Arc #3: Basic Training Chapter #12: Strolling down the hallway, Jaden reflected on the irony of his current situation. It had only been a week since he'd awakened in that meadow, yet it felt as if those events had occurred a long time ago. Glancing out a nearby window, he noticed that it was raining outside. Looking back, Jaden was startled when he almost stumbled into Aerithtwo. The clone, he noted, was staring out another window and didn't know he was there. As he watched her, Jaden realized that this was probably something new to her. “Some weather we're having, huh?” he asked. Aerith turned toward him, surprise evident on her face. “Uh, yeah.” she muttered. An uneasy silence fell between them. “So, see anything interesting?” Jaden asked. “Depends on what you call interesting.” Jaden chuckled as he turned toward the window. He then began to let his mind wander as he watched the rain fall. “What was that?” Aerith asked moments later. “What was what?” “The image that suddenly appeared in my head.” “Sorry, I guess my mind got away from me. Assuming you weren't reading it.” Jaden retorted. “I wasn't reading you mind. The image just appeared.” Aerith insisted. Jaden snorted in amusement. The pair then began to exchange different mental images. It became somewhat of a game as each tried to outdo the other with amusing mental images. They were interrupted when a feminine voice called out to them. Turning, he saw the woman he'd seen in that field walking toward them accompanied by the Espeon he'd seen the very same day. “Hey, Alice!” Aerith greeted. “Aerith, there’s something very important we need to talk about.” the woman replied somberly. “That reminds me, I'm supposed to meet Lucario in the simulation room. I'll see you later.” Jaden spoke up. Jaden heard Aerith mutter an acknowledgment as he walked away. A few minutes later, he arrived in the room to find Lucario waiting for him. The fighting/steel type wasn't alone as another pokémon stood beside him. This pokémon was a Shaymin, in sky form. Besides the smirk the creature was wearing, the fact that it wore a belt, similar to the one he had, made the little pokémon stand out. He was also curious as to why he'd been given six different pokéballs prior to being summoned. He didn't even own six pokémon. The pokéballs he'd just received were heavier than regular pokéballs and the switch that caused them to expand and contract was created out of some sort of fancy crystal substance. “You're late.” Lucario commented. “Sorry. I got distracted by the weather.” Jaden replied. “I suppose it would be easy to be distracted on a day like today.” Lucario replied. Jaden blinked in confusion at the statement. “Did you think you were the only one acquainted with a psychic?” Lucario continued amused. Jaden snorted in amusement. “So, how's sis doin'?” the Shaymin asked. “She's fine.” Jaden replied. He suddenly stared at the Shaymin in confusion. “Even though I may not look like it, Jovi and I are twins. Although I'm the cute one.” the Shaymin responded. “I see.” Jaden said, noting that the Shaymin was using a gruffer, more masculine version of Jovi's voice. “Hiroki is a mirage pokémon much like the one you fought with during your entrance exam. However, he is somewhat different.” Lucario spoke up. Jaden cocked an eyebrow. “What makes 'em different and how many are there?” he asked. “Well, that depends on what you mean by different.” the Shaymin, Hiroki, piped up. “And that would be?” Jaden asked. “Unlike the other mirage pokémon, such as the replica of sis you used in your entrance exam, I can think and act for myself. As for how many of us there are, there isn't much to say cause there aren't very many.” Hiroki replied. Jaden cocked his head to the side intrigued. “Ok, ok, there's just that pompous, sanctimonious, wench Selena and me. And don't even get me started on that haughty, conniving, whore Rukia.” the Shaymin grumbled. “Who?” Jaden asked confused. “Ya know, the crazy twin tailed Espeo-bi...” Hiroki elaborated. “Hiroki!” Lucario snapped. “Sorry.” The Shaymin replied in a tone that didn’t sound remotely apologetic. “So, let me get this straight. You're related to Jovi due to some overly complicated cloning process. And that in turn makes you related to Aerith because those two are siblings?” Jaden spoke up, trying to make sense about how Hiroki was related to the other pokémon. “Exactly. Except sis and I haven't been properly introduced yet.” Hiroki replied cheerfully. “A glitch was responsible for giving me this form instead of that of a Mew, but I'm not complaining. After all, I've managed to acquire many of the traits associated with Mew in addition to those found in normal Shaymin. Although I'm unable to assume the Shaymin line's land form or Mew.” he added. Jaden responded with a polite but indistinct "Ah." “By the way, I had the most unusual thing happen to me on the way here.” he continued after a pause. “What happened?” Hiroki asked. “Well, Aerith and I were able to exchange mental images with each other without doing much of anything. Do you know what's going on?” Jaden replied. Hiroki and Lucario exchanged glances. “Fascinating. I was wondering when something like this might happen.” Lucario said. Jaden wrinkled his face in confusion at the statement. “Well, the way it was explained to me is that you may have been exposed to psychic radiation when you were ripped from your own world and brought here. As a result you could have picked up some psychic abilities, such as telepathy, although the specific number and degree of abilities have yet to be determined.” Lucario elaborated. “So, that might also explain how I can understand pokémon language?” Jaden commented. “Precisely.” Lucario replied. “I couldn't help noticing back at the creepy doc's lab that Aerith seemed very curious. She's certainly got a lot of spirit.” Jaden remarked after a pause. “It probably has to do with how she was made.” Lucario replied amused. Jaden cast him a curious glance. “Sis, is half-human although I'm not exactly sure how that works.” Hiroki spoke up. “So that's what they wanted to talk to her about.” Jaden muttered. “Yeah. She's probably not taking the news well either.” Hiroki replied sadly. “I guess I'll check in on her...” Jaden said. “After you're finished with your training.” Lucario cut in. Jaden sighed and nodded. “You showed great promise in your examination for someone who has never seen a pokémon before.” Lucario continued. “Everything I know is based on movies I've seen and videogames, although I don't own anything past 'Emerald' version.” Jaden replied. “That knowledge would prove useful when compared to someone who had never experienced such things.” Lucario remarked. “By the way, unlike what happens in videogames pokémon here can use a wide assortment of moves and don't have to forget things to make room for other stuff.” Hiroki piped up. Jaden nodded. “Your knowledge of battle tactics will make my job easier but that doesn't mean you couldn't use a refresher course.“” Lucario said after a pause. “Makes sense. I sometimes get confused about which pokémon can use what attacks.” Jaden replied. “That is why I called you down here. The more experience you gain now in a controlled environment, the greater your chances will be in actual combat.” Lucario stated. “Your first lesson will be a battle similar to those you're likely to have on assignment. Unlike your exam, the mirage pokémon you'll be using have been configured to use attacks prominent to the individual type of pokémon available.” he continued. Jaden blinked in confusion. “You did notice the difference between normal pokéballs and the pokéballs you were just given, right?” Hiroki spoke up. “Yeah.” Jaden replied. “Well, besides converting the regular type of pokéballs, ol' doc Kaminko also rigs up pokéballs that can generate mirage pokémon such as myself.” the Shaymin said. Jaden cocked an eyebrow. “I heard about you're little incident at the Kaminko manor.” Hiroki smirked. Jaden shuddered at the mention of the event. “Who will I be sparing against?” he asked. “That would be me.” Hiroki answered. Jaden blinked in confusion. “Unlike my counterpart, I can use the Transform technique to assume a human form as well.” Hiroki explained. “Really?” “Just watch.” Hiroki suddenly began to glow a brighter shade of white and seemed to expand. When the light faded, a wiry teenage boy was standing in the place the Shaymin had occupied. The youth had blue eyes and dark locks of hair that jutted out from beneath his red and white pokémon league baseball cap. He was dressed casually in jeans, red sneakers, a black shirt, a blue denim vest and green fingerless biker gloves. Jaden just shook his head, instantly recognizing who the boy was. “So, I randomly chose a form from your subconscious. Deal with it!” the boy, Hiroki, quipped in a voice that was unmistakably that of the pokémon. “You will each use a full complement of pokémon in single combat. Normal trainer protocol will apply and I will be the judge and referee. You may begin.” Lucario stated. Smirking, the boy, Jaden had to firmly remind himself that his opponent wasn't human, stretched and retrieved a pokéball from his belt. “C'mon, I'm bored. Give me a challenge.” Hiroki sneered. Rolling his eyes, Jaden retrieved a pokéball from his own belt. As both trainers prepared to release their first pokémon, Jaden couldn't help but get the feeling that things were about to become very interesting. *************** Strolling down another one of the facilities' many corridors, Jaden reflected on everything he had learned. Although the training session went well, Hiroki had taunted him mercilessly the entire time. Jaden planned to study up so he could return the favor the next time they dueled. The only thing on his mind at the moment however, was Aerithtwo. He didn't figure the clone had taken the revelation about her origin very well and was worried about her. One pleasant surprise however, was in the facilities' design and construction. The hallway he was in now belonged to the residential area, or more appropriately, the pokémon's residential area. He couldn't help but notice that the pokémon's living quarters were modeled after the human living quarters, which reminded him of the college dorm he once frequented back home. If he remembered correctly there were levels to the living quarters based on occupancy. Coming to a halt in front of a particular door, Jaden knocked and fought the urge to pace as a feminine voice called out and bid him entry. Upon entering he noticed that the sparsely decorated single room had a lot in common with his own. The main differences between the two were that the furniture was placed in a different corner then in his room and the fact that apart from a small collection of books there wasn't much in the way of personal belongings. His room however, held all of his personal belongings including his laptop and videogame system. He made a mental note to thank Selena for fetching his belongings at the first available opportunity. Letting the thought go Jaden focused on the rooms' sole occupant who was currently huddling on what appeared to be a medium sized mattress and wearing a scowl on her face. “Hey, you ok?” “I’ve been better.” the clone grumbled. “Lucario told me a little about what happened. Want to talk about it?” Aerithtwo shook her head and curled tighter into her little ball. “What’s wrong with me? I didn't ask for any of this! Why did they even bothered to create me at all? It’s not fair!” she stated mournfully, moments later. “I don't pretend to understand what you’re going through but I wanted to let you know I sympathize with you.” Jaden replied. Aerith exhaled huffily but said nothing. Her tail twitched slightly though. “Actually, I can sorta relate.” he continued. The clone's only response was edgy silence and a dubious stare. “Do you remember the day we met?” Jaden asked. Aerith nodded. “Well, just before that I was at a social function and returned to my room to get some sleep. I had this weird dream involving a bunch of questions and the next thing I knew I woke up in a meadow. After that I was attacked by a group of thugs and you know the rest of the story.” he explained. “How does...” “Remember when I made the comment that this was all new to me?” Jaden asked as he fetched a chair from a nearby desk. As he moved Aerith's eyes never left him. Once again she nodded; a hint of confusion in her eyes. “Where I'm from there aren't any pokémon. Everything I know is based on movies I've seen and videogames I've played.” he continued taking a seat. Aerithtwo cocked her head to the side and stared at him curiously. “Although we haven't known each other long I'd like to think we're friends.” Aerith nodded vigorously. “Well, it could be argued that, in a way, your background gives you an advantage over most pokémon in your situation.” he said after a pause. “How?” “See, it's because of your pervious experiences that you already have a vast array of knowledge stored inside your head that neither of us have to feel awkward discussing matters like what all these items are.” Jaden replied waving a hand around the room. “Not to mention what happened back at the Kaminko manor.” he added. “Oh, don't bring that up.” Aerith remarked amused. Jaden chuckled. “By the way, I found out what happened to us in the hall earlier.” he continued. “Really?” “The way it was explained to me was that I was exposed to some sort of psychic radiation when I was brought here. I think what happened in the hall was some weird kind of telepathy. As of yet, I don't really know what I can do. Perhaps you could give me some pointers?” The clone seemed to mull the information over thoughtfully before nodding. Jaden grinned as silence fell between them. “Aerith, I don't mean to come across as rude or anything but what exactly did they do to you in that lab?” he asked after a pause. With that the pair began to talk about their experiences. As they talked, Jaden was pleased to see Aerithtwo was starting to cheer up as she slowly came out of her ball; tail swishing as she did so. He was disturbed by what the clone went through, especially the part concerning the lead trainer, Mitsuki, and vowed to never let that happen again. He also found out about the strange dreams she'd been experiencing and figured it had something to do with repressed memories. While giving a full account of his own past, Jaden was pleasantly surprised to discover that Aerithtwo was fascinated to learn about him and questioned everything. “Hey, Aerith, I was wondering what your thoughts were concerning pokéballs.” Aerith blinked at him in confusion. “I mean do you have a problem being put in one?” Jaden clarified. “They put me in one when I was taken from that other lab. I didn't really enjoy the experience.” Jaden nodded thoughtfully at the news. “Alright, unexpected complications aside, I promise not to force you into one without your consent. I also promise not to discuss your background with anyone without your consent.” he said after a pause. “I'll hold you to it.” Glancing at his watch, Jaden was surprised by how quickly time seemed to go by as he realized that several hours had passed. It was just after nightfall. “Anyway, I'd better go. It’s getting late.” he said standing up and putting away the chair. He quickly began walking toward the exit. Just as he passed through the door, Jaden turned around and looked back at her. “If you've ever got a problem don't forget that you can come talk to me about it, although I suppose there is always that Alice chick you could talk to.” With a nod and a chuckle Aerith bid him farewell. Closing the door, Jaden allowed a smile to cross his face as he walked away.