Ash Returns To Hogwarts
Part 14

Wednesday April 2,2003

Second to last part! Enjoy!

***Ash, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had just gotten back from Dumbledore's office and were on
their way to the end-of-year feast***

Ash-"Dumbledore seemed pretty impressed, didn't he?"

Ron-"If he wasn't, why did he award us 200 points each?"

Hermione-"Come on! The feast will be starting any minute!"

Harry-"So Ash, are you going back to your world after the feast?"

Ash-"Yep. I miss my friends, right Pikachu?"

Pikachu-"PIKA!!!! (YEP!)"

***They walked into the Great Hall to enormous applause***

Ron-"There's something rare. Even most of the Slytherins are applauding!"

Hermione-"All except the 3 we hate."

Ash-"Oh well. Are we going to let them ruin our good mood?"


***They sat down and began chowing***

Ash-"Seems I'm really hungry after that battle."

***He looked over at Pikachu who was scarfing his face***

Ash-"You can slow down Pikachu."

***Everyone laughed***

***After the feast***

Harry-"You'll be back for your 4th year next year, right?"


***He touched the boot but nothing happened***

Ron-"Uh oh. You might be stuck here forever!"

To be continued...

Don't worry! One part left! Please Review!