Garfield, Jon, Nermal, and Odie Experience the Pokemon World By Pikachu Part 1 This is my next part of this story. Hope you like it! Remember to tell me what you think by e-mailing me at Jon-"What do you mean we're in the Pokemon world?" Garfield-"Just what I said. We must have gotten sucked through the T.V. screen!" Nermal-"How will we get out?" Odie-"Arf!" Garfield-"I don't know. But this might be cool!" Nermal-"How could this be cool?" Garfield-"We might be able to meet the real characters!" Jon-"Let's all stick together though". Garfield-"Good idea!" Odie-"Arf! Arf! Arf!" Jon-"What is it Odie?" Nermal-"Hey! Look in the distance! Two people and a Pokemon are coming toward us!" ***Garfield looks into the distance*** Garfield-"Hey! It's Team Rocket! I've always wanted to meet them! Now I finally can!" ***Shift over to Team Rocket*** Jesse-"Now, does anyone have a plan on how to steal that Pikachu?" James-"What's the point? Our plans never work!" Meowth-"That's only because we haven't thought of a really good one yet!" Jesse-"Meowth is right! We must think of a plan that will work this time because Team Rocket never gives up!" ***At that moment, James catches sight of Garfield*** James-"Doesn't that orange cat look familiar to you?" Jesse-"What orange cat?" James-"The one over there!" ***As he points to where Garfield is, Jon,Nermal, and Odie come into view*** Meowth-"James, why are you freaking out? It's only Garfield". Jesse-"Are you serious Meowth?" Meowth-"Yea. I am". ***Jesse suddenly starts running over to Garfield and the gang*** Jon-"Who is that lady running over here? She looks familiar". Garfield-"It's Jesse from Team Rocket!" Jon-"Do you think she'd go out with me?" Garfield-"No". Jesse-"Oh my gosh! Is that really you Garfield?!" Garfield-"Yea". ***She picks him up and screams*** Jesse-"OH MY GOD! IT REALLY IS YOU! I'VE WANTED TO MEET YOU FOR SUCH A LONG TIME!" Garfield-"Doesn't everyone?" Nermal-"Who are you?" ***Garfield and Jesse completely ignore him*** Garfield-"I've always wanted to meet Team Rocket and now I finally have!" Jesse-"I've been a fan of yours ever since you deputed on June 19,1978!" Garfield-"Thank you Jesse!" ***James and Meowth finally catch up to her out of breath*** James-"You didn't have to run THAT fast Jesse!" Meowth-"I guess that really is Garfield". Nermal-"Who are they?" Odie-"Arf!" Jesse-"This is James and Meowth". James-"Hello". Meowth-"Waz up?" Jesse-"Garfield?" Garfield-"Yessssssssssssssssssss?" Jesse-"Who are they?" Garfield-"That's annoying Jon, that's the lint ball Nermal-". Nermal-"Hey!" Garfield-"-and that's the brainless Odie". Nermal and Jon-"Hi". Odie-"Arf!" Jon-"I know we just met Jesse but how about if we go out sometime?" Jesse-"I'll think about it". Jon-"All right!" Garfield-"I'd think twice about that if I were you". Jesse-"I might". Garfield-"We have to go". Jesse-"Garfield, can you and all your buddy's give me an autograph?" Garfield-"Yea. Sure". ***They all take out a piece of paper and write an autograph and give it to Jesse*** Jesse-"Thanks!" Garfield-"Anytime!" ***They all turn and walk into the sunset*** The End I know this story was a little cheesy but I couldn't really think of anything. Maybe my other one's will be better. Anyway, thanks for reading and tell me what you think!