I heard a few jokes and I'm just retelling you guys them! I just Added Ash and Misty! Ash N Misty Page of Jokes Told by Pikablu7001 The first week after being married Ash said...I don't know why you wear a bra; you've got nothing to put in it. Misty said...You wear briefs, don't you? The next two months Misty said...What do you mean by coming home half drunk? Ash said...It's not my fault...I ran out of money. The next few months Ash said...Since I first laid eyes on you, I've wanted to make love to you in the worst way. Misty said...Well, you succeeded. The year after Ash said... 'Two inches more, and I would be king' Misty said...'Two inches less, and you'd be queen' Another year later Ash said... What have you been doing with all the grocery money I gave you? Misty said...Turn sideways and look in the mirror. 2 years later Ash said... Let's go out and have some fun tonight. Misty said...Okay, but if you get home before I do, leave the hallway light on. 2 Months After Ash said... Why don't you tell me when you have an orgasm? Misty said...I would, but you're never there. A day after Ash said..."Hey Mist, let's stop doing that same boring Position And try something different tonight?" Misty said... "Ok, I'll sleep in the bed while you sleep on the couch" End! Comments? Flames? Bad? good? Funny? Dumb? Email at Pikablu7001@aol. Com