Chapter #9: Gazing out across one of the center's many practice fields, Lucario watched the rising sun and reflected on the morning's events. Beside him sat Rukia, the Espeon, and hovering just beyond her was Selena, a mirage Celebi. Looking on, he was intrigued by the performance displayed by the boy in the R.R.T.S. entrance exam. In all of his years within the organization Lucario had never seen anyone perform the way he had. Candidates usually either used their entire stock of pokéballs or timed out. None had ever managed to perform a double capture during the test much less fought him in hand to hand combat. It fascinated him to no end that this boy was able to do both; much less manage to synchronize with the snag machine. “I'm still not comfortable with the idea of pairing those two together. I mean, it's hard to imagine trusting our fate to a boy we hardly know.” Rukia muttered. “He did manage to beat me.” “I’m not saying the boy isn't good but I'd call it luck.” “In my experience there is no such thing as luck. What exactly is it that's on your mind?” Lucario replied. “I took the liberty of reading the clone's mind while she was focused on your duel. It wasn't a particularly pleasant experience either.” Rukia retorted. “How so?” “Well, for one thing the clone's mind was a mess.” “Words and phrases she couldn’t possibly have heard before; or sights and sounds she shouldn't know about. Memories she shouldn’t possess. It’s all a big jumble in there, one that the poor creature itself can hardly make sense of.” Rukia went on. “I must admit that I feel sorry for the girl however, that doesn't even begin to cover her potential. After all, I didn’t get very far into her mind before she noticed me.” she continued after a pause. “Go on.” “Her dormant powers are incredible! If she were properly trained in her psychic abilities, I don’t think there’d be a pokémon in this world that could stand up to that girl!” Rukia remarked dryly. Lucario nodded thoughtfully at the news. “What makes you think that boy will be able handle the clone, particularly after she learns the truth about her origins?” Rukia asked. “That's a risk we'll just have to take.” Lucario replied. “After all, Aerithtwo is but a child. It’s possible that given the right circumstances she will be able to cope with her past.” he continued. “We must not forget as well that the boy agreed to sacrifice everything he knew and held dear in order to assist us.” Selena cut in. “How can we be sure this whole affair won't become a disaster?” the Espeon snapped. “Such is the fate of my kind. I'm cursed by knowing all possibilities, but no certainties.” Selena replied solemnly. Rukia merely snorted in reply. An awkward silence fell between the trio as they watched groups of trainers and their pokémon perform daily exercise routines in the practice field below. The silence was interrupted when the mirage spoke up once more. “It’s decided then... Lucario, you will work on tutoring the pair in regards to their physical prowess while Rukia and I focus on their psychic abilities.” Lucario blinked. He hadn't even been aware that the boy had psychic powers. “The boy wasn't born psychic. However, the possibility exists that he might have picked up some residual side effects from the rift transfer.” Selena responded, reading his mind. “What sort of residual side effects are we talking about?” Rukia growled. “Although I can't say for certain, it's possible that young Jaden may have acquired the use of telepathic, mind reading, and telekinetic abilities to a degree from the transfer.” “Although that degree may be questionable it leaves open the possibility that a mutation may occur among such abilities.” Selena continued. “A mutation?” Lucario asked, amused. “When it comes to discussing the complex nature of the physics involved in a rift transfer one must keep in mind that unexpected anomalies can occur.” Selena replied. “As fascinating as such a discussion might be, you’re starting to remind me of Hiroki when he's either whining or trying to start an argument about something.” Rukia cut in sarcastically. “Well, Hiroki is still in the midst of development so there is room for him to grow around such childish exploits.” Selena chuckled. “Which reminds me, while we're on the subject I thought it would be best to inform you both that Jaden will undoubtedly try to make sense of what is around him in terms of what he has learned and experienced within his home world.” “Not that such references have any particular value on their own, I just thought it would be more beneficial if you were aware of such things so as to avoid confusion later on the matter.” she continued. Once again, Lucario nodded thoughtfully at the news. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Rukia doing the same thing. “Well, as much as it pains me to say it, I suppose we really don't have a choice in the matter but to pair the two up.” Rukia stated after a pause. “Still, how can we be sure that they won't get into any undue trouble?” she continued. “We'll have to be vigilant on the matter.” Lucario replied turning toward the others. “In the meantime I was thinking that we ought to pair our newest young trainer up with the other new hire.” “We may also have the benefit of using another resource to keep track of them as well.” he continued after a pause. “Just what kind of resource are we talking about here?” Just behind the baffled Espeon, Lucario spotted a slow smirk cross the mirage's face. “The resource in question has been eavesdropping for the past five minutes.” Selena chuckled. Lucario was amused by the Espeon's reaction to the news. The perplexed look Rukia wore as she glanced between them was almost comical. In all the years they'd known each other; he still found it humorous by how easily she tended to miss things once she became emotionally focused on a subject. Turning his head slightly, Lucario called out to the eavesdropper in question. “You can come out now.” He suddenly fought the urge to laugh as he heard a frantic shuffling sound from somewhere behind them. Rukia's perplexed expression slowly transformed into one of annoyance as a softer shuffling sound could be heard as the eavesdropper tried to pretend she had only just arrived. Moments later, Jovi's familiar feline form hovered out from behind a corner of the building. As she stepped out of hiding, Jovi briefly stared up at them all with those cursedly wide, innocent blue eyes of hers. “I hope you have a good explanation for this.” Rukia snapped. The little Mew dropped her gaze and shrugged meekly. “You do realize the delicate nature of this situation, don't you?” Lucario commented. Jovi nodded but didn't look up. “Good. In that case I have an assignment for you.” The little Mew's gaze suddenly snapped up to meet his own. “I want you to stay close to the pair. Make sure they can get along.” “Of course. Aerithtwo's my sister and I'm not about to let anything happen to her.” Jovi replied cheerfully. With a satisfied nod, Lucario watched the little bundle of fluff fly away. *************** As he approached the entrance to what was referred to as the bunker, Jaden tried to make sense of what was happening around him. He'd awoken into this strange yet familiar world for perhaps an hour, maybe two, yet had already been recruited and accepted by an apparently powerful, abiet secretive, organization of some sort. Still wearing the snag device, he was amazed by how quickly things seemed to be happening all around him. One of the things that surprised him the most was the fact that nobody he met seemed startled by having a stranger in their midst. In fact the reactions he received were polite and friendly, almost as if he'd been expected. Thinking back, he recalled the items that he'd just received. One of the items reminded him of a small vintage hand held radio. The device he'd been told combined a map, a phone, and a pokédex. He'd also been given six pokéballs, one of which had a peculiar emblem embedded on it and a belt to hold everything. Jaden was snapped out of his thoughts as Bianca called out to him. Spotting her, he quickly began walking over to where she was standing. As he drew near, Jaden spotted the familiar form of Kyle standing beside her. Leaning against the building behind the cat-type, Jaden spotted another pokémon. He easily recognized the creature but could tell that it seemed somehow uncomfortable with it's surroundings. As their eyes met, Jaden immediately understood what had just occurred back in the simulation room. He quickly refocused his attention as Bianca spoke up. “I heard you passed your entrance exam. Congratulations!” “Uh, thanks. I think.” Jaden replied unsure how to respond. “You're the first person to ever make it through two rounds and complete the trial in the fastest time recorded.” “Really?” Bianca nodded. “I timed out during the second round.” she continued. Nodding to himself, Jaden turned his attention toward the clone. “Hello, I'm Jaden.” “They call me Aerithtwo... or just Aerith for short, I like that better anyway.” “Ok, Aerith. I suppose this makes us partners then.” “It seems so, not that I have much experience in such things.” the clone replied. “To be honest, this is all new to me.” Jaden remarked. “Seems we'll all be working together for quite some time as well.” Bianca cut in. Jaden turned toward Bianca looking confused. “I was just informed before we met back up that we'd be working together as partners too.” she explained. Jaden nodded once again. “So, what are we doing here?” he asked. “Well, this building houses most of the organizations vehicles, hence the nick name.” She paused, then said. “We're supposed to pick up a delivery then I thought I'd introduce you to my grandparents.” Before Jaden could reply a little, pink fur ball suddenly appeared between them. Although he recognized the creature, Jaden couldn't help but feel a bit surprised to see the little kitten floating so close to him. Nearby, he heard the clone utter a surprised gasp while Bianca and Kyle chuckled softly. As he looked on, Jaden thought he recognized something familiar about the pokémon. “”Although I'm flattered you recognized me, you really should lighten up. And you don't have to say anything cause we've already met.“” the little kitten quipped. Jaden blinked, unsure what the little psychic meant. “Wait, you were posing as the Umbreon I saw earlier.” he replied after a pause. “Observant ain't ya.” “But you're a gender-bender right? I mean you could...” “Just because I'm capable of doing something doesn't mean I choose to. Besides, I like being a girl. Can you imagine seeing me with dangling things down there?” The feline retorted. Jaden shuddered at the mental image. “I'm also the one who kept you company back at that lab, sis. And for the record I'm not short, I'm petite.” The kitten continued turning toward the clone. “Who are you?” Aerith asked. “You don’t know me, even a little, by instinct?” The clone shook her head. Jaden meanwhile cast a glance at Bianca and was rewarded with a shrug. “I don’t feel even a little familiar to you?” Another slow, serious shake from the clone. The kitten looked disappointed. “Well, that’s so not fair. We’re pretty much related and all, and you don’t even know me.” it snapped swishing its tail. “Related?” Jaden watched as the clone slowly closed her eyes. The kitten meanwhile, did a little twirl in midair and squealed in delight. “Jovi's the name. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Aerithtwo.” An awkward silence fell among the group as they stared at one another. The silence was interrupted when Kyle finally spoke up. “Let's get going. The sooner we get this job over with the sooner we can eat.” A soft grumbling noise suddenly rang out causing everyone to glance around in confusion. “How long has it been since you last ate, sis?” Jovi asked. “Two days.” Aerith gasped, clutching her stomach. Jaden winced and shook his head. “Who's driving?” he asked. “I would offer but I just turned sixteen.” Bianca replied sheepishly. “I suppose I'll do it then considering I'm the only one here that's legal. And the idea of visiting your grandparents sounds good to me. Just show me where to go.” Jaden stated. Bianca muttered an acknowledgment and everyone slowly began to file into the building. Kyle and Jovi arguing about seats as they did so. Jaden noticed Aerith hanging back and waved a hand in front of her. “After you.” After a startled look and a quick nod the clone took the lead and entered ahead of him. “This is going to be interesting.” he muttered to himself, unaware of just how prophetic those words would be.