Oh, yeah! Just a reminder that I don't own pokemon or any of the characters, like Kenta and Marina. Ok, this is my attempt at a sad and cute story with the couple!!!!!! Here we go! Please Remember Me Sitting on the golden shores of the sea, Marina stared into the shimmering waters. She cradled her knees in her arms, unshed tears glistening in her blue eyes. Loneliness crept into her heart as she reminisced her times with Kenta. His very name made her heart constrict with longing. This was it. The final day, the final chance she had with him. Her separate quest to catch the legendary Suicune of the northern winds differed from his. Her heart must accept this or she'd lose all hope. Marina closed her eyes in recognition of her fragile heart. Opening them tot he ocean, she bit her lower lip as her eyes filled up with more tears. She started to rock back and forth in the sands, though it brought her no comfort. She stubbornly refused to shed tears. No, she was afraid. Afraid to feel the streams of her sorrowful heart roll down her face. Footsteps came in the sands and Marina looked the other way. She knew who it was and what it meant to her. Why look at him when her mind couldn't remove his face, like a memory. Kenta whispered her name after he sat down beside her. His legs were spread in front of him. Unlike her, he looked to the sky. His brown eyes were clear yet still showed regret and sadness. "Good luck on your journey," he said, glancing over at her. She whirled her head and stared at him. "Is that all you can say?" she asked, letting go of her knees and leaning toward him, “Don’t you feel it too?" "What?" he asked looking at her, his eyes betraying him with understanding. "Feel your heart compress with each crash of the waves? See my face in your mind, whether you call it up or not? Don't you feel that?" Kenta looked away. "Yes,” he whispered, "Do we have to leave? Must we separate?" Marina put her hand on his. He looked from their hands to her face. He saw the glistening tears and wanted to brush them away. "Look to the ocean. Cast your soul to the skies. And when dark nights seem endless........" she paused, her voice shaky, "Please remember me........" Kenta watched as a tear fell from her face and plummeted to the sands. Like their hearts were wishing to dive into a pit of despair. Marina lifted her hand from his and gently touched his cheek. Leaning, she planted a soft kiss on his lips. With it, she left a message, her desire to be with him. She turned away and stumbled to her feet, blinded by the rush of new tears. She ran away from him, holding her face in her hands, finished off her message. She couldn't be with him. Maybe in another world they could have stayed together. But not here. Not where they had responsibilities. Kenta stood up, her last words etched in his heart. "Please remember me."