A New Friend Pikachu Part 19 classof2006rocks1987@yahoo.com OT

Friday August 15, 2003

Okays! Another part I’m doing. I’m either going to do Part 20 today or tomorrow. Most
likely tomorrow. Enjoy!

***They were walking towards the only hotel in the city. It was a Best Western Hotel and since it would be dark soon, they thought they would sleep in a hotel for the night. In the West, the Sun was a brilliant orange and the sky was shaded bright colors of red, pink, and purple***

Maggie-“Wow. I never knew Flaw Town would have such beautiful scenery!”

Misty-“I know. There are fields of flowers everywhere once you get out of the city. Even most of the houses have beautiful flowers.”

***They had just walked by a house with tons of colorful and extremely healthy sunflowers. The house also had brilliant Geraniums and colorful Petunias***

Ash-“Stop tripping over every house you see with flowers.”

Maggie-“Shut your pie hole.”

***Misty and Brock snorted then laughed***

Brock-“We’re at the hotel. Are we going in or not?”


***They marched up to the front desk. The clerk looked up***

Clerk-“Can I help you?”

Brock-“Yes. We’d like 2 rooms side by side. Is that possible?”

Clerk-“Yes. Rooms 12 and 13 are open on the 3rd floor.”

Misty-“Uh, is Room 11 open?”


***Misty sighed***

Ash-“We’ll take them.”

Clerk-“Okay. The total for the night is $84.67.”

***They all paid and went to the 3rd floor***

Ash-“Brock and I will take Room 12. You two take Room 13.”

Maggie-“Oh no. 13 is the worst number. Misty and I will take Room 12.”

***Without even waiting for an answer, Misty and Maggie hurried into Room 12 and shut the door***

Ash-“Girls. Come on. I’m tired. There had better be two beds because I’m not sleeping in
the same bed with you.”

Brock-“I wouldn’t want you to.”

***They opened the door and saw there were two beds. They sighed in relief***

Ash-“Today was a long day.”

***Before he even undressed he collapsed into bed and fell asleep***

To be continued…

Okay. A bit boring. Sorry about that. Review please!