Ash Returns To Hogwarts
Part 13

Wednesday April 2,2003

Okay, I decided to finish, or at least try to finish this story today. I decided, even though I don't
have a rough draft, I might as well finish it.

Hermione-"Wait a minute! I have an idea!"

***She whipped out her wand and muttered a spell. Thick ropes shot around it and the sucking
stopped. The hole began to thrash around wildly***

Ash-"NOW WHAT!?"

Hermione-"I'm thinking! There has to be a spell that can send something like that back to
wereever it came from!"

Harry-"Hermione! Use the Summoning Charm to get everyone out!"

***At that moment, the door had unlocked***

Hermione-"Not much time, but Ii'll try!"

***She screamed "Accio Neville!" but it didn't work***

Ron-"Not strong enough."

***The hole was now swerving violently***

Ash-"Let's all try it!"

***They all said it at the same time, and Neville came flying out***


Harry-"Run Neville! Hurry!"

***They kept doing the summoning charm on all names until they were down to only 3. Crabbe,
Goyle, and Malfoy***

Hermione-"Should we leave them in there?"

Ron-"It'd be nice but I suppose we should rescue them."

***They did the summoning charm 3 more times. Once rescued, Malfoy started his snide
Malfoy-"Why did you rescue me? I was going to get out!"

Hermione-"You can try and rescue yourself again."

***She parted so that the hole was clearly visible***

Malfoy-"Let's go."

***They left just as Hermione gasped***


***Patches were forming inside of it so they could see the room beyond. With one last toss, it
blew up and vanished into thin air***

Harry-"All right!"

***They all clapped hands and then slowly left***

To be continued...

Good chapter huh? REVIEW PLEASE!