As she ran, the Kangaskhan lumbered to her, collecting her into her pocket, and beginning to run, well, waddle quickly back into a more protected area of the Island. This had never happened before; never was their peaceful island attacked. Humans came, and few unlucky Pokemon were injured and captured. The un-named children stayed within her mother's pouch, trembling with fear. What was happening? Then, the frightened thunderous bellow of her mother made her pop her head out. There was a huge net in front of her, and a few humans. They laughed, and the little girl was pulled out by her mother. "Run, darling. Run and don’t look back." "But Momma..." "No! Run!" And she began to run, running away from her mother, her mother's barks and yells of pain and fear echoing thought the forest. Some humans saw her, and called out to her, but she was terrified, and she just continued running, her feet beginning to ache, and her lungs screaming for more air. She came towards a cliff; the same cliff she had been happily thanking her friend, not more then an hour ago. Humans were behind her, calling out to her, beckoning with their hands. The nameless girl did nothing, standing with her back to the edge. "" A human was yelling, or that was what it sounded like. Frightened, the girl thought she could dodge between two thin humans. Taking the change, she charged, and was quickly scooped up into a pair of strong arms. “We’ve got her!” They yelled, but she didn’t understand. Suddenly, she began to scream. Screaming like a wounded Charmander. The one holding her dropped her, and she crumpled, still screaming like she was wounded. The roar of her friend made the humans stiffen. “What was that?” They asked each other, before the ground began to shake. The girl’s cried weakened, and she stood, her knees bleeding, and her arms scratched up. She let out another cry, this one sounding like a baby Kangaskhan. As the humans fled in fear, the Charizard came and scooped her up, flying away. From her point, pressed gently agasint the Charizard’s chest, her island, had been set fire too, driving the Pokemon to clear spaces, to be captured. Her heart broke, seeing her mother struggle against the bonds that held her. Her weak cry reached the girl’s ears, “Protect my baby!” * She had fallen asleep, tears trails dry on her pale face. The Charizard needed a place to rest, so he landed on the main land of Cherrygrove City. The inhabitants gasped in awe; they had never seen a Pokemon like this. The Charizard quietly laid the little girl by his feet, before spreading his wings. He couldn't watch over the human girl for very long. His giant wings beat at the air, before he finally took off, heading to find a deserted isle to rest. The now silent city stared at the little girl who was clothed in nothing but some fur over her chest and hanging off her small hips. A man came foreword; he was old, and seemed to be in shock. He looked around the town his great great grandfather had built. "Will no one take the child?" He wheezed, looking for a decent townsperson to help raise the child. She stirred, and taking a closer look, he saw the scratches on her arms and knees. He pointed to a young man, who was in his early twenties. “You. You can take the child.” The man nodded, hurrying forward to collect the waking child in his arms. When she had awoken completely, she began to struggle, not knowing when she was. “Shush… its okay... its okay...” The man soothed, rubbing her bare back, and wiping the dried tears from her face. The touch was odd and unfamiliar, so the girl let out a screech. “Oh my god…” The man breathed, as an owned Pokemon, a Pidgeotto, came to the younger girl, and began to twitter and chirp. It calmed the young girl immediately. “What is it?” The old man rasped, before the man looked at him. “This… this is the child that we’ve heard the stories about. The one that speaks Pokemon, and lived on a island, only inhabited by Pokemon!” The man, named Karl, breathed. He let the now squirming child onto the ground, who then began to play with the Pidgeotto, who squawked and chirped. “You’re right…” Many voices began to sound, making the girl stop and look around. She panicked, whimpering. “Oh, come here…” Karl cooed carefully, as the Pidgetto nudged the girl towards its trainer. She looked, before allowing the human to pick her up. “Well take you home. Come, Paige.” The Pidgetto chirped and followed, hopping. They walked to the small house, as the rest of the townspeople went back to their business. "Well, what are we going to name you?" Karl asked, setting the girl down. The house was quait and cozy; muxh unlike the forest she lived in. She looked around, picking things up and sniffing it. Karl laughed, as a younger girl, a year older then the un named child, came running down the stairs. "Father! Father the townspeople are talking ab-" Her sentence caught off, when the un named child looked at her curiously. "AAAAHHHHHHH!!! YOU TOOK HER IN?!" The girl, Tammy, screamed. The younger girl screeched and covered her ears, diving under the table. Karl sighed and rubbed hie temple. His only daughter Tammy was quite a handful at times. "Yes, Tamara. I did. She needs a home!" "Not with us!" "Tamara, this is your new sister! You’re going to have to deal with that fact!" Tammy stomped her foot, glaring at the trembling seven year old under her table. "Well, she /isn't/ and I repeat, /IS NOT/ going to sleep in my room with me!" And with that, she stomped off to her room. A moment of quiet followed, before Karl sat in a chair, and then raised an eyebrow when the seven year old girl let out a giggle. “What’s so funny?” Karl asked, a small smile on his lips. The little girl cocked her head to the side, not understanding. It took the twenty three year old man to relize she didn’t speak human like they did. “Well, we’ll name you, and then the basics. Oh Elders have mercy.”