It Can’t Be True Pikachu Part 4 Thursday August 11, 2005 Hey again. I thought I’d try again to finish revising the last parts of this story. Enjoy! “Violet! What are you screaming about?” Daisy called from the bottom of the stairs. “MISTY’S ATTEMPTED SUICIDE!!!” Violet shouted. Daisy was stunned. This was a joke right? “Violet, stop joking around. You know that’s not funny.” Daisy snapped. “Get the car started! Get Lily up here so she can help me unless you think it’s a joke and would rather have her bleed to death!” Violet shouted hysterically. Daisy ran off quickly to the kitchen to alert Lily. Violet scanned Misty’s room in a growing panic. “Come on. Come on. There has to be something here that will stop the bleeding.” Violet muttered as she dug around in Misty’s room. She came across Misty’s diary but flung that aside. If the situation hadn’t been so serious, she thought she might have rummaged through it. Finally she found some rather scraggily cloths and held them up to the light. “This’ll work fine.” She muttered to herself. She quickly wrapped the cloths around the wounds as tight as she could and then made sure they wouldn’t come off. Lily finally managed to get upstairs. “Ready?” She asked Violet. Violet nodded. Lily gently grabbed Misty around the middle while Violet grabbed her legs. They hoisted her off of the ground and carried her as fast as they could to the car. Finally when they were all settled in, Lily turned to Daisy. “Get as to the Emergency Room as fast as you can.” She snapped. Daisy with her face set, hit the accelerator and they took off. Daisy was driving so fast and ran so many red lights that it was a miracle that they weren’t pulled over. “Do you think it’s safe to be going 50 in a 25 zone?” Daisy shouted over the car. Violet rolled her eyes. “Who cares as long as you get us there!” Violet and Lily shouted. Daisy decided not to say anything else and sped the car up to 60. In mere minutes which seemed like a lifetime they finally pulled, or rather squealed, into the hospital parking lot. A light drizzle had started as they pulled Misty from the car and rushed her inside. The nurse at the desk looked up as they went running toward the desk. They barley stopped in time to avoid colliding with it. “You-have-to-help-her-now.” Lily gasped. The nurse blinked. “Okay but I need you to fill out these papers first indicating the patients-.” The nurse began before Daisy interrupted her. “There isn’t TIME! Will you just take her in and we’ll fill out the papers in the meantime?” Daisy snapped. The nurse considered her. “Okay fine. But they better be done before long. If you would just put her on the stretcher I’ll wheel her in.” The nurse told them. Arms now tired from all the times they had lifted her, they again lifted her onto the stretcher and watched the nurse wheel her in. “I’ll fill out the papers.” Violet suggested. The others seemed too preoccupied to bother even though she was as well. They all sat down in the waiting room while Violet filled out the papers. There were a few kids in the area that were laughing and running around noisily which was irritating Lily. “I wish they would do that somewhere else.” Lily hissed. They heard a door slam and looked up and saw a doctor walking towards them. To be continued…