When Friends Are No Longer Friends
Part 5

Tuesday April First,2002

Happy April Fool's Day! I am on a roll with this story which is good! I'm trying to finish all but 1
which will take me about 3 years to complete considering it will have about 120 parts(A New
Friend). Anyway, I'm dedicating this to Ttogepretty. Again, thanks for sending in my stories!

Brock-"There was supposed to be a hot girl here!"

Ash and Misty-"There was supposed to be some hot-shot trainer to!"

Misty-"What's going on?"

"I remebered that ropes suddenly wraped around them so they couldn't get away from each other.
That's when we stepped out from behind the bushes..."

Misty, and Brock-"Team Rocket!"

Ash-"And Pikachu? What's going on??!!"

Jessie-"Meowth will translate."

Meowth-"Okay. Start talking Pikachu."

"I began talking and Meowth began translating."

Meowth-"That day was really hurtful. Ash, you went away from Brock and Misty not thinking
about my feelings. You guys have had worse fights than that so why did we seperate?"

"I remember the silence. Then Ash spoke."

Ash-"I guess it was kind of dumb huh?"

Brock-"Now that you think about it, it was."

Misty-"Yeah. I forgive."

Ash and Brock-"Me to."

"Jessie and James went and untied them and I hopped back up on Aash's shoulder."

Jessie-"I think we should leave them alone today."

James-"Good point."

"With that, they left and slowly walked away."

The End.

Another story finished! Yaaaaaaaaa! Please review.