Pokemon Journeys Part 3 PICHUPIKA: Got Christmas? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I'm almost to Cherrygrove!!!!" I exclaimed. I loved the way my Poke mon were growing up. Shonen could fly 45 mph now. Neon learned NOT to burn up the tent. I could make out the buildings.....and....... "Welcome to Cherrygrove," a boy with messy black hair and glasses said."I'm Harry," " You sure look like Harry Potter," I said. "I get that all the time," Harry said." By the way I'm an electric trainer." " What pkmn do you have?" Iasked. "Come out, Voltorb," Harry said. "Come out, Magnemite." "Hey! I need some help getting back home to Goldenrod," Harry said. "Can you help me?" " Sure," I said. short, eh? sorry but you'll understand.....