Where’s Our Baby? Pikachu Epilogue Saturday December 27, 2003 Dang. It’s almost 2004! Where did 2003 go? Anyway, sorry I haven’t updated this for awhile. I’ve had the worst brain fart ever but here I am! Enjoy the last part! ***Bobby jumped a foot in the air*** Bobby-“MOM!!!!” ***He started running towards the house but Ash grabbed him*** Ash-“You and Jenn stay out here. Hide behind something. I’ll go in and help your mom.” ***Ash went running inside while Jenn and Bobby hid behind a clump of bushes*** Jenn-“What do you think happened to them?” Bobby-“Bern and what’s-his-face? Mom probably got them. I hope.” ***Inside the house*** Misty-“Ash??!! What are you doing here?” Ash-“Coming to see if you’re okay.” Misty-“I’m fine. DID YOU LEAVE JEEN AND BOBBY BY THEMSELVES???!!!” Ash-“Relax. I told them to hide in a good spot.” ***Misty took out a mallet and slammed him on the head*** Ash-“You haven’t done that to me in awhile.” Misty-“I know. Don’t make me do it again.” ***Ash suddenly spotted Bern and Lane lying in a puddle of blood*** Ash-“What happened?” Misty-“They tried attacking me and I shot both of them in the head. They’re dead now.” Ash-“Won’t you get in trouble for murder?” Misty-“Nope.” Ash-“Why?” Misty-“I’ll explain outside. Come on.” ***They went running outside just as Jenn and Bobby came out of the bushes*** Misty-“Come here you guys. We’ll be okay. Bern and Lane are dead now.” Jenn and Bobby-“But now you’ll go to prison for murder!” Misty-“No I won’t.” ***She then began to explain why she wouldn’t get in trouble for killing them*** Misty-“So you see? Officer Jenny gave me the right to protect myself from them at any means, even if I killed them. She said she wouldn’t put me on any charges so I’m okay!” Ash-“That’s great!” Jenn-“Well, we’re all together again!” Bobby-“Let’s go home.” The End Finally! Another story finished! Review to peoples! ^_^