Ash Returns To Hogwarts
Part 9

Tuesday March 11,2003

The RCA's are coming! I hope 48 Hours To Death wins! This story is going to be set on
Cristmas Day. After this story, action will pick up again so be patient.

***Our friends are walking up to their domantrys for bed. It is Christmas Eve***

Pikachu-"Piiikkkkkkaaaaaaaa! (I'm so tired!)"

Ash-"So-yawn!- are the rest of us."

Hermione-"It's so quiet. Everyone went home pratically."

Ron-"Not everyone though."

Ash-"I can't wait for the feast tommorrow."

***They arrive at the fat lady***

Fat Lady-"Merry Christmas! Password?"


***The Fat Lady giggled from to much wine and swung forward. She closed with a hiccup***

Ron-"See you guys in the morning."

***They got into bed and went to sleep except for Ash. He lay awake***

Ash-"I'm going to talk to Misty."

***He grabbed the little TV screen and turned the nob. A ringing sound went off."

Ash-"Come on. Answer."

***Suddenly, Misty's face appeared***

Misty-"Aaaassshhhh! I was just going to bed!"

Ash-"So was I. I just want to say Merry Christmas."

Misty-"Same here. Anything happen lately?"

Ash-"Not really apart from a twister ripping the castle to shreads."

***Misty giggled."

Misty-"Well, good night. And Merry Christmas."

Ash-"Merry Christmas."

***He turned off the little TV screen and fell fast asleep***

***The next morning***

Harry-"Ash! Ron! Wake up!"

Ash-***Mumbling*** "Go away Harry!"

Ron-"Come on Ash! It's Christmas!"

***Pikachu tugged at his ear***

Ash-"Okay. I'm coming."

***He got dressed and went down to the Common Room***

Hermione-"Merry Christmas Ash."

Ash-"You to. Did you guys open the presents I got you?"

Harry, Ron, & Hermione-"Not yet. But we will."

***They began tearing the wrapper off and their mouths dropped. Harry had recieved a pair of
flying sneakers. Ron had gotten a Nimbus 2000, and Hhermione had gotten an expandable book
bag along with every single one of her favorite candies***

Hermione-"OH WOW! THANKS ASH!"

***She hugged him so hard, he got blue in the face***

Ron-"Open your presents now."

***From Harry, he got an owl, from Ron, all of his favorite candies, and Hermione gave him a
trick wand that could make him invisible***

Ash-"So THAT'S why your present had holes, wasn't it Harry?"

Harry-"Gee. I wonder?"

Hermione-"Let's go to the feast. It'll be starting any minute!"

***They walked down to the Great Hall which was decerated with it's usuall decorations and the
same amount of food. Just some different things***

Ron-"Hello heartburn!"

***They laughed, took their seats and began to chow down***

Ash-"Is it me, or is this food more delicious than usual?"

Harry-"The same I think."

***When they were done eating, they went back upstairs. They spent the rest of their vacation
playing games and finishing their homework. All too soon, their break was over***

To be continued...

Quite a long part I do say so myself. Review please!