Love Letters 5 This is an AAMRN Why? Do you? Tell me why Misty! Why are you here? Is it because of your bike? That's what I thought All these years, I cared about you I don't think your ugly at all I love the way you make me feel I'm sorry I acted like a jerk I guess it's both of our faults I care about pokemon, people And of course you, always I'm so sorry for acting like a jerk You see I just found out about my father Prof. Oak is my true father, Mom loves him I guess that's not so bad, I'm just shocked I don't hate you, in fact you are everything Everything I want, everything I need in fact! I went to the store last night, I brought something I hope you like it, same color and it has a horn Can you guess what it is? Not a car! I know love doesn't cost a thing but I wanted Wanted to show you how much you are to me ~Ash Ketchem~ PS: I LOVE YOU TOO! Good? Not good? I'm evil? TELL PEOPLE TELL!