Part III (That night) When Ash and Pikachu were about to go to bed, they were talking. "Pikachu, I can't wait till tomorrow morning! I'll finally get to see Misty after all of these years!" Ash was so excited that he couldn't keep still. He was jumping all over his bed. "Pi Pika Chu Pi Pikachu [You better get a good sleep tonight.]" "Oh, Pikachu I don't know if I can go to sleep tonight. I'm just so excited!!" "Pi Pikachu [Well you should try.]" When they went to sleep, Pikachu fell asleep right away, but Ash didn't. He kept thinking about Misty, and how much fun they were going to have. He finally drifted off in to a restful night sleep, or so it seemed. (Note from Author: This next scene is a big foreshadow.) When Ash woke up, he felt drowsy. "Morning already? I feel like I've only gotten a couple minutes of sleep." He sat up all blurry eyed. When his eyes came into focus he couldn't believe where he was at......he was at Camp!!!!! He first looked down he was in a sleeping bag, but he saw and noticed something that made the scene be even more shocking and abnormal. He was his former 10-year-old self!! Ash then looked up, and saw someone who would make his heart leap to new heights. It was Misty!!!! This made him even more joyful but even more shocked. He also saw Brock, but he wasn't as focused on him as he was to Misty. He got out of his sleeping bag quickly, and started to run towards Misty. He kept running, but he noticed something very abnormal. The closer he ran towards Misty, the farther the run seemed. He kept running, running, running!! Faster, Faster, Faster!! He kept trying, but the image of Misty kept going away from him every step he took. Ash tried to call to Misty to get her attention. He kept trying many times, but no avail. He bent down, because of shortness of breath, but only seconds later he heard Misty scream. He quickly looked up, and saw that Misty was being sucked into the ground as if she was in quicksand!!! He started running towards Misty! He was surprised he was making progress this time! He kept getting closer to Misty, hoping to save her!!!!!?.. But when he got there he was too late. Misty had been sucked all the way into the ground. Ash fell down slamming his fist on the ground, while tears formed in his eyes. He couldn't hold them back. He just sat there crying. He felt so alone now. He felt like his heart was aching. He couldn't stand it without Misty, or to see her suffer like he just did. After a few minutes, he started to hear laughter. Evil laughter!! "Who could be laughing at a time like this!!!" He said with a distraught but angry voice. He started to recognize the voice, but couldn't quite make it out. He listened even more closely, and could tell it was more than one voice now. He still couldn't make out who they were. Suddenly Ash heard another scream!!!! He then turned and saw Misty in the clearing!!! "Ash, help me!!!!!" Misty screamed terrified. Ash could see she was being held captive. She was being held by three dark figures. Ash couldn't make out whom they were, but that didn't stop his anger. He ran towards Misty, gaining more speed every second!! He kept running, running, and running. He was almost there, but then......bam!!!! He was knocked back by an invisible force field and suddenly shot up from his bed!!!! He noticed he was in his room. Hey took some time to gather his thoughts, and after a few minutes he realized what happened. "It was a nightmare......but what could it have meant? Should it be of any concern to me. Was it just a petty little nightmare that he had randomly, like all people do......or was it a sign of things to happen?" He lied back down, and tried to sleep it of. He was all shaken up from the nightmare. He had a hard time falling back asleep but finally managed to. Could this nightmare have meant something, or was it just a nightmare that all people have. A nightmare that didn't mean anything. He had to find out. The next morning he awoke, with no problems......except the nightmare on his mind. He got up and got ready quickly because today was the big day, the day that he would get to see Misty, after all this time. After that petty fight twelve years ago......but would she accept him back? The letter said she missed him......but what if she didn't. There are all kinds of things that could happen. She could have just changed her mind after she had sent the letter. She could have remembered that day twelve years ago, and remembered the pain that Ash had caused her, and then the feeling of disgust could return to her. He had to just hope that she had gotten over it and would forgive him. When Ash and Pikachu were ready, they started out on their long walk to Cerilian City. It was quiet on the way up there as Ash had the nightmare on his mind. After a while, Ash wanted to talk to Pikachu about it. "Pikachu......Could I talk to you about something?" "Pi [Sure]" "Last night when we went to bed....I had a dream. It was a very abnormal dream that I think I should be concerned about." "Pi Pika Pikachu Pika [What was it about?]" Ash told the dream to Pikachu, and more and more Ash had told his friend the more worried Pikachu became. When Ash finished describing the dream to him, Pikachu sat down to think. After a few minutes Pikachu spoke. Pika Pikachu Pi. Pika Pikachu Pi, Pikachu. [I think I know. But it could have been just a normal dream that anybody could have had.] "That's what I thought." "Pika Pikachu Pi. Pikachu PIkahcu. [Well, only time will tell. Here's what my hypothesis of the dream is ........................]" Note from Author (I'm not going to tell you what the dream means, you will just have to figure it out yourself. You most likely will figure it out sooner or later, if not now.) "So......that's what it means. I'd hoped for a better outcome." "Pika Pikachu Pi Pika Pikachu Pika. Pikachu Pika Pi Pi. [Well, remember. These kinds of dreams almost never come true. Their just normal dreams that people have out of the night air.]" "Maybe......Lets go. We have to hurry if we want, to get to Cerilian City by nightfall." So, they continued on their long walk to Cerilian City. Ash thought about what Pikachu had said the whole way. Ash started to shake all over, about what might be the truth of the dream. Was Pikachu right? One thing is for sure. Only time will tell. What do you think? Tell me what you think the dream meant. If you don't and really have to know, just review back to me and I will tell you. I don't want to spoil the story for some one who wants to wait for the outcome. Thanks for reading.