Meowth in the Middle-The Extended Version Pikachu Part 1 TR Monday March 8, 2004 I have to re-type all 4 pages of this because it got deleted yesterday. ***Glares at the floppy disk that was the culprit***. Well, I hope I remember a lot of what I wrote yesterday! Oh, I’m putting a little mark next to the added in parts. The symbol * will signal a new part of the story and ** will signal the end of it. It might still have a couple things from the original these parts, but the majority will be new when you see those signals. Enjoy! ^_^ It was a hot summer day. The sky was cloud-free and the fiery sun heated the grassland, causing a slight breeze which didn’t provide much relief from the late summer heat. A forest bordered the field on half of it. Team Rocket was found lying down in the field, too hot and tired to move. “You know, I’m getting pretty tired. Why don’t we take a rest?” Jessie yawned. “What if the twerps come by? What do we do then?” James asked. By the tone of his voice, he didn’t really care if they did or not. He probably would just melt in the heat. “We try and catch their Pikachu you bonehead.” Jessie replied with narrowed eyes. “If anyone’s a bonehead it’s you!” James snapped back. Meowth slapped his head. They were always squabbling. * “Shut up both of you or I’ll give you something to complain about.” Meowth said angrily. At this comment, they fell silent. It was amazing how the grasshoppers loved the heat. They were making annoying chirps that just added to the annoyance of the heat. Just over the buzz, Jessie thought she heard Ash’s voice. She sat upright and strained her ears. “What’s up Jessie?” James asked lazily. “It’s the twerps. I hear them.” Jessie whispered. James and Meowth sat up and listened as well. Misty’s voice could now be heard. It sounded like she was angry. “Look! There they are!” Meowth said as he pointed to the edge of the forest. Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu were making their way up the trail which Team Rocket had seen them pass many times at a distance. Misty was apparently ticked off. “Quick. Duck down so they don’t see us.” Jessie said. They flattened themselves against the ground and waited. They were hidden quite well considering the grasses were only 4 inches tall. “Look Misty. I know we’re almost there! Get off my back okay?” Ash said with annoyance. “I’m not ON your back. I’m on the ground thank you very much.” Misty replied sarcastically. “Ha ha ha. So extremely funny.” Ash shot back. “Ash! Face it! You got us lost again! This always happens!” Misty said angrily. “No we aren’t! Let me think here okay?” Ash replied. “Oh boy. Set up the camps. Ash is thinking. This is going to take all night.” Misty said sarcastically. Ash glared at her. ** “Uh Ash. I think Misty’s right.” Brock said quietly. “Really? Why that?” Ash said with a raised eyebrow. “Because that’s the tree we passed half an hour ago.” Brock said while pointing to a tree with a broken branch. “WHAT??!! YOU MEAN ASH HAS BEEN MAKING US GO IN CIRCLES???!!!” Misty shouted. * “Looks that way.” Brock replied. Misty growled at Ash. "See? You're always making us get lost!" Misty yelled. Ash was glaring at her. "If you're such a hot-shot traveler why don't YOU lead? It'd be nice to give you crap when YOU messed up!" Ash shot back. Misty pulled out her mallet and whapped Ash on the head. A fairly big lump rose on top of Ash's head. "I probably wouldn't get us lost as much as you always do!" Misty yelled. ** They stopped fighting when a net came out of the grass from their right and snatched Pikachu. "PIKA PI CHU!" Pikachu shouted. "PIKACHU! Who's there!?" Ash yelled. Jessie and James laugh as they stand up with the net. Jessie is the one who has captured Pikachu. "Not you again!" Brock yelled. "Yes it's us again!" James said happily. * "The boss will promote us to number one since we finally got Pikachu!" Jessie said happily. "Oh goodie! I always wanted to be number one!" James said with big eyes. "Actually, we'll be number two since the boss will always be number one!" Meowth corrected. "Okay fine. Number two is a good spot to be in though!" Jessie replied. ** Ash is furious by now and yells numerous cuss words at Jessie who, in return, gets very angry. "WHY YOU LITTLE BRAT! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!!!" Jessie shrieked. "AS FAR AS I'M CONCERENED, YOU CAN HAVE YOUR PRECIOUS PIKACHU BACK!" She then tosses the net onto the ground. She storms off leaving James and Meowth behind. They throw glares at Ash and then hurry to catch up to Jessie. When they finally catch up to her, she is still extremely mad. "THAT BRAT! DIDN'T HE LEARN ANY MANNERS?" Jessie yelled when she realized they had caught up. "I agree Jessie. But why didn't you take his Pikachu? Surely that would have taught him a lesson." James said. "I DON'T THINK YOU HEARD ME BACK THERE! I DON'T WANT A SINGLE THING FROM HIM! IDON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND HOW THE OTHER KIDS HE'S TRAVELING WITH CAN PUT UP WITH THAT BRAT!!" Jessie yelled. "Jessie has a point. I don't understand it either." Meowth said. * "Jessie? Are you okay?" James asked. "No I'm not! Did you think I'd be running through flowers?!" Jessie said furiously. Meowth looks at James. "Well, you were quite angry. You can't deny that." Meowth said. "Of course I was angry! I still am!" Jessie yelled. "We can see that." James said quietly. "It's hard to take those kinds of things when you were always picked on as a child." Jessie said tearfully. James spotted a grassy field off to the left and bought Jessie and Meowth over. "What do you mean?" James asked softly. Jessie wiped a tear from her eye. "I had few friends when I was a kid. It might have to do with the fact that we were poor and lived in a mostly rich town." Jessie said while staring at the ground. Meowth and James exchanged looks. "Go on Jessie." Meowth said. "Well, my mom and I were constantly ridiculed. My dad ran away when I was only 8. He was the main income to. Well, my mom and I barley survived. Everything was such high priced." Jessie said tearfully. "Okay." James said softly. Meowth and James were stunned. Jessie had never talked about her child-hood before. "Then when I was 17, my mom died. I couldn't bear the fact of not being there without her. So I ran away from home a joined Team Rocket." Jessie continued. "That's how you met us." Meowth said with a smile. Jessie managed a slight grin. "Yes. It is. I've never had 2 closest friends since my mom." Jessie said tearfully. ** "Jessie, I think you should lay down for a bit." James said kindly. Jessie wiped a tear from her eye. "I suppose you're right. Thanks for comforting me." Jessie said. James stood up. "Meowth and I are going to find some firewood. We'll be back in roughly 15 minutes." James said. "Okay. I'll rest until then." Jessie said. She began laying out her sleeping bag as Meowth and James made their way out of sight. "That was a really rotten thing he did to her." James said angrily. "I agree. I just don't know how we can make her feel better." Meowth said. Back where Jessie was, Pikachu was standing in front of Jessie with a hand behind his back. "What do you want?" Jessie said slowly. Pikachu didn't say anything. All he did was lay flowers in front of Jessie and bound out of sight just as James and Meowth came back with firewood. Jessie was dumbstruck. "Did you see that?" Jessie asked. "See what?" Meowth replied. "What he gave me." Jessie told them. "Who gave you what?" James asked, a little confused. "He did." Jessie said plainly. "Who did?" James asked, pretty confused by this point. Meowth then spotted the flowers. "Who are the flowers from Jessie?" Meowth asked. "Pikachu." Jessie said with her back to them. The firewood in James and Meowth's hands dropped, just like their mouths did. "You're kidding us, right?" Meowth said. "Pikachu? As is the one we're always trying to catch?" James said. Jessie nodded. Meowth and James looked at each other. "This is hard to say, but I think I like that Pokemon. After all I've done to it, it actually cares about me." Jessie said softly. "Just what are you trying to tell us Jessie?" James asked. Jessie turned around and faced them. "I'm saying I don't think I can try and steal it anymore." Jessie said. James' look of confusion deepened. "If that's what you want, that's what we'll do." Meowth said, flabbergasted. "That's not all though." Jessie said. Meowth and James raised their eyebrows. "What else Jessie?" James asked. "I think if I'm around you two, it'll urge me to try and steal him again." Jessie said. "Which means what?" Meowth asked. Jessie looked at them sadly. "It means I think we should split up." She replied. To be continued… YAY! Part 1 of the extended version is done! Review! ^_^