Trial of the Ground Author: Pavo Prologue: Law of the Nature ------------------------------- A long time ago, when humans still lived in caverns, new Pokémon types were being created. Three thousand years ago, Groudon, the very first ground Pokémon, was born. When a new type was born, new species were created.So Groudon started creating Cubones, Trapinchs and Sandshrews.And he added the Ground element to other Pokémon.Like Numel and Geodude.And a "Council" was created to monitor that type. For example, when water Pokémon were created, the Water Council was born.One individual of every species of the Water Pokémon were given immortality and a seat in the council.This organization has watched over water Pokémon for ages. But not everything was allright.The types had to prove themselves every once in a while.A Pokémon of the type had to fight for his existence.He had to fight against a pure essence, the Spirit of Nature. Every 3000 years from the creation of a type, a volunteer fought.If he succeeded, everything continued as everyday.But if he failed...that type became extinct.That was what happened to Rubber-type Pokémon.They were weak. so they lost and died.That's why there aren't rubber-types today. Today, starts the year when ground-types have to be judged.The Trial of the Ground Starts... -------------------------------