Return to Mirage Kingdom Pikachu Part 3 Tuesday October 12, 2004 Once again, hi! I am cruising right along on this story don’t ya think? The way I see it is that there is between 2-4 parts left but I haven’t decided. I’m looking at 3 as of now but 4 may be a possibility although I doubt that there will be only one more part after this one. I have too much planned. XD Well, enjoy! If it was up to Ash, he would’ve let Misty continue what she was doing to Hanson. But since she would be in big trouble if Ash just let her kill him, Ash had to do what he didn’t want to. He grabbed a hold of Misty and yanked her off. Hanson breathed a sigh of relief as Misty turned on Ash, piercing him with a glare. “WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR??!!” Misty yelled. Ash’s face went from a look of concern to slightly annoyed. “Did it occur to you what might have happened if I had let you continue?” Ash snapped back. “I don’t care what would happen to me! He doesn’t deserve to live!” Misty bit back. Unnoticed to both of them, Hanson had struggled his way up and motioned for his Pokemon. “You could’ve been locked away for the rest of your life! Murder is a crime Misty, no matter what the circumstances!” Ash replied to her. “Shedinja! Solar Beam! Ninjask! Hyper Beam!” Hanson commanded. Before Ash, Misty, Pikachu, or Togetic could do anything, the attacks hit them head-on, knocking all of them to the ground unconscious. Hanson laughed at his dirty deed/ “That will teach you not to mess with me! Serves you right you bratty red head.” Hanson sneered. With that, he turned around and walked away, laughing evilly. *************************Outside the Paradise************************* “Do you think Hanson has been caught by Ash and Misty? Sarah asked worriedly. The full moon was about half way up in the sky at this point. Ash and Misty had been in the Paradise for roughly 2 and a half hours. “Well if they have, they are either struggling to get him back here or else they are just taking their sweet time.” Max replied. Miranda shook her head. “I doubt that that is the case Max. By the look of rage in Misty’s eyes, I’d say she was going to kill Hanson. Literally.” Miranda replied. Brock looked a tad worried. He wasn’t even talking which was very much unlike him. The others noticed this and took note of Brock’s strange behavior. “Brock? What’s up?” May asked. Brock still stared at the gateway. After a moment, he answered. “What if they are in some sort of trouble?” Brock asked. The others exchanged nervous looks. “What kind of trouble do you mean Brock?” Sarah asked. I don’t think even Brock was sure about what he meant but he answered anyway. “What if they aren’t able to catch Hanson? What if something happened to them?” Brock replied. *************************Back to the Paradise************************* Ash by this time was slowly gaining consciousness. His vision swam before him in a tint of blackness that made it hard to see anything. Still, he crawled over to Misty and shook her to jar her awake. He did the same thing to Togetic and Pikachu who were also starting to recover. “Man, my head is throbbing.” Misty said lightly when she finally had recovered fully. Togetic motioned over in the direction of the North. Ash blinked as he was slightly confused. “Are you saying we should go that way Togetic?” Ash asked. Togetic nodded its head so Ash and Misty got to their feet. Misty took one look around and gasped. The Paradise was yet again, gray and wilty. The trees leaves had all disappeared. Dark and ominous clouds filled the sky and patches of flowers and grasses had been replaced by spots of bare earth. Underneath one tree they found two Togepi who were huddling together. Ash and Misty quickly ran to them and picked one up. “Are you guys okay?” Misty asked. Ash also asked the same question. Both of their Togepi’s opened their eyes and blinked. Togetic flew up and swung its hands back and forth. “What is it doing?” Ash asked. “It seems like Togetic is using Metronome.” Misty replied. Bright light glowed out of Togetic’s fingertips and into the Togepi. With each passing second, the Togepi appeared to get happier and happier until their health was restored. “There you go! You’re fine!” Misty cooed. From the East, they saw a bright light that lit up the sky. Misty and Ash looked at each other. “That had to be Hanson again. He never learns does he?” Ash growled. Misty suddenly spotted something on Ash’s forehead. “Ash, your head is bleeding!” Misty told him suddenly. Ash blinked at this statement but lifted his hands up to his head and pulled them away. Blood shined on them. “I can deal with that later. Right now we have to get to Hanson.” Ash replied. Misty nodded and they headed off into the East with Togetic and the two Togepi’s hovering nearby. Pikachu sat on Ash’s shoulder, anxiously waiting. Then, after what was about a 5 minute run, they came upon Hanson. He had cornered a Togepi up against a tree and it was crying. Hanson laughed. “You are mine Togepi! Shedinja! Solar Beam now!” Hanson yelled. There was just one tiny error. Before Ash and Misty could do anything, one of the Togepi by their side darted out and performed Safeguard just in time which made the attacks bounce right off. “Hanson! Do you not know when to quit??!! Look at what you have done! These Pokemon do not deserve this kind of treatment!” Misty yelled. Togetic started to move forward but the guarding Togepi motioned for it to stay put. Togepi closed its eyes and Ash as well as Misty saw its hands glow white. With unimaginable power, the little Togepi launched a massive Solar Beam at Shedinja, making it collapse to the ground. “Whoa! No way!” Ash exclaimed. “How is that possible?” “Well, Metronome can mimic other attacks. It’s just a guess of which one you get.” Misty replied. The injured Togepi looked at the guardian one with tons of respect. Hanson was enraged. “You bratty twerp! I’ll teach you not to…” Hanson began but got cut off. The Togepi began to glow white. Right in front of their eyes, the Togepi’s form changed. After the brightness faded, a new Pokemon stood before them. “Whoa! It evolved into Togetic!” Misty exclaimed. To be continued… Well, I hope you liked it. I’m going to start wrapping the story up in the next part or two. Also, I’m not sure if Metronome can do a variety of attack so, yeah. Well, review! ^_^