The Forgotten Cards Pikachu Part 9 Saturday July 10, 2004 *Falls asleep on keyboard* Opps. Sorry. ^_^ I’m just really tired right now. I would say this story is about a little over halfway done I think. Well, enjoy! *Insert big yawn here XD* “Do I have to get up?” Sakura said groggily at Kero and Yue for trying to wake her up. “Yeah. It’s almost 11 in the morning Sakura. You have to get up sometime.” Kero said. Sakura plopped a pillow over her head. “Says who?” Sakura replied grouchily. Yue’s eyes glowed and suddenly Sakura was lifted off of her bed, kicking, and gently flown outside. Kero was restraining himself from laughing. “THAT WASN’T FUNNY YUE!!!!” Sakura shouted. Yue chuckled at her annoyance. “Sakura! Could you possibly yell louder?” Ash asked. Sakura narrowed her eyes and grabbed Misty’s mallet and slammed it on Ash’s head. “YEOWCH!!!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR???!!!!” Ash yelled in surprise. Sakura scowled. “Let’s see how pleasant you would be if YOU were flown out of bed when you didn’t want to get up. Where is everyone?” She asked. Only Madison, Misty, and Ash were there. “I don’t know. They probably went out looking for more firewood. We’re running low.” Madison told her. Sakura plopped down by the fire and wrapped a blanket around her. “You know, this cold weather is really ticking me off. I’m getting sick of it!” Sakura said with narrowed eyes. Misty thought for a second. “You’re right. It HAS been cold for a long time. Do you think it could be a Clow Card?” Misty asked. Sakura turned to Kero and Yue. “IS there a Cold Card?” Sakura asked. Kero and Yue nodded. “Most will just think of this card as a prolonged cold spell but it’s not.” Kero informed her. “Well, it HAS been quite cold for awhile. But I can’t do anything until it acts.” Sakura said. Almost immediately, a cold gust showered over them making them all shiver. “It’s here!” Madison yelled. It was so cold that ice was freezing onto every tree and was coating the ground. The temperature was plummeting fast. “Shield! Protect the others from Cold!” Sakura yelled. A bubble-like dome surrounded them and it became warm inside. “What are you going to do?” Ash asked as she pulled on many sweatshirts and a pair of jeans. “I’m going to fight this card. What did you think I was going to do, blow bubbles out my nose?” Sakura replied sarcastically. Ash rolled his eyes. Kero flew up to Sakura with a tiny sweatshirt on. “I’m coming with. Are you ready?” He asked. Sakura nodded and they flew out of the Shield into the Cold. It was cold like Sakura had never felt before. Every inch of her skin seemed like it was being stabbed many times repeatedly. “Kero! Could I use the Fiery Card to warm us up and to get rid of this pest?” Sakura asked as icicles were starting to form on her hair. “T-t-try it. It couldn’t hurt.” Kero replied, shivering. “Right. Fiery! Surround us to warm us up!” Sakura shouted as she tossed the card into the air. A blanket of flames shot around them in a whirl of red and orange as they warmed up. Sakura’s hair was actually dripping water from melted ice. “Okay. Now what to do about this card. If I don’t catch it soon, all the plants are going to die.” Sakura said. “Well, try getting Fiery to find its true form. Maybe then you can locate where Cold’s true form is.” Kero suggested. “You know, that’s a good idea. Now Fiery, seek out Cold’s true form! Go!” Sakura said. “Now you sound like a Pokemon Trainer.” Kero said with narrowed eyes. Fiery kept a tail around them while it blanketed the landscape with warmth. “Kero! Look down there!” Sakura shouted, pointed to a particularly tall rock. On it, was an icicle that was struggling against Fiery’s flames. “There it is! Seal it quick!” Kero yelled. “Right. Cold Card! Return to your power confined! Cold Card!” Sakura yelled. A glistening rectangle appeared at the edge of her wand as the icicle was swept into the card. Finally, the card stopped glowing and flew into Sakura’s hands. Fiery and Shield then disappeared. Sakura flew back to the others to find Madison quite annoyed. “Fiery completely blocked you! I could barley see you capture the card!” Madison complained. Sakura laughed. “Well Madison, trust me. There is always next time.” Sakura reassured her. Pikachu hopped onto Sakura’s shoulder and took the card into its mouth. “Hey! That’s mine!” Sakura yelled, stomping her foot. “Oh he’s not hurting it.” Ash laughed as the others got high amusement out of watching Sakura chase Pikachu around, yelling for him to give back the Cold Card. To be continued… He he. Best part or one of them so far. Review! ^_^ Cards Caught: The Hot The Tornado The Summer The Lightning The Metal The Rock The Winter The Cold