real." He shook his head, ridding himself of the blinding white light and walked over to his dresser. He opened the second drawer and pulled out a wrinkled midnight blue shirt and pulled it over his head. He then went to the third drawer and pulled out a pair of old blue jeans, full of holes. He replaced the sweat pants he was wearing with those pants. "Wait, what is today…? Oh, my gosh! It is my thirteenth birthday today!" Joy suddenly swept through him. He also remembered what his teacher had said a couple weeks ago, that all thirteen year old teenagers were aloud the chance to start out on there Pokemon journeys. He ran over to his closet and shuffled through all his junk for his ragged book bag. “Here it is,” he whispered to himself, holding up his faded red backpack. He looked around and thought of some necessary items that he would really need. Twenty minutes later he had packed: four sets of clothes, an extra pair of shoes, his empty wallet, and a small sleeping bag. He set it on his bed and put on his black tennis shoes, and grabbed his red and black hoodie from his bedpost and slipped it on over his head. He grabbed his bag and dropped it on the floor, picked up his tangled sheets, and spread them over his bed. When his bed was straightened, he left his room, turning left down the long hallway towards the orphanage’s library. He sighed as he walked past the rooms filled with more boys that were left to live by themselves without an older adult. Some were younger than him, most were older than him, waiting to be an official adult, so they can leave this dreaded place. His parents had died when he was five years old, in the most horrid accident. They had gone on a second honeymoon, in the South Pokemon Sea, on a cruise, when the ship hit a dying Wailord and sank. He walked into the library, a well-known place where dreams and adventures take place. The familiar scent of books washed over him and ceased his apprehension of the coming journey. He sat down at the nearest table and pulled the closest book towards him. Not far away in a larger room an older woman swung her legs out of bed, slid into her slippers and swung her white bathrobe around her shoulders. She was not looking forward for today, because one of the orphaned boys would be leaving to begin his journey through Dotonu. She left here room and headed toward the kitchen to start her annual morning coffee. She opened the kitchen door and walked over to the long counter which held the old coffee pot. She pulled out a filter and shoveled the powder into it. She placed the filter in the machine and filled the other part with water and turned the contraption on. While the coffee brewed, she headed out of the kitchen and towards the door on her left. When she pushed open the door, she noticed that the large overhead florescent light had been turned on. "But it is only 6:30! Who would be up this early?" she contemplated. She headed deeper into the roomful of books. In front of her she saw a rectangular table sitting lengthwise in front of her. Sitting on the table was about six thick books stacked on top of each other. Behind the thick volumes she believed she saw a thick lock of hair sticking up. She went over towards the table already guessing who it might be. Logan had his head propped up against his fists, his eyes going in and out of focus as he tried to read the small print of the hardback book lying on its spine in front of him. He faintly heard soft footfalls heading slowly toward him. He swiftly tilted his head up to find himself looking at Mrs. Rose. “What are you doing up Mister Wolfsbane?” she said severely. With an eyebrow arched high over one green eye. At first he felt nervous, like he had broken some rule; then, he saw a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, and total relief swept over him. He, without smiling, replied, “Just getting some extra study time in Mrs. R. I don’t want to look like some rudimentary trainer when I leave.” “I always thought you were the biggest bookworm in this place,” she said, with broad grin on her face. He contemplated this for a moment then shrugged. “How about you go outside and get some fresh air until I get you some breakfast? Eggs and toast?” she asked. His face lit up, “Sure, Thanks!” He leaped out of the chair and sprinted towards the door. Once outside in the bright morning sunshine, he laid down on the grass under a spruce tree. He glanced up towards the heavens and argued with himself over which Pokemon he would like to meet on his journey. There was a sharp snap of twigs behind him in the forest. He sat upright and swiveled towards the source of the noise. No more noise issued from the woods so he stood up and slunk over to the outskirts of the forest. With sharp eyes he glanced around at the dank forest, nothing moved. He kept moving, trying to tune every sense to radar around him. “Master Logan, do not move another inch or you will step on me,” a female voice said, seeming to come from the foliage on the earth at his feet. He stood stock still and looked around surprised. A movement at his right foot caught his eye and he saw a dark black frame slink out. Around its ears and tail were neon green rings, and on its shoulders and hind legs were neon green circles. Its green eyes glanced up at him with a look of awe. Logan crouched down so that he was almost level with the Pokemon opposite him. “You are an Umbreon, am I correct?” he asked quizzically. “But I have never seen, or heard, of an Umbreon having green rings.” “You are correct, I am Kara, an Umbreon. You are also correct that green markings have never been seen before on an Umbreon. My peculiarity is the reason I have come seeking you. I serve under the Gods of the Pokemon. They have sent me to bestow upon you a gift that will help you with your journey. The gods have deemed you the hero of Pokemon and Humans alike. Do you see my form?” she asked. Logan nodded, his jaw slightly opened. “Concentrate on the way my body looks. Keep concentrating, okay, now imagine your form transforming to look similar to mine.” As she watched she saw his outline shimmer, like he was being rubbed out of this dimension. Midnight black fur ripple across his body. A cracking filled the air as his bones realigned and shrank. Logan glanced down at his changing body and recoiled in shock. He opened his mouth to scream and out came a growl instead. Now a tail shot out of his body right in his lower back. On top of his head his ears moved up the side of his head, lengthening all the while. When the change had finally stopped he shrugged out of his useless clothes and Kara looked him up and down. “Shiny, nice touch,” she commented, glancing at the blue rings on his body where she had green ones. Logan grinned at her, flexing his muscles and feeling the rush of power course through him. “Let us run through the forest so you can try out your new form.” Without waiting for him to answer, she leapt through the foliage and dashed away. Logan recovered quickly and sprinted after the her. He lost sight of her quickly, but rapidly learned to rely on his other senses to locate her. He caught up to her and they ran side-by-side for a while, him admiring his new form, and her approving the rate in which Logan adapted to his new shape. After minutes of running they turned around and headed back towards the orphanage in which Logan would start his Pokemon journey. They arrived breathless at the edge of the forest and the excitement that had built up in Logan now died as he realized that he did not know how to return to his human form. He glanced at Kara helplessly. “You are probably wondering now how to return to your human form, well, do it in the way in which you transformed into an Umbreon.” She said to him. He calmed down quickly and concentrated on his original shape. As the change began he realized that he would not grow back his clothes so he rushed over to the pile of clothes he had abandoned earlier and as the change took affect he slipped into them. With Logan now back in his human form and fully clothed, he turned toward Kara and smiled, “Is it always so fun to be a Pokemon?” Kara nodded and grinned too. Chapter Two Logan sat, and stared out the window of an old Chevy. The rundown car dragged past endless fields of wheat which billowed back and forth in the breeze. “Are we almost there?” “Logan, I know that you know that patience is the most important virtue in life.” Mrs. Rose said with mock severity. “But if you must know, we will be there in five more minutes.” Logan shifted position in his seat and glanced back out of the window sifting back through the memories of the previous hours. “This day was full of events,” he thought. “First, I turned thirteen, then he gained the ability to change into a shiny Umbreon and was labeled as the hero of the Pokemon world, and now I am heading to receive his first Pokemon from Prof. Redwood.” He glanced at his sinewy hand remembering how much strength he had and how heightened his senses became when he transformed into an Umbreon. “Okay, Logan we are here,” Rose said joyfully. Logan jumped, snapping out of his thoughts. He quickly looked out of the window glancing around at all the trees and little wooden houses scattered around inside a fenced in area. “This is it?” he asked. “Yes,” she answered. “Isn’t it beautiful?” She closed her eyes to the light breeze and breathed in deeply. “Err, yeah,” he replied. She continued driving until she arrived in front of a large laboratory. She put the car in park and reached to open her door. Logan followed suit and soon both Logan and Mrs. Rose were walking up to the large front doors of the building. Logan’s stomach was doing somersaults with anticipation.