48 Hours To Death Part 1 Tuesday January 28, 2003 Hi everyone. I'm determined to win an RCA which is why I'm writing this story. I'm using every writing skill I know to write this so I hope you like it. "Misty! Like come on!" Daisy yelled up the stairs. "Just wait! I'm getting ready!" Misty yelled back. Violet sighed. Daisy, Violet, Lily, and Misty had been living together ever since Misty had got tired of traveling all the time. Sure, she loved Ash, but it was wearing her out. Now they were finally going to be together again. Misty was hurrying to get ready. Ash would be there at 7:00P.M. and it was 6:45P.M. "Like Misty come on! It's 7!" Lily shouted to Misty. "I'm coming!" She yelled back. She came slowly down the velvet-carpeted stairs. "Like Misty! You look totally beautiful!" Violet shrieked. Misty had her long, red hair tied up in an elegant bun. She had on a sky blue dress that shimmered with light with every step she took. Her high heel shoes had glittering diamonds at the ends. The shiny earrings she was wearing were diamonds as well. "Come on you guys. Stop gawking." Misty said as her face slowly reddened. "But you look like gorgeous!" Daisy exclaimed. At that moment, the doorbell rang. "It's Ash!" Misty yelled. She ran to the thick oak doors and threw them open. Misty's jaw dropped. His hair was parted and straight. He wore an ironed white dress shirt with a black tie. He was also dressed in black dress shoes, black socks, and black dress pants along with a belt. Misty was lost for words. So was Ash. "You-you look really beautiful." Ash said with his eyes bugged out. "You-you look really handsome." Misty said shyly. She giggled nervously. They hadn't been together since they were 15. Both were now 30, and thought they both looked good. "Why don't you like come in?" Lily told Ash. "We're not diseased you know." "I know." Replied Ash. He was still gawking at Misty. "I've really missed you." Misty told Ash. "I've really missed you to." Ash responded. "Don't mean to like butt in, but like where's Pikachu?" Violet asked Ash. "Brock's taking care of him at his gym." Ash told Violet. "Brock's a gym leader again?" Misty asked Ash. "Has been for about 2 years now." Ash responded. "Hey! Like dinner's ready!" Lily shouted from the kitchen. Daisy and Violet walked through the walnut doors followed by Ash and Misty. Ash's mouth dropped. Sparkling china was set at the pinewood table for 5 along with a soft and purely white table cloth. The pure gold candleholders were lit so that the crystal chandelier glittered high above them. They took their seats in the cushioned gold chairs. "Wow! This place has changed!" Ash exclaimed. "We like always think the like velvet pillows are comfortable." Lily and Violet told Ash. Ash blushed. Lily and Violet giggled. Misty and Daisy glared at them. "Come on. Let's eat." Misty said. They began to eat. The variety of food was enormous. There was steaming mashed potatoes with hot, thick gravy, a buttered chicken sitting in meat juice, a white, plump turkey along with a tender and juicy pink ham. There was also a dish of steaming, yellow corn, nice, hot squash and hot, buttered rolls. "Are you full yet Ash?" Misty asked him. "Are you kidding? I might have changed a little, but I still have a big appetite!" Ash responded. "Well that's good." Violet told Ash. "There's still dessert left." Violet got up from her seat and walked toward the kitchen. It took her about 5 minutes to get back. "Okay! Like here's dessert!" Violet announced. There were mountains of candy of almost every flavor and almost every kind, about 20 different, sweet flavors of ice cream, and more. "If I'm not full after this, I'll be shocked." Ash told Misty. "Trust me. Even for you, you will be." Misty told Ash truthfully. They ate for another 15 minutes before they were finally full. "Ok. Like Ash, if you like want to, you can sleep with Misty or you can like sleep in your own room." Daisy told him. "He can sleep with me. I don't care." Misty told Daisy. "Ok. Then like let's go to bed!" Lily exclaimed. They first cleaned up their dishes and then walked up the winding staircase. "This is my room right here." Misty told Ash. They walked in and Ash's jaw dropped yet again. Her bed was big enough to fit four people on it. There were silk blankets and pillows, and the room looked like eight bedrooms in one. Across the room was a Grandfather clock. Ash stared in awe. Then he took off his shoes and collapsed on the bed, exhausted and sleeping. "He must be tired. He didn't even change." Misty said to herself. She covered him up, took off her shoes, and crawled into bed next to him. She fell asleep quickly. They didn't know what would be happening shortly. They didn't know what horrific events would begin to take place. For awhile, everything was peaceful. The trees were rustling in the warm, summer night breeze. The moon was a full, bright, silvery orb. The stars glittered in the heavens above. Then, 2 people dressed in black silently snuck up to the mansion. One had a gun in his hand, and the other had a ladder. The first guy put the ladder down and raised it slowly and silently up to the window. "Ok Bern. Go on up." said the guy holding the ladder in place. "Hold the ladder steady Lane." Bern replied. Bern got up to the window and slowly opened it. He then took careful aim and fired 2 shots. What shot out were 2 tranquilizing darts, one which hit Misty's arm, and the other, which hit Ash's arm. "Ok! Perfect shots! I'm going in to get them." Bern told Lane. "Be ready." Lane set up a giant pillow about the size of a kitchen and waited. "Look out below!" Bern said. Misty's body hit the pillow first followed by Ash's. "Ok. We have to leave before anyone notices anything." Lane told Bern. "Ok. Come on, let's go." Bern replied. First, they took Ash and Misty to their truck. They put them in the rusted back and went to get the ladder and the pillow. They put the ladder and the pillow next to Ash and Misty. Bern noticed Ash and Misty's head resting on each other's shoulders. "Look at that." Bern said bitterly to himself. "We have 2 lovebirds. Unfortunately, they won't be alive much longer." Then, Bern and Lane drove off into the night. To be continued... I know it's a cliff-hanger. I wanted it to be that way for suspense. Hope you like it and remember, review at mcgovern_bobby@yahoo.com. Bye!